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  1. Tooth/gum pain
  2. Should I see a neurologist or not?
  3. Life feels out of control - how do I stop worrying?
  4. Good news
  5. painful mole on eyelash line
  6. Constipation pains but sloppy poo help!
  7. Ate spoiled soup
  8. Has anyone experienced something like this?
  9. Relieved but did get a medical diagnosis, just not a serious one.
  10. Red skin on both hands?
  11. 4 doctors later..
  12. Stomach ache and feeling sick at night, normal ?
  13. I'm having a horrible tickle in my thraot.
  14. Elevator Drop Feeling
  15. Does anyone else have a pulse in his/her stomach?
  16. Headache
  17. Still crazy about my neck
  18. No reassurance please
  19. advice?
  20. Neck cramp
  21. Great youtube vid
  22. Shaking hand/Tremors/Jitters PLEASE PLEASE HELP
  23. Here's my entire story,long but please read and give opinions
  24. Health anxiety getting me down again
  25. Strange Eye Warping
  26. Tetanus Panic
  27. Weird head symptoms starting to take over
  28. Fear of psychosis
  29. Convinced i have hypothermia
  30. Panicking about my son right now..Parents, please help
  31. Knowing the difference?
  32. Consumed by Health Anxiety since Giving Birth
  33. So scared
  34. Gastroscopy tomorrow and scan results
  35. Persistent Bloating, Waiting on Ultrasound
  36. going 2 weeks without touching my neck and see what happens
  37. Please help,please.
  38. I'm so scared you guys!
  39. Freaking out because of aching gland
  40. Wheezing - doctors wouldn't listen
  41. Anyone diagnosed with COPD ?
  42. Need some reassurance....
  43. How to cope with HA I feel like I can't function anymore
  44. Soft stool but constipated - bowel cancer?
  45. Saw a very understanding consultant yesterday
  46. Chest Pains
  47. Surgery tomorrow - scared!
  48. Today is the day - mnd/als second opinion
  49. I have an under-active thyroid...what?!
  50. Pain by left floater ribs
  51. Palpitations
  52. Moles....and well, just about everything else
  53. Heart palpitations/skipping beats 💗
  54. Results of Mri and Gastroscopy tomorrow
  55. Aortic aneurysm fear
  56. Severe health anxiety - chemicals in laboratory and others
  57. Please can anyone relate!?!
  58. White specks in stool
  59. question about ct scan
  60. MRI Incidental Findings
  61. Is it still possible that....
  62. Why do hypochondriacs question the opinions of doctors?
  63. I'm so unsure
  64. Neck Lymph Anxiety Cancer
  65. Anxiety memes!
  66. Dental problems stressing me out
  67. Freaking out again :(
  68. Tooth Extraction Fears!
  69. Panic attack
  70. Frustrated
  71. Should I do this?
  72. Need reassurance.....:( biopsy waiting game
  73. Is it normal to have low grade fever with just a cold
  74. Weird feeling in nose
  75. Why can't my brain stop thinking about death?
  76. Is there the chemical benzene in marijuana dabs?
  77. How long will this last?
  78. My daughter's bruises
  79. Hit my head - worried
  80. Lost my sense of judgement
  81. Does this sound like a anxiety?
  82. I'm all over the place
  83. Hands up, who has ever had a new freckle appear?
  84. Just took my first medicine..
  85. Lower Chest and left arm sensations.
  86. MND/ALS fear is making my life hell.
  87. Tapping for health anxiety?
  88. Generalized Itching...mind in overdrive
  89. Persistent sensation on left side of neck
  90. Can one bad sunburn in childhood equal definite skin cancer in adulthood?
  91. Concussion - help
  92. Indent in the roof of my mouth
  93. Recovering from health anxiety...just found out I'm five weeks pregnant.
  94. Total despair
  95. Sight problems
  96. Painful lymph node after wisdom tooth extraction
  97. Muscle aches
  98. X-ray on bone lump, now terrified, HA driving me batty!
  99. Setback
  100. Shooting pain in chest
  101. Norovirus?
  102. In a panic, triggered by friends worries
  103. There's still a dent in my boob!!!
  104. Mucus in throat, difficulty swallowing it down.
  105. Lobes / nodules under tonsil and behind tongue
  106. Suggestions For Having to Touch Lymph Node Spots
  107. Occaisonal blood in stool, and ongoing gastric issues
  108. Blood in urine .... no infection
  109. Heart Problem fears
  110. Eye contamination fear
  111. Heart palpitations after eating
  112. Does scar tissue feel hard?
  113. Dizziness (PLEASE READ)
  114. Eye twitching - anyone else experienced this?
  115. Kidney problem?
  116. Freaking out
  117. Claire weekes downloads?
  118. Feel like crying I don't know what to do
  119. Fear of Aortic Dissection - Health Anxiety
  120. blood and mucus
  121. short stabs above eye please help
  122. Bruise
  123. Breathing sensation is back full blown
  124. Scared feelings dizzy unstable feelings
  125. Red streaks in stool.
  126. terrified I have colon cancer at 24
  127. Are these normal side effects from antibiotics ?
  128. Extreme tension and sensations.
  129. oh the paranoia
  130. My Terrible Story
  131. Small bump in eyelid
  132. Hopefully something to cheer people up
  133. Knee ache, worried about DVT
  134. Rapid Heart Beat Freaking Me Out (after eating)
  135. Had night sweats and now freaking out about cancer
  136. Oral cancer.......
  137. Please help, in shear panic at work
  138. My worst fear - breast lump
  139. Weird symptom
  140. Inhaled mold?
  141. Not sure how to title this.
  142. Leukemia fear
  143. Sicky burp mean I'm going to be sick?
  144. Bladder fears...maybe unwarranted?
  145. First Mammogram and call back fear
  146. Should I see doctor ASAP?
  147. To get a nuclear stress test or not?
  148. Im worried that slight lightheadedness could lead to Sudden Cardiac Arrest
  149. Thus anxiety is unrelenting
  150. Hot spots ? Twitches
  151. In the middle of a meltdown, please help
  152. Have become obsessive about checking breasts
  153. Breast/nipple pain
  154. Day 23 of HA recovery
  155. non-functional - waiting for daughter's blood tests results
  156. Great, I have an armpit lump. -_-
  157. scared i've poisoned myself with household detergent
  158. Choked on water, panic
  159. Still have UTI/Sepsis fear
  160. Anyone else relate?
  161. Inhaled cleaner on accident!!
  162. Neck lump
  163. So angry at myself
  164. Chest Infection and plagued with doubts
  165. Still worrying after ECG...
  166. Altered perception could it really be anxiety? I'm freaking out
  167. Can this be just anxiety? Anyone else had this?
  168. Armpit lump, don't want to go to the doctor.
  169. Does anyone else have trouble recognising when they are anxious?
  170. High cholesterol and freaking out
  171. Curious as to how many people get chest tension as a symptom
  172. Back again after doing so well 😢
  173. Going to the doctor
  174. Worried about heart/lungs
  175. Throat neck voice problems
  176. Motion sickness?
  177. Warm feeling in foot/leg
  178. Update on colonoscopy (good news)
  179. I have a serious problem with anxiety
  180. Obsessively checking moles
  181. Mucous
  182. Stabbing throat pain
  183. Difference between rational thoughts and reassurance seeking?
  184. Trusting others and how long to wait please read
  185. Day 2.5 tooth extraction
  186. Living life with health anxiety you're not alone
  187. Blood in stool and blood clot....hemorroids?
  188. Questions about therapy
  189. Im scared that I have DVT
  190. Really struggling at the moment
  191. a bit embarrising
  192. Is health anxiety causing my ALS/MND-like symptoms? Please help I'm freaking out!
  193. 99% sure it's nothing.
  194. Worried about Lichen Sclerosis
  195. Lower Left Eye Twitching
  196. Random pulsating in rught upper abdomen.
  197. Powassan Virus?
  198. Horrible anxiety, don't want to go on anymore
  199. Obsessive behaviour
  200. Really panicing - is this GERD or anxiety or something else??
  201. I really need to talk to someone. MS worries!
  202. Heath anxiety advice
  203. Anxiety after health scare
  204. Swallowing throat and chest help me
  205. scared my friend could've given me herpes, freaking out
  206. Does anyone here take Celexa for their anxiety?
  207. So scared
  208. How many time until symphtoms
  209. Trapped wind or my apendix?
  210. 7th day now of extreme chest tension.
  211. DVT/birth control anxiety
  212. Depersonalisation or seizure?
  213. Please help me please..
  214. Scared something is wrong with me
  215. Female Pelvic Floor Tension?
  216. Tight Neck Muscles + Lump in Throat, Please Help!
  217. Oral Chemotherapy Anxiety
  218. shortness of breath feeling
  219. Awaiting Pap results
  220. Health anxiety sufferer diagnosed with lvsd bit of advice please
  221. Scared.(TMi)
  222. Barretts esophagus
  223. Too Many Symptoms
  224. a different kind of skin cancer
  225. I used out of date clove oil
  226. Completely petrified about lymphoma
  227. Headaches.....really?
  228. Virus - or something worse??
  229. Saddle anaesthesia - freaking out!
  230. Moldy carrots?
  231. Health anxiety returns with a bang!
  232. Heart/chest fluttering
  233. Frustrated from Doctor's Visit
  234. How to handle waiting for MRI results..
  235. Bowel issues causing anxiety or FROM anxiety? - TMI (probably!)
  236. Leg is driving me crazy—can't get clots off my mind
  237. . . . Exercise
  238. Found a lump and now in a panic :(
  239. Blood clots, my worst fear ever
  240. Not something else already.
  241. Going to see a Dermatologist
  242. Constant symptoms pushing me over edge
  243. Dilemas galore :(
  244. brain tumor fear..
  245. Loss of appetite
  246. Severe sore throat that's not improving
  247. Physical symptoms of anxiety
  248. Oral cancer fear back
  249. Hell I cannot take this anymore please reassure me
  250. Colonoscopy Fears