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  1. tightness below left breast ribcage
  2. Will this ever end? Dexamethasone fear
  3. Tension headache
  4. Costochondritis?
  5. Headache in right temple only?
  6. Stomach cancer? (warning may trigger)
  7. quit tobacco again and this is horrible
  8. Lump under right side of jawline
  9. Poisoned Myself?
  10. Flu panic
  11. Linking others' health with my own
  12. I'm so worried. I've had enough.
  13. In hysterics over having my mole biopsied.
  14. Confessions of a Hypochondriac
  15. Health anxiety is pants!
  16. Question for people who have convinced themselves that they're terminally ill
  17. Still worried about my health
  18. High blood pressure pregnancy
  19. My Health Anxiety Journey
  20. Serious Dementia Worry
  21. freaking out about the flu (another one of us)
  22. Have had HA for 8 years...first time posting
  23. Abdomen pain
  24. Trying to be rational
  25. Vertigo while rubbing neck?
  26. Needing some support
  27. Cancer fear back - petrified!
  28. Real symptom meets unreal anxiety
  29. White dots in left eye
  30. Convinced I have a brain tumour!
  31. feel like i need to urinate
  32. Health anxiety first time poster
  33. Mouth pain with sinusitis
  34. scared of the flu!
  35. Annoyed with Medicaid
  36. Painless ear infection??
  37. My best friend’s cancer is a major trigger *trigger warning*
  38. injured tooth??????
  39. Advice on Gut Problems
  40. Lymphoma scare? any advice would be much appreciated
  41. Strange pain/discomfort in head/neck
  42. How to learn to trust doctors?
  43. Saw blood on tissue after bowel movement - so so scared!
  44. Swollen finger - with PICS (Is this chilblains or something else?)
  45. Eustachian tube dysfunction
  46. Left side nerve pain?
  47. Just didn’t some Manual work and weak arm
  48. HSV meningitis? How common?
  49. Tooth ache and abscess
  50. Scared of Tapeworms
  51. intermittent urinary/gastro symptoms - anxiety related?
  52. on antibiotics and now have a cold - can my body fight it?
  53. Swelling/thickening of inner cheek worried about oral cancer
  54. My husband is dying
  55. shortness of breath & twitching
  56. My story
  57. Health Anxiety - a case study
  58. Lymph node on side of neck panic
  59. Seen lines that are blurred or wavy on the amsler grid? Do not worry. Part 2.
  60. Sudden feeling of extreme sadness, scared of brain tumor
  61. Seem to be in a spiral - worried about throat
  62. Need help with my HA - I can't do this anymore
  63. Help is this really anxiety?
  64. I have Raynaud’s (worried about Scleroderma)
  65. Well, I've done it again...(HA regarding my dog)
  66. Obsessing over thumb muscles difference
  67. Flu while pregnant?
  68. Have I been exposed??
  69. I'm Slowly Dying of Meningitis. (At least, that's what I've convinced myself.) Help?
  70. Worried about pulmonary aspiration
  71. I'm afraid of having stomach cancer. Please help
  72. Now I'm worried I have botulism
  73. Is this cause by axniety?
  74. Momma's
  75. What’s the difference between health anxiety and being anxious about your health?
  76. Woke up with my throat obstructed, chest pain and throat pain!
  77. New symptoms really worried
  78. UTI anxiety
  79. Sat in hospital waiting!
  80. Fearing neurological or brain issue...
  81. Fears about brain aneurysm
  82. Lump/'mass' front of neck and sore node- please help
  83. Free anxiety book download
  84. Something that's helped me, that could help you
  85. Bone worries again.
  86. Probably gonna puke
  87. Shortness of breath for days
  88. Arm pain/ blood clot fears
  89. Using statistics as reassurance
  90. Quick question please answer
  91. Question for folks with buzzing sensations
  92. Skin feels sore to touch and frequent urination
  93. Flank pain - kidney infection?
  94. Worried about weight loss
  95. Fear of a blood clot
  96. Internal bleeding from drug interaction?
  97. Blood clot after ankle sprain?
  98. Spiralling - seizures, testicular cancer, bowel cancer
  99. Relapse (Lower Body edition)
  100. Do anyone have Overactive tightness of the pelvic floor muscle ?
  101. Sore throat for months, help!
  102. am i the only one?
  103. Mini stroke ? Numbness and fainting ,
  104. Feel like slowly drowning.
  105. Convinced myself I’m pregnant
  106. Things look like they are moving ?
  107. A few things I've learned about lymph nodes
  108. Tests for chronic pancreatitis?
  109. Feeling weird in my head/pressure/feel out of it/tired. Scared of brain tumour
  110. Experience with Paxil for HA?
  111. Skin feels like it’s sunburt
  112. Just got back from the derms
  113. Sepsis fear?
  114. High resting heart rate
  115. Cramp in foot
  116. caution vs reassurance seeking? help!
  117. Feeling anxious following cousins cancer diagnoses (possible trigger)
  118. Anxiety relapse
  119. Dr. called and wants me to see ENT about lymph node
  120. If you've been diagnosed with sciatic problems . . . .
  121. Another spiral over armpit
  122. Visual disturbance has tipped me over the edge
  123. MRI Contrast damaged brain?
  124. Cold or flu???
  125. ct scan worry
  126. Never feeling really 'well'...
  127. Cannot stop testing blood sugar
  128. No matter what the symptoms, it really is anxiety!
  129. Terrified of ALS... EMG in 25 Days...
  130. Scary awakening! Felt like I couldn't breathe
  131. Headache? Aneurysm? Brain tumor?
  132. Pelvic pain/stomach
  133. I think I have the opposite of health anxiety
  134. Health anxiety - why can't I accept I'm ok?! Still think there's something up!
  135. Fear of retinal detachment
  136. Worried about myocarditis after a cold!
  137. Half white half pink nails
  138. Scared my child has the flu
  139. Dentist issues
  140. Worried about my cold
  141. Someone slap me please!
  142. blue fingertips?
  143. Does pregnancy cause night sweats?
  144. Blackout and Memory Loss After Panic Attack
  145. HIV fear
  146. What works for you?
  147. I passed out last night and am really scared!!
  148. Anal cancer fear
  149. Scared I ate bleach
  150. U.S. Flu Season 2018
  151. Right side pain - unexplained so far :/
  152. Random pins and needles in my hand
  153. Sparks in eyes whilst in the shower
  154. Weight loss and appetite loss is scaring me
  155. Hangover
  156. Is a little bit of anal discharge normal?
  157. How to break the reassurance cycle??
  158. Flu Fear
  159. Cough fear
  160. Can this really be anxiety?
  161. Can anxiety make you thirsty
  162. No googling/obsessing thread
  163. Help! Will this make me sick?
  164. Body temperature dropping
  165. Nerve pain in arm and hand. Anyone?
  166. aspiration pneumonia from Nystatin?
  167. Night sweats.. Hodgekin or alcohol? Scared..
  168. Hearing my voice in my head telling me to do things
  169. Blood sugars all over morning help
  170. Feel awful and very sorry for myself!
  171. Is it possible to have cancer in two places at once?
  172. Worried that I'm dying and GP wont help
  173. Evil health anxiety feeling so down :(
  174. Insomnia - increasing over months
  175. Goosebumps causing anxiety
  176. Intrusive Thoughts Triggering Health Anxiety
  177. Toes on one foot are col
  178. Headaches or something serious
  179. Swollen lymph node worry-again
  180. Worrying about my husbands night sweats
  181. Terrified. My turn...flu
  182. Plzzz help is this anxiety
  183. Message For People Starting Multiple Threads
  184. Health Anxiety , Twitching , Thick Stringy Mucus
  185. Toddler mole worry! Please help! Going crazy!
  186. EXTREME sensitivity to sunlight
  187. Blocked middle Ear
  188. need real advice
  189. Upper mouth palatte
  190. Maybe my silliest fear yet...Tetanus
  191. I can't believe I did this...
  192. dot on finger??? Blood blister or melanoma?
  193. Weird fuzzy vision and black dots
  194. Blood pressure
  195. Honestly can't cope anymore... :'(
  196. It happened. I got the flu. Help me not spiral
  197. I'm terrified. Jaw Pain.
  198. Doctors that diagnose without testing
  199. Please help!
  200. Worrying blood in poo (sorry tmi)
  201. Lung cancer??
  202. I feel like I have cancer
  203. Anxiety / inhaling rubbing alcohol
  204. Just diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia... terrified of heart problems
  205. Consistently having weird itchy bumps on arm???
  206. Gum disease?
  207. Can health anxiety do this...
  208. Quite the Anxiety Spiral...
  209. Biopsy fear
  210. Could this be the flu or something else?
  211. Alcohol and cymbalta liver anxiety
  212. Took a new job in a school/daycare in hopes to help with HA, anyone have experience?
  213. Relapse :(
  214. Tiny bumps back side of mouth
  215. Enough is enough of this HA waste of life
  216. 2 different diagnosis?
  217. Abdominal soreness\yellow mucus in stool but also HA?
  218. Does anybody else have skin that marks with the slightest pressure?
  219. Anyone else can feel their lymph nodes?
  220. Really scared, need some help
  221. Wheezing sound??
  222. Groin lump, should I show doc?
  223. Arm fatigue when brushing teeth.
  224. Left Hand Tingling Causing BC Worries
  225. Woke up drenched in sweat.
  226. Is it possible to suffer dizziness and nausea even after mild panic attacks?
  227. Little toe nail is freaking me out!
  228. Oral cancer??!😳
  229. skin cancer??? so scared=(
  230. Terrified on Brain Tumour
  231. Admin
  232. "How I survived lymphoma, 3 brain tumors, HIV, AIDS, blood clots, and heart failure."
  233. X-Ray for IBS showed “possible liver enlargement” ?
  234. Scared about lymphoma. Polish guy.
  235. Swollen lip
  236. Freckle like marks all over my thighs / stomach for a few years .. worried
  237. Nodes in groin worry
  238. Help! Appendicitis scare?
  239. Still freaking out about little toe nail ...
  240. Dermatofibroma? Please let it be dermatofibroma...
  241. To trust or not to trust?
  242. Tingling giving me major anxiety
  243. Dread & anxiety about starting a new placement
  244. How can I accept the evidence? Please help!
  245. So it's not MS but now really struggling again...
  246. This is a health anxiety question not symptoms... So please can it remain here?
  247. Health anxiety but towards child
  248. Please help!
  249. Lumps behind ear for years.. HA every few months?
  250. False Negative on Tests?