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  1. High Blood Pressure help
  2. Can constantly feel heart beating in chest
  3. Heart worries after dental work
  4. I can't be alone in this feeling...
  5. Somebody please reassure me
  6. Acceptance of something medical with HA
  7. Worried about infertility
  8. 31 Year Old - Feel Need To Pee - Prostate / Bladder Cancer?
  9. Leukemia fear
  10. lymphoma?
  11. I hate to say this...but it could be worse
  12. Yep, driving myself crazy. Which I am. :(
  13. WANTED: Your Health Anxiety Stories
  14. Really struggling at the moment, need some support.
  15. How do i stop this worrying
  16. Melanoma husband waiting for results
  17. Gallbladder polyp increase in size
  18. lump in lower left abdomen + how can i stop worrying so much
  19. Reflux
  20. Salmon out of date?
  21. Echo
  22. Can anxiety cause stroke like symptoms!??
  23. Backache NEEDS RESPONSE
  24. My Story, My Nightmare, My Health Anxiety
  25. Lumps on foot
  26. Cold & Chilly
  27. Stomach/uphill walking
  28. Helllpppp!
  29. Had a massage today and they found something...doctors this afternoon
  30. How did your health anxiety start?
  31. Pelvic Scan, feeling rather anxious!
  32. Visual Problems and MS
  33. Sinusitus and jaw pain
  34. Tetanus?
  35. Fighting Back!!
  36. Paratyphoid/Typhoid fever??
  37. High BP
  38. Heart issues?
  39. Constant head rush. (heart problem or anxiety related?)
  40. Food allergy, underlying condition, or HA?
  41. Therapy questions
  42. Lightheaded/off balance swaying sensation
  43. Just don't feel like my self ...
  44. Do you ever get the overwhelming feeling that something bad is going to happen?
  45. Had pelvic scan, found something on Ovary, re scan in a month, very worried !
  46. Another new obsession
  47. Here we go again
  48. Why does feeling tired freak me out so much
  49. Still Worried Even After Testicular Ultrasound
  50. Worried about heart. Help :(
  51. Blood clot fear again
  52. Fuzzy head and rushes
  53. Just could use some hugs
  54. Can trapped gas in chest cause this?
  55. It's been awhile... collar bone nodes
  56. Managing kidney fears?? (symptoms tw)
  57. mom has lost a lot of weight-scared she has cancer
  58. Cheek numbness.
  59. ear problems?
  60. I don't know what to do
  61. Ear issues
  62. Anyone actually had a heart attack? Seems I might have...
  63. Seriously depressed about my heart
  64. Visible throbbing jugular vein only on one side
  65. Dent / Dimple in Breast
  66. White line appeared then vanished
  67. Alllllll the negative thoughts and feelings
  68. Anyone know the rate liver ALT should reduce by?
  69. Rheumatoid Arthritis fear
  70. Help, Scared i have a brain tumor
  71. Ramipril - Libido
  72. Has anyone had a ct angiogram of heart
  73. Pain in neck/lymph node or tissue...
  74. Brain Tumour Worries! TERRIFIED!
  75. Has anyone noticed a strong decrease in palpitations
  76. Repeating panic attacks or?
  77. Really scared
  78. Worried about antibiotics
  79. It does get better
  80. Anyone had sciatica?
  81. Worried about seizures (again..) help!
  82. Severe current anxiety over the world (could be trigger if this stresses you like me)
  83. Brain tumor worries.. again
  84. Is you consider yourself a hypochondiac or think you might be read this
  85. Detachment
  86. Addison - son scared
  87. Checking behaviour?
  88. Lyme Disease or Health Anxiety
  89. Chills and ulnar nerve issues
  90. Numbness in big toe
  91. Please help this mama out
  92. Before the internet we didn't have health anxiety like this
  93. really panicking about brain tumour right now, help!
  94. Any ladies going through menopause like me?
  95. Bat bite?
  96. For Heart worriers??
  97. Angina?
  98. What is going on with my eye
  99. HIV Fear
  100. Armpit lymphode
  101. Worried about hyperventillation, can it cause permanent damage?
  102. Prostate fears
  103. Feeling horrible today
  104. SCared of tetanus, stepped on shower plug.
  105. How do you believe a doctor and trust your not dying?
  106. Can I get sick from fungal toenail clipping?
  107. Lumps - freaking out!
  108. Lung cancer panic
  109. Frequent urination?
  110. Why can't I access the chat room?
  111. Bleeding mole
  112. Do you latch on to illnesses that represent your biggest fear?
  113. Does anyone else find comfort in worrying?
  114. Pneumonia/Heart Condition Fear
  115. 4 yr old gets nauseous and pale
  116. New here. Need some advice
  117. Going away alone tomorrow.
  118. Worried about Dad
  119. Paralysis fear. Is this irrational? Need someone to talk me down
  120. Trying to conceive
  121. Salivary Gland Cancer?!?! HA strikes again.
  122. Numbness...anybody else? Freaking out about MS
  123. Itchy left nipple
  124. Health Anxiety really getting to me, any help would be great! Lymphoma/Leukemia scare
  125. Head pressure, unsteady feeling, muddled thinking
  126. Found a lump!
  127. Going round in cycles
  128. Need brain tumor statistics please! Need reassurance, feel like im loosing my mind
  129. Back again..little worried.
  130. Wheezing when laying down , please help
  131. Cloudy/Foggy looking urine, what can cause it?
  132. has anyone else had a sinus infection headache before?
  133. IDA
  134. Positivity/making progress
  135. Plate bacteria?
  136. Fingertips feeling weird??
  137. Bulbar ALS fear
  138. Anyone get crawling and the feeling of water dripping down your head. Ugh help!!
  139. Please answer, just looking for some help and advice!
  140. Lymphocyte Count, please Read!!
  141. Stomach looks big
  142. Question
  143. Echocardiogram Results
  144. Nail beading
  145. Bones tender to touch
  146. worried about my dizzy spell
  147. Has anyone tried pregabalin for health anxiety?
  148. Is it possible to "pull" an eye muscle?
  149. Did the Romberg test on myself at home, seated a little now I'm freaking out!!!
  150. weird feel when waking up
  151. May have taken double dose of clonazapam
  152. Here we go again, brain tumour.
  153. Just went to A&E to be sectioned
  154. Sensitive to light?
  155. Backache PLEASE RESPOND
  156. Terrified about (possible) pregnancy!
  157. Dizzy for .5 seconds
  158. The vicious cycle of HA
  159. FOBT test freaking me out
  160. Is it just me ...?
  161. Weight Gain
  162. All normal bloodwork but still nervous
  163. I must have bone cancer. Or just a sodding achy leg
  164. DVT/P.E Fears
  165. Difficult year (/hello)
  166. Still struggling with fear of prions
  167. Had a clear MRI of brain 10 in the ago, what's the chance I developed a tumor since.
  168. Struggling
  169. The nocebo effect
  170. Why do I do it to myself?
  171. Scared I might have cancer
  172. Swollen Lymph Node?
  173. Does anyone experience body/body part 'jerks' while awake
  174. Anemic Low Iron, heart beats and frustration
  175. burning in groin?
  176. Question about CJD, please answer
  177. Weird taste in my mouth
  178. Need help calming down
  179. Hey Everyone! Quick Question!
  180. Long term medication use
  181. Feeling sick
  182. Going to the GP again
  183. Freaking out
  184. Awkward..but feel like I pulled a muscle in left arm after burping?
  185. Bumpy shin
  186. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
  187. Scared I'm going to start hallucinating because Im not getting enough sleep.
  188. Bumps?..
  189. Q: Can teens have heart attack?
  190. scared of a future colostomy???
  191. Question about Bloodwork
  192. Terrible palpitations in night, are they just in my dream?
  193. Muscle Aches in Upper Arms and Legs
  194. Could a spot on the groin bring up a lymph node near it
  195. Migraine sufferers. Help?
  196. Blood tests back from my AS fear
  197. Skin Pic - Anyone have anything like this?
  198. Could blister end up infected?
  199. Spots on scalp
  200. Scared a heart attack is coming
  201. Another Eclipse Worry Wart
  202. Alcohol and Lymph Nodes
  203. Could anxiety be causing this?
  204. Hurt my back?
  205. Does the tip of your finger become indented when pressing against something?
  206. Talcum powder - ovarian c - panic
  207. Anaemia
  208. Lymph nodes under jaw
  209. Long-term exposure to cleaning products
  210. Afraid to be happy
  211. Am I overreacting?
  212. Blurred vision
  213. Arms not attatched
  214. Random memories and dreams
  215. Have you ever smoked?
  216. Worried about luekemia?
  217. I burped and....
  218. Please help.. lymph node again.
  219. Keep staying up!!!
  220. freaking out about 3 year old lymph node
  221. Tension from looking at phone?
  222. Is this an ice pick headache?
  223. Anyone on here with Lymphoma History?
  224. Ladies please dont dye your hair dark or use chemical realxers
  225. so stressed about daughter's knee pain
  226. Scared of Subungual melanoma (Under nail)
  227. Pulsing heartbeat in ear *trigger warning*
  228. Hyper-sensitivity to the slightest twinge, tingle, pain...
  229. Irrational fear of seizures.
  230. Freaking out, again.
  231. Is this body OCD
  232. Spot on my back/shoulder - feeling engulfed in doom & despair
  233. Can you get oral cancer at 20?
  234. Lyme Disease
  235. Eye flashes
  236. my heart rate has been in the 90's all day
  237. Not sure what to do
  238. Can you get HIV this way?? Sooo worried for some reason
  239. Neck pain
  240. Skin cancer?
  241. Can staying up affect your anxiety?
  242. I'm so stupid
  243. Burning sensation
  244. My story - so far
  245. Freaking out After Popping Neck
  246. SO many BRAIN TUMOR symptoms
  247. Sorry for the constant posts yellow eyes this time!
  248. Lumps in back wall of throat? Normal?
  249. Unexplained darkening bruises
  250. Pins and needles/ tingling sensation hands and feet