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  1. Update, diet, half term and op date
  2. Chest discomfort and Nausea
  3. How to live with the fear of cancer
  4. Worried and Scared
  5. Xanax withdrawal, head-lightness, dizziness
  6. Muscle that looks like a lump?
  7. Reason for worry?
  8. I can't do it anymore.
  9. don't want to live like this anymore
  10. Vent
  11. I am so tired of panic and anxiety
  12. Colorectal surgery consult friday- very anxious tmi
  13. Swollowing problem's, throat cancer worry.
  14. Felt my underarm nodes again.
  15. Worried about heart rate
  16. Prolapsed disc lumbar spine.
  17. ....... exercise
  18. Heart flutters/sharp pain
  19. Lightning bolt across vision.
  20. Constantly checking boobs
  21. Red in stool
  22. Off to Doctors, insomnia and self harm
  23. Back from doctors (again)
  24. Major panic from carbon monoxide
  25. Neurological Symptoms
  26. Dull ache in left leg with vibrating feeling in foot.
  27. Pulmonary embolism
  28. My anxiety gets worst with my kid -lymph nodes
  29. Eye freckle help!!!
  30. Heart concerns
  31. Heart?
  32. Blood when peeing
  33. Heart attack fears - pls help
  34. GI symptoms
  35. Lump
  36. Health anxiety sufferer
  37. Panic attack eariler. Numb hands/legs dry mouth all limbs heavy. Anyone relate?
  38. Keep closing one eye.
  39. Why didn't they give me contrast
  40. Meds...
  41. Muscle Jenks and Hyperreflexia (brisk reflexes)
  42. Heart racing at night, health anxiety coming back
  43. HIV OCD and anxiety is back again
  44. Does this sound like a heart attack to you?
  45. Final Follow Up From Doctor
  46. Should I get more testing????
  47. Tooth problems, health anxiety combined with fear of dentist isn't helping :/
  48. Cancer Phobia Ruining my life
  49. Pricked my finger with a rusty pin
  50. Should I be worried??
  51. panreas?
  52. All the time though? ??
  53. Hilarious health anxiety blip..
  54. Thread left in leg after stitches removed!!!!
  55. Had my first CBT session (sort of) today
  56. Ugh I'm so annoying I'm sorry
  57. Does this sound like DVT?
  58. I'm scared to sleep. Lymphoma/night sweats/ swollen lymphnode
  59. Trapped wind or something?
  60. Head feels strange... worried about Depression
  61. I've just realised I have started 17 threads all on the topic of lymphnodes
  62. Still worried about my pancreas....
  63. Anyone else terrified of cleaning products?
  64. GP thinks she can hear Soft Murmur
  65. Pregnancy fears
  66. I've been having weird disconnected health issues...
  67. Bloods.
  68. petechial rash? very worried
  69. Freaking out
  70. Had wisdom teeth out... normal to feel this bad?
  71. Sertraline side effects?
  72. Weight Advice
  73. Sugar & GI symptoms PLEASE RESPOND
  74. I know its anxiety.... I know it's anxiety..... I know it's anxiety
  75. Should I go to doctor for breathing problems?
  76. How big do tumors have to be to cause symptoms
  77. One Year On...
  78. Am I Being Irrational?
  79. Tonsil cancer?
  80. Thinking of suicide
  81. Forgetfulness causing more anxiety
  82. please help yellowy toenails !!!!
  83. Zopiclone/Nytol
  84. Trying to stay calm spasms/flashing pain near bottom of right ribs
  85. Dizzy
  86. Help I have a rash
  87. Food poisoning scare. Help Please
  88. Lymph Node Obsession i need help
  89. Do u think that a brain tumor smaller then a pea can cause symptoms?
  90. DVT/Blood Clot Anxiety
  91. Hit in the temple
  92. IBS - Health Anxiety
  93. Feeling so scared and alone
  94. Ill since December and convinced I have a chronic disease
  95. Managing my anxiety/physical symptons now more a less all checks are done.
  96. Feel so out of it.
  97. E-coli Exposure
  98. Ovarian tumour now spread cancer everywhere
  99. Ibs help
  100. D-Dimer Test
  101. Anxiety AND Depression
  102. Brain bleed?
  103. Hangover or worse
  104. Example of how HA can mess with your head!
  105. Burned my arm
  106. Docs appt tomorrow, Cancer fears AGAIN
  107. Itching behind ears- Symptom.
  108. DVT fears taking over my life
  109. I have petechiae which is giving me bad thoughts...
  110. Could I have meningitis
  111. Lung.
  112. Urine particles
  113. HA about children
  114. Chest pain
  115. What the hell...Brugada syndrome! Trigger (don't if you have heart anxiety)
  116. Withdrawl from escitalopram (lexapro)
  117. Fear for partner lung C
  118. Please read, very worried
  119. Confusion/disorientation - examples?
  120. Urine test question
  121. Major health anxiety about brain tumour
  122. Dry drowning worry for daughter. For once it's not about me
  123. Hemmeroid surgery...anyone done it?
  124. Pulmonary embolism
  125. I don't want to live anymore. I can't take it anymore.
  126. Damn Twitches
  127. putting two and two together is hard
  128. Bit of a wildcard.. Worried about boyfriend
  129. I can't feel anything, and it feels strange.
  130. All was going so well. Now Im another one with twitching and perceived weakness.
  131. Diagnosis of health anxiety?
  132. Anyone elses anxiety get way worse at night when you are tired?
  133. Felt like I just had a heart attack :/
  134. I'm freaking out right now please help
  135. Dull ache upper left abdomen - pancreatic cancer???
  136. Sternocleidomastoid muscle or lump
  137. Part of tongue slightly darker than the rest?
  138. Weird pain in right temple
  139. Trying to think rationally but struggling
  140. Just when I thought it was fine! Thyroid nodule 😩
  141. Psoriasis
  142. Helpful explainer on Health Anxiety
  143. Worrying has switched to my child's health
  144. Longterm GERD sufferers or PPI users please respond.
  145. What triggers you?
  146. Leukemia fears, very anxious, please read
  147. I want to cancel my doctor's appt
  148. Question about heart rate while asleep and dreaming
  149. I hate these adverts!!
  150. Severely atypical mole
  151. Will the ollafactory nerves be damaged from phantom smells?
  152. Tingling in legs
  153. COPD worry - why cant I trust my doctor?
  154. White color on inside of cheek
  155. Headache
  156. Random attack?
  157. Going back to doctor today - again :-(
  158. From Bowel Cancer to Brain Tumour - how do I stop this from taking over my life?!
  159. so scared
  160. Pregnant and convinced I'll die
  161. Persistent blood in saliva almost every morning
  162. One eye going darker for a few seconds on standing....
  163. Elevated red blood cell count
  164. Air hunger
  165. Lump on gum
  166. My heart skips alot of beats after waking up
  167. This back pain is driving me insane!!!!
  168. anxiety about nose pain
  169. How long does a spell of pins and needles last?
  170. Leukemia
  171. Fear of brain abscess now
  172. Stomach Noises Driving Me Insane
  173. I know I have cancer
  174. So are you guys saying any tumor that causes symptoms will show up on any MRI?
  175. Feel like I'm getting a cold again - 3rd time in two months.
  176. Went to ER twice in one day
  177. Chest pain
  178. Heartburn or heart problems?
  179. Scared again
  180. Itching advice
  181. Still worrying about everything, fed up of it all
  182. xpost Can Anxiety cause chronic problems?
  183. Cardiomyopathy
  184. Walking!!
  185. Appendicitis worry? Ibs?
  186. So paranoid please help
  187. Hives
  188. Sore bottom lip
  189. Pancreatic cancer worry
  190. First time on here really need some advice
  191. Heart Worries AGAIN Despite normal tests / scans
  192. Warmth in chest and back
  193. Does anyone get headaches for more than a day?
  194. really don't feel like calling 911 because my back hurts
  195. I know my heart is fine.
  196. Anyone keep getting hit by toddler!?
  197. Scared of losing my hair now :(
  198. How to "Prevent" Cancer
  199. Brain tumor or my heart?
  200. Section myself?
  201. Wife finally getting her colon checked...yay...and ack
  202. I'm so mentally ill - prescribed klonopin now
  203. Google scares me and i have a lymph node obsession
  204. Floater Anxiety Makes Me Realise My Situation
  205. I think I'm having a heart attack
  206. Umbilical Hernia
  207. Boils anyone know much about them??
  208. Prostate/bladder worries at age 30?
  209. One sided throat swelling for ten days now..
  210. persistent cheek ulcer afraid cancer
  211. Ovarian Cancer fears
  212. Health anxiety relating to those around you?
  213. Terrified that I've got MS. Absolutely cannot stop thinking about it-
  214. Questioning myself
  215. Nausea anyone?
  216. Scared of sepsis... My new piercings keep getting bumps
  217. Burning sensation in legs, could it be HA?
  218. Worried about Aneurisms?
  219. Banged breast in car door months ago still tender
  220. lung cancer fear
  221. Headaches - Brain Tumour Fear
  222. Liver pain. very anxious
  223. My heart hates me
  224. New and Freaking Out - Petechiae
  225. Hopefully overreacting - Skin "C"
  226. Was sick 3x this winter already, scared of Leukemia, please help very worried
  227. Can HA cause you to imagine things?
  228. Back/Rib pain
  229. Panic attack over bruised knee
  230. How do we know when a symptom is an emergency, or just anxiety or unharmful
  231. Scared of angina now 🙄
  232. Fell into the swollen lymph node google mouse trap AGAIN!
  233. Anxiety over mole biopsy
  234. Shaking/trembling all over - always at night when I go to bed.
  235. Swollen lymph nodes are still here...
  236. Bowels - can't trust doctors - something more?
  237. Should I be concerned or is it only in my head?
  238. Been signed off work for nearly 3 months need some advise
  239. Eye issue
  240. A whole lotta anxiety!!!
  241. Leg pain worries
  242. Heavy legs!
  243. Chronic Pain
  244. Huge Hypocrite... Totally Obsessed
  245. Random bruise on thigh. Scared
  246. Inhaled Nail Polish and Nailpolish Remover fumes.
  247. How do you know you have health anxiety ?
  248. Lumps under skin rib area?
  249. Panicking re heart again...
  250. Worrying again!