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  1. Has anyone made their symptoms worse by prodding?
  2. I feel so stupid!
  3. Hot spots on leg
  4. Don't know what to do
  5. Can anyone see their lymph node sticking out?
  6. oral/throat thrush - endocarditis HELP
  7. Stomach gas and chest/heart fluttering
  8. Chronic Dizziness - Update - Making me extremely down
  9. HIV
  10. afraid of weird mole
  11. Gallbladder surgery- did I make the right decision?
  12. terrified of anal cancer :(
  13. Anxiety over lipoma
  14. ear bump/bones?
  15. collar bone? how to check?
  16. Pleas have a quick read :)
  17. Pulmonary Embolism
  18. Question!
  19. Worried about possible lymphoma
  20. I just hit my head
  21. Coping tip with health anxiety
  22. I am at the end of my rope worrying about SIDS
  23. Filled with fear I'm dying.
  24. Back again! Meningitis fears..
  25. Instead of asking about my lymph nodes, what can I do for my anxiety
  26. Abdominal cramps and gas pains after eating
  27. Had my first panick attack, now suffering from health anxiety.
  28. worried over nothing
  29. Worried about my urine
  30. New here... crippling anxiety :(
  31. Reassurance not working - utterly convinced
  32. Crippled by HIV fear
  33. Just a cold
  34. Positive ways to deal with fear of getting older
  35. Oral C rare at my age?
  36. Please help strong pulse in stomach
  37. Lymph nodes jaw
  38. No moons on fingernails...?
  39. Choking on nothing
  40. Pins and Needles Feeling in Toes
  41. Women who have had children...please ease my mind!
  42. Im sorry to ask (again) but can MS been seen on a CT scan?
  43. Bowel cancer worries due to post-viral syndrome
  44. Constant worry, fearsome but invisible symptoms, need help
  45. Another Lymphnode issue
  46. Paranoid Schizophrenia
  47. Why do we worry so much about lymph nodes?
  48. Hair dye fear
  49. Blood clot/DVT...?
  50. Headaches, a little lightheaded, lack of sleep, muscle spasms, could this get worse?
  51. Missed period advice -
  52. Mammogram today
  53. Got hot tea in my eye
  54. Breathing troubles?
  55. Please someone help
  56. Feeling on edge after GP visit re Lymph nodes/temperature.
  57. Does anybody else suffer HA like this
  58. Dentist anxiety/tooth removal
  59. Antidepressant question- help!
  60. Question about Meningitis (yet again!)
  61. Persistent cough??
  62. Why did I bother reading medicine side effects?
  63. Low body temperature?
  64. If you have anxiety over Lymph Nodes PLEASE READ!
  65. not feeling like pooping?
  66. The root of my health anxiety *trigger warning*
  67. Heart palps
  68. Memory Problems caused by HA?
  69. Lightheaded/Dizzy.
  70. Swollen lymph nodes all over the body - PLEASE i just need some reassurance
  71. CBT for frequent urination
  72. Tingling and pins/needles in feet
  73. I was doing so well now colon cancer fear please talk me down
  74. So Scared - Need Reassurance
  75. I don't know what to do anymore at this point
  76. Nodular skin cancer
  77. Worried about ALS
  78. Worried about my son
  79. Interesting - twitching muscles
  80. Flashes in Peripheral Vision at Night
  81. (Gross) Worried about maggots in mouth
  82. Twitches and muscle cramps - EMG/nerve conduction studies today at hospital
  83. Help, panicking
  84. How to recover from HA when you haven't recovered from the original trigger?
  85. Head pain worry
  86. Being referred biopsy for Mark inside cheek scared now!
  87. Hit my head on wood
  88. In a total panic over new symptom
  89. globus pharyngeus question
  90. Please Help!
  91. Anyone gluten intolerant?
  92. Rant (bad language)
  93. Everything feels wrong. Stomach, lower back, neck, head...
  94. Arm shakes really bad after using weed eater
  95. A brief message to NMP users
  96. Can't get a deep breath?
  97. Can sleep anxiety worried about my son
  98. How do I believe doctors
  99. Headache didn't come back, am I safe?
  100. Is it possible to measure lymph nodes at home
  101. Why did I get a headache after I stopped worrying twice?
  102. uncountable symptoms, no diagnosis, not convinced yet
  103. I am scared someone please....
  104. Do you feel that your doctors will just say "it's just anxiety" with everything?
  105. Off balance, floaty and light headed feeling is back - am freaked out its back :-(
  106. Xray and CT results lump in throat
  107. White cell results. Very scared
  108. Can anxiety make a real pain 100x worse than what it is?.
  109. dull pain in my sides occasionally?
  110. Heartbeats
  111. Ladies please weigh in
  112. Can ALS occur in young adults
  113. Dragon food
  114. Lymph Nodes and WBC. Is this concerning?
  115. Lymph Node Lurker!
  116. Can't tell whether it's a pimple or worse (Lower left back of head)
  117. The biggest lie HA tells you
  118. Mouth Ulcer panic, Am I going to die? :(
  119. White coating on tongue
  120. Scared of food poisoning
  121. Brain tumour worries. I'm petrified
  122. You have a disease - it's called Anxiety
  123. How to not get tricked by symptoms?
  124. Deep sharp chest pains
  125. Pinching pains under the jaw
  126. worrie about your lymph nodes?
  127. Can you get hiv from stepping on a toothpick?
  128. afraid the bones in my feet are dissolving
  129. a quick update on my anxiety
  130. 7 year old son having palpitations
  131. Panicking - I think I may have hit my head while asleep
  132. Convinced myself I have Angiosarcoma oral :(
  133. Have you ever had IV sedation for dental work?
  134. Bloating/digestion problems from anxiety
  135. Hiv scare after 3 operations
  136. MS worries!!
  137. When the doctor categorically states there is nothing wrong
  138. Got myself in a fit over headaches
  139. It's been a while - pain behind eye help!
  140. Twitching/Spasms
  141. Gerd/reflux for 5 days.
  142. Swollen lymph nodes for some years
  143. Scared I have cancer
  144. Headaches when I stand up
  145. Could this fatigue be something worse?
  146. Throat is now freaking me out...
  147. Can Anxiety Affect your Vision?
  148. @ElectricAlice sad you deleted, think you had some awesome points
  149. Red spot/purple spots under skin. Confused.
  150. Low key freaking out about a lump
  151. Skin Vision App - High Risk Lesion
  152. Ultrasound results. Can anyone help me understand what this means?
  153. It's time to tackle my HA head on
  154. Scared to not worry
  155. I'll stop my HA no matter what
  156. How to work out of a serious HA spiral?
  157. Dimple in breast, scared about cancer
  158. Update on son having palpitations
  159. *urgent* scared/panicky feeling about choking fits??
  160. Freckles anxiety again
  161. 24/7 physical symptoms, anyone else?
  162. Blood on paper after wiping?
  163. Gradual Weight Loss
  164. Allergic reaction fear again
  165. Headaches when I stand up?
  166. Can blood change in a week
  167. New .. constant leg pains :(
  168. Asbestos help
  169. At the end of the rope dealing with Health Anxiety/Panic Attacks
  170. help please :( is this whooping cough?
  171. How much can an ECG show?
  172. Just had my ultrasound for lymphnode!
  173. lymph node anxiety is ruining my life, i feel therapy isn't helping
  174. vibrating in quad
  175. Liver pain? Or just nothing?
  176. kidney lump
  177. Heart rate
  178. please help me im not even living and im just 19
  179. Determined to overcome health anxiety
  180. Having anxiety over the flu shot
  181. Diabetees fear still
  182. Wisdom tooth removal
  183. Sunken veins in arms anyone?
  184. Hernia or strain?! Please help!
  185. Hepatitis positive antibodies? Oh and Raynauds.
  186. Can anyone help?
  187. triggers
  188. Just need reassurance
  189. Weird breathing problem
  190. My first post.. scared about blood test results
  191. How do you handle the physical symptoms of anxiety?
  192. Bubbly urine
  193. In a panic lump
  194. Got my eyebrows dyed
  195. My latest health anxiety obsession - throat related.
  196. Worried about mom.
  197. Fear of the day! ...And maybe a little tmi
  198. New worry now throat
  199. Lady question ... in comments
  200. Ear irrigation blood
  201. Worried about my scrotum
  202. Help. I am going crazy.
  203. Bone Pain that's made me worried about bone cancer (obviously)
  204. Fixating on my eye
  205. HELP!!!! Freaking out over this mole!!!
  206. Can you cause internal bleeding by poking your stomach ?
  207. Lymphnodes again....... freaking the f out.
  208. Focal Nodular Hyperplasia
  209. My mom is feeling sick ..
  210. Pus on Gum
  211. Worried about nasal and sinus cancer
  212. ribs hurt to touch
  213. Scary mole
  214. Toothache (top left wisdom tooth)
  215. Worried that there is something wrong with me while waiting for blood test results
  216. Please help I'm so frightened
  217. Cancer from sleeping with the light on?
  218. Can you get sick from touching a cut with a nail that has a fungus?
  219. please help im terrified, appendicitis fear
  220. Lumps in throat and Belching! So scared!! Need help with health anxiety
  221. cannot take this anymore, im crying right now
  222. feels like two lymph nodes attached to each other
  223. I hate this :(
  224. Scared of sepsis .
  225. feeling unreal, detached from reality
  226. 14 days sober - Health Anxiety messing with me
  227. TMJ and related problems
  228. Beansprouts
  229. Going crazy over lymph nodes!
  230. Palpitations going on for hours
  231. Bone Cancer (among other worries)
  232. Waiting on Biopsy- TORTURE
  233. Heart rate
  234. Could I have leukemia with no symptoms?
  235. New to nmp
  236. UTI,sepsis,luekiema...whatever..
  237. Tonsillitis
  238. Oral Thrush, donyou really need an anti fungal
  239. Scared to lose weight.
  240. Really worried about symptoms please someone help
  241. Any advice will help
  242. Post natal health anxiety out of control
  243. Throat pain still
  244. New Muscle Twitch Thread
  245. Feeling in such despair someone help me 😢😢
  246. pins and needles, so scared
  247. Worried about bowel cancer
  248. Burning in stomach fear of cancer (possible trigger)
  249. Just got an echocardiogram done
  250. Testicle dull ache