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  1. Somatization and Health Anxiety
  2. Lump in earlobe?
  3. Constantly tired can't stop napping
  4. subdural hematoma? fear of hitting head
  5. almenotic melanoma?
  6. Reddish urine
  7. heart palpitations anyone? you should read this if so.
  8. For those with neuro symptoms in particular
  9. Constant checking and reassurance seeking
  10. It's been a longggg time
  11. colon cancer concern
  12. Steps towards recovery :)
  13. Enlarged Thyroid
  14. Constantly searching the web for answers
  15. Survey please...back to the docs?
  16. Worrying about bone and leukaemia
  17. Poo Thread-Embarassing Orange Brown Tint
  18. Strange feet/hands feeling
  19. Worried about a broken foot again.
  20. Thinking about the future
  21. Gabapentin for Twitching...anyone tried this?
  22. Tongue twitching and burning
  23. Terrified after chest ct scan results
  24. Deja Vu....scared about seizures.
  25. Pain under eye/cheekbone - Sinus?
  26. Brain aneurysm????
  27. Its been a while......same old anxiety!!
  28. worried deep vein thrombosis?
  29. severe insomnia scared I'm loosing my mind
  30. Reasons to wake up with a headache other than a brain tumour?
  31. Fishmanpa - extremely useful links
  32. Breast/nipple burning. So scared!!
  33. Hyper aware of tongue?
  34. My pet has cancer
  35. worried about skin cancer because of blister from sun/sunburn
  36. really worried about swollen lymph node
  37. Is it this bad for anyone else?
  38. Lump in mouth - worried!
  39. Jeez...how long will this go on?
  40. Need help- concussion
  41. Quick question for those with kids!
  42. Fear of Cancer Anyone?
  43. A new symphtom that I've discovered
  44. Fear of Everything
  45. Why do my left ribs stick out further than the right ribs
  46. Lost vision in one eye for 10seconds
  47. Shooting pains in chest
  48. TMI
  49. withdrawal?
  50. Lowering LDL and does anxiety affect our Cholesterol?
  51. I really thought I was doing better
  52. Actually got a laugh out of my HA
  53. meditation for health anxiety
  54. Nodular melanoma
  55. Food poisoning
  56. Some self help at your fingertips
  57. (Ladies) Embarrassing cyst...trusting doc
  58. Holter Monitor Nightmare...
  59. Botulism! HELP!
  60. worried sick about breast cancer
  61. brain hematoma/aneurysm
  62. Right Foot.
  63. Any other new mums experiencing health anxiety?
  64. Convinced I'm going to die
  65. Phantom arms?
  66. I keep thinking i have testicular cancer
  67. Short telemere fear is back
  68. ... just not doing well
  69. Tingling feeling in hands?
  70. Constantly fueling my HA
  71. Neck pain really bad :(
  72. Can't do this anymore
  73. Dizziness=strep?!?!
  74. Worried About Wife - Cervical Cancer
  75. Pancreatic cancer
  76. Ovarian Cancer Fear
  77. Mole pls help so scared
  78. Chest pain, costochondritis
  79. Joint aches - anxiety??
  80. Tonsil/throat pain
  81. Stiff Tongue and painful cramp/spasm
  82. The HA Merry-Go-Round Of Doctor Reassurance
  83. Rash on breasts ..
  84. Coughing up blood.
  85. Fever for a month now
  86. Feeling of pressure/blockage in left ear?
  87. Should I go to the doctor?
  88. unexplained medical symptoms
  89. Breathlessness and Backache
  90. Freckle on sole of foot - trying to remain rational
  91. Obsessed about body temperature, please help...
  92. Left lower arm ache :(
  93. First post I've made here - Health anxiety absolutely destroying my life
  94. Anyone else bite the inside of their cheeks?
  95. Does this sound like oral thrush? urgent
  96. Mole worriers please read (advice)
  97. Swollen lymphnodes causing constant worry :(
  98. My mind or something is happening?
  99. MS fear for the first time... tingling in chin/lips
  100. Really scared of MS?! Numbness and tremor!
  101. Worried about mum/mixing up words/brain tumour.
  102. Small ball/lump on chest
  103. Really finding it hard
  104. Are these my final days?
  105. who can relate?
  106. I'm so tired of this...
  107. echo results..
  108. Does anyone else worry about looking unhealthy?
  109. Anxiety about my 5 year olds health
  110. Dad's health
  111. Just someone slap me and tell me to STOP
  112. Coping with referrals further investigations for IBS
  113. HA is making me a slightly bitter person
  114. Ingrown Hair
  115. Pencil Thin Stools
  116. Scared!!! New mole on arm
  117. Worrying
  118. GERD, Health Anxiety, and Reassurance
  119. Can this really be anxiety
  120. Tingling legs???
  121. Do not understand doctor
  122. Breathing problems
  123. Can these biopsy results hurry up?
  124. Petechiae???
  125. Head Heaviness and Squeezing
  126. Any Christians here?
  127. Thinking the worst
  128. How to take mind off health concerns / symptoms?
  129. Not hungry-have had weight loss
  130. just got back from my doctors appointment here's what they said
  131. Strange soreness in tongue and mouth
  132. Worried about a scar tissue or is it cancer ??
  133. Terrified I might have cervical cancer????
  134. lump ive had for 5-6 years
  135. Low Defenses
  136. Appointment tomorrow with ENT
  137. I literally give up, colon and ovarian cancer
  138. Multiple Cysts...?
  139. Head Pressure and now twitches
  140. ALS fears creeping up on me again.
  141. Sleep apnea / waking up choking or not breathing?
  142. X-rays-Any opinions?
  143. Still have heart worries
  144. New and Worried About My Memory
  145. Update
  146. Tired of being dizzy
  147. Really at the end of my tether now - CANT TAKE MUCH MORE
  148. Old blood results
  149. Multiple sclerosis or something worse
  150. No diagnosis and constant MS Fear
  151. Any advice to calm nerves before skin check?
  152. Mental disorders?
  153. So, this isn't normal?!
  154. Is this a medical concern or just asymmetry?
  155. I discovered another thing in my body
  156. Does anyone else overeat their anxiety??
  157. At this point I'm hoping it's health anxiety help!
  158. I need help
  159. Hard time trusting dermotologist, need help
  160. How to stop worrying about speech?
  161. Tingling/burning sensations that come and go. Is this MS?
  162. So, my digestive system is a mess, remedies?
  163. How sad is this?
  164. I think my mom has cancer.
  165. Stress/fainting
  166. I'm convinced I have colon cancer and i'm miserable
  167. Bulkier/darker vein in ear near piercing
  168. Need some advice
  169. Going backwards
  170. Managing HA + Anxiety Without Medication?
  171. Moquito bite allergy?
  172. So afraid of ALS
  173. I messed up really bad
  174. I stress I'm going to poison myself.
  175. Tiny red dots on arms?
  176. Having health anxiety is making more nervous
  177. Scared about holter monitor results...
  178. Feels like im getting nowhere.
  179. Could be my meds??
  180. Food poisoning
  181. Why I'm not a doctor :)
  182. If it's not one thing it's another... glaucoma
  183. Arm cold day after blood test
  184. Breaking the circle - how?
  185. Constant fear
  186. fungal rash reappeared
  187. Ingrown Toenail?
  188. Head/face twitches!
  189. Health Anxiety on Holiday
  190. Me and broken bones
  191. DVT Fear/Calf Pain
  192. Remember about my kitty?
  193. Why do we fear problems with our health?
  194. Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
  195. Prostatitis??
  196. Weird feeling in chest and jaw
  197. Afraid I'm getting/have a UTI
  198. Does your tongue move like this?
  199. How are you after a severe bout of anxiety?
  200. I just dont know anymore
  201. Small pimple like lump one bra line under breast
  202. Panic attacks and anxiety often precede pancreatic cancer diagnosis ??
  203. Exercise became impossible for me...
  204. Visual Disturbances Constant and Still here after 4 months of HA
  205. I can't even live normally
  206. Flu-like aches and shivers
  207. Lymph Node Waiting Game :(
  208. Firm/Hard lymph nodes for over 7 months
  209. Pooping small balls + late period
  210. Scared about doing blood tests because of symptoms
  211. Moles / freckles / melanoma ... Pls help 😔
  212. Blood Spots On Arms
  213. Suggestions for good health anxiety books
  214. Heart palpitations?
  215. Worried I'm going to stop breathing
  216. Worried About Cramping
  217. at breaking point
  218. Terrified over blood in urine (kidney, bladder, prostate cancer)
  219. Tetanus fear
  220. A CancerBlock similar to AdBlock
  221. Doctors appointment today
  222. Doing a deep exhale cause lump in neck
  223. This Helps
  224. Pins and needles/Dead foot at at night
  225. Been doing good for so long and now this :(
  226. I've had so many neurological tests and no answers yet
  227. panicing once again with bowel cancer
  228. Having a Moment... Again
  229. Sweating during sleep.
  230. Sore arms and legs
  231. Crying
  232. Inhailing fire
  233. Pancreas fears!
  234. Collar bone lymph nodes
  235. Bee sting and scared of cellulitis!
  236. left sided chest pain very sharp like a stitch freaked out
  237. A really good article on chest zaps
  238. When does the coughing come?
  239. do you get muscle twitches?
  240. lump in back of neck
  241. Scared
  242. Tingling clavicle scared please help
  243. Taking xanax?
  244. New here but having a bad time with worry!
  245. asbestos
  246. Post Natal Health Anxiety
  247. Fear of testical cancer
  248. Never ending vision problems
  249. Need some reassurance/reality
  250. If I worry about it, it won't happen...