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  1. Lymph nodes and symptoms!
  2. Severe nausea
  3. Falling into the lymph node rabbit hole...
  4. wintertime blues
  5. Hot spot twitch in foot
  6. Gardening and tetanus anxiety
  7. I'm constantly worrying and it's getting out of hand
  8. Urgent! Must read if you think you have MS, ALS, etc. or have weird unexplainable sym
  9. Health Anxiety and weird body sensations
  10. Asbestos fear
  11. Melanoma panic
  12. Burnjng hamds feet and face 😪
  13. Freaking out about Symptoms and Drs Appointment
  14. Blood Clot Fear
  15. At my wits end
  16. Back again a week later, this time burning (but not burning) in chest
  17. Head pressure/blocked ears
  18. Intestine blockage?
  19. Please reply asap! Getting a panic on
  20. Unilateral Nasal Polyp Does Not Always Mean Cancer!
  21. Pins and needles in feet when I get out of bed
  22. Headache
  23. Feeling the worst, not believing doctors
  24. Think I'm having a heart attack!!
  25. Hit my head..again!
  26. Scared and freaking out
  27. Diarrhoea and stomach pain
  28. Ringing in ears
  29. Post on here a lot but just need some advice now
  30. You know what sucks?
  31. reflexes
  32. Lump on side, back of tongue. Odds of OC?
  33. Why?
  34. Approaching physical making me spiral
  35. How do i get rid of morning anxiety?
  36. 24/7 Deja vu
  37. Kidney pain before peeing ?
  38. Panicking about high bilirubin
  39. Little Wins
  40. Idea if you can't stop touching your glands like me
  41. Off work due to Health Anxiety
  42. Am I crazy?
  43. Tingling numb feeling in tongue/lip/chin
  44. Scared! Tired ! Heart!
  45. Health anxiety and medication side effects.
  46. Horrible fatigue, feeling faint
  47. breathing isnt working
  48. Sharp pain when breathing
  49. I'm so worried about my bone
  50. Mole removal question
  51. Cancer Worries
  52. I need advice on how to approach my doctor
  53. I just need someone to tell me i'm being irrational!
  54. Toe nail?
  55. Has anyone seen a neurologist for involuntary movements?
  56. it hurts is it muscular though?
  57. Sharp pain in head
  58. Tough week
  59. Tmj??
  60. Arm and leg weakness (ALS fear)
  61. Worried about cancer
  62. How do your family and friends react to your health anxiety?
  63. White soft cyst on lower lip formed right after mouth ulcer leaves
  64. Has anyone ever harmed themselves accidentally from HA habits?
  65. Can't stop worrying
  66. worried about bowel movements
  67. Heavy chest
  68. Health anxiety is ruining my life :(
  69. Another run around with anxiety
  70. New issue driving me insane
  71. Quitting Smoking ... GERD?
  72. Well I got a clear MRI, I'm still kind of in disbelief..
  73. Great Health Anxiety resources - Australian website
  74. mumhas breast cancer stage 4 and my HA is overwhelming
  75. Hair loss worry
  76. Bladder pain when I push on it ?
  77. Undiagnosed bloody sputum driving me literally insane, need advice :(
  78. Heart worries
  79. Blood in stool question
  80. Fear of eating due to gastro anxiety
  81. My Achey-Breakey Heart...
  82. Worried about brain tumor - mixing up words, hypnic jerks
  83. HA worries make it all worse
  84. Advice needed please
  85. Freaking out now
  86. struggling to hold on giant cell arteritis fear
  87. Does anyone here have low B12?
  88. Cbt for health anxiety
  89. Watery mouth
  90. How I regained control
  91. Pass my nuerological exam, but still worried.
  92. Off and on twinge scared
  93. Fitbit reading 105
  94. Fruit fallen on head!
  95. Lymph node armpits?
  96. Update 'pile' problem
  97. Out of this world panic atack on a plane
  98. Eustachian tube dysfunction tinnitus - tips?
  99. Shoulders feel weak when I wake up?
  100. Holiday ha and full of cold
  101. Fermenting food hobby triggering contamination OCD
  102. Head tremor and shaking
  103. Maggot
  104. Heartburn /chest pain
  105. Is it just anxiety? worried
  106. *trigger*
  107. Ingrown hair or infection?
  108. Fed up!!!
  109. Apps
  110. Ultra sound of lymph node dr wants FNA
  111. Leukemia fears
  112. Can't stop thinking about cancer
  113. Are these visual disturbances caused by anxiety?
  114. local anaesthetic , very scared :(
  115. Swallowing issue?
  116. I Don't Give a Shit
  117. Scared of the b word
  118. Would a cerical spine MRI show throat problems?
  119. Quotes to help anxiety
  120. Does saying it out loud help you?
  121. scared of cadua equina syndrome after hitting my lower back on a corner?
  122. Lymph nodes in neck
  123. B12 defiency and HA hits skyrocket
  124. Insomnia with iron tablets
  125. Not doing well today
  126. But my cheek lymphnodes swollen worried about infection
  127. Chest Pain ALL DAY
  128. Awful stomach cramps upon waking
  129. Food stuck between teeth and lips/gums?
  130. Left hip feels out of place
  131. Lymph Node Question
  132. McDonalds Hurracaine
  133. 2 week wait referral. Freaking out!
  134. Heart Rate
  135. Its been a year of ALS anxiety and I am finally getting better.
  136. Blood clot fear, flying to orlando in 2 days :(
  137. Pink bump on breast
  138. Trying to get better but now i have facial numbness
  139. Feel like I look for problems and don't know how to stop?
  140. I planted some trees today and it helped
  141. Scared, need help
  142. Mixing up words or order of words
  143. Has anyone had a mole thats ticked all the right boxes for melanoma but came back fin
  144. CT Scans and Cancer Risk
  145. Tiny bump on lip
  146. How to tell if symptoms are real?
  147. Hair bleach in eye a few weeks back
  148. Multiple chemical sensitivity
  149. Still worrying about bowel cancer...
  150. plastic/metal fumes in contact with eyes and inhalation
  151. Arm numbness?
  152. Is feeling weak an anxiety symptom?
  153. Worried I have CJD
  154. Ladies question [emoji85]
  155. Cold medicine
  156. Quick update on my anxiety and lymph nodes
  157. Vision problems, brain tumour worries
  158. Worries about everything
  159. Would pancreatic cancer show up on a routine blood test?
  160. Dark mole HELP
  161. Please help, read something and I'm having a nervous breakdown.
  162. Conversion disorder
  163. Health media bombardment - does it make you more anxious?
  164. Focusing on sensations
  165. Broken toe?
  166. Sinus issues, causing blurry vision? Scared
  167. I am actually pretty sure I have MS. Scared.
  168. One thing after another
  169. Very worried about daughter, again. PLEASE READ!
  170. One hard immovable lymph node, several softer ones. I'm terrifed please
  171. 19 year old with health anxiety :(
  172. Scared of everything
  173. Freaking out about appointment today
  174. brain is in over drive/ cancer worry
  175. Collarbone breast pain
  176. does anyone else suffer from food safety fears?
  177. Do I drink too much water?
  178. Scared about Appendicitis
  179. Red, swollen nipple :(
  180. Goals for this year
  181. Capgrass syndrome and tremors/ early onset Parkinson's
  182. Stiff painful neck/headache! Anyone?
  183. Anxiety over stretch marks
  184. Lymph node situation update...
  185. Dark stools.
  186. How to relax during blood pressure test
  187. Worried about nasopharyngeal cancer...I know.
  188. Does anyone here have gastritis?
  189. Sternum twitching
  190. Adrenaline spikes and epilepsy fears strike again
  191. White-ish nailbeds
  192. Ear has gone weird
  193. The meds are working
  194. Concerned about 16 yr old son - why is there always something?
  195. Stomach cancer phobia
  196. Weakness
  197. Heart worriers
  198. Morning anxiety
  199. Had anyone read The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
  200. Lymph nodes ultrasound
  201. My HA about lymphoma is back with some new symptoms - I'd love some advice... [Long]
  202. Gasping for breath at night
  203. HIV scare
  204. Health Anxiety issues
  205. Question? :)
  206. Bad anxiety symptoms
  207. Dentist appointment and anxiety panic
  208. Issue down below, one for the females
  209. Body temperature
  210. I see double/slanted when I look down with my head titled back!?
  211. Pretty sure I have superficial spreading melanoma
  212. Can allergies do this? HELP
  213. Pain from posture and stress....
  214. canker sore for 5 days-could it be oral cancer?
  215. Twitches and jerks driving me mad!!!
  216. Heart arrhythmia in my head?
  217. Please help? Terrified I have Endocarditis
  218. Health Anxiety and Beta Blockers-PLEASE HELP
  219. Seriously worried about swollen lymph node
  220. Been told I have tinnitus due to anxiety and muscle tension in jaw/neck
  221. Lymph node question?
  222. Anybody else have this?
  223. Pls can someone give me some perspective?
  224. Worried about dysplastic naevus (mole) diagnosis
  225. Completely irrational- HA out of hand and needing some help
  226. I need general anaesthetic!
  227. Worried about having a blood clot in my lung
  228. Is this just getting old?
  229. Someone please, back and chest pain with trouble breathing
  230. Lump in cheek .. anyone had this?
  231. DRunk and hit head!
  232. Heart health
  233. What is going on??
  234. Worried about this cold
  235. Anxiety out of control starting on meds
  236. Asbestos worry again 😩
  237. Hate it when this letter comes :(
  238. Panicking like crazy over bowel movement
  239. Lower abdominal pain trying not to freak
  240. Tingling and slight numbness in toes!!!!
  241. Trigger points in chest and back? Dull aches are making me worry...
  242. Cold feeling in arms and legs
  243. HIV from oral sex
  244. Im struggling
  245. Instant sweating
  246. Alice in Googleland
  247. Neck muscles..
  248. Take Responsibility
  249. Daughter does car racing and her car rolled over!!
  250. Anxiety/IBS stomach cramps