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  1. Depressed from my anxiety
  2. Lower Left arm Twitching
  3. Even when relieved, stress can linger on.
  4. inhaled lots of super glue smoke. Help!
  5. Worried about neck lump
  6. Treatment Success Without Medication?
  7. Skin wierdnesses - gift that keeps giving.
  8. 10 year old daughter has HA
  9. Feeling desperate- pancreatic cancer
  10. Knee/leg pain
  11. My scale is showing a 30lbs Weight loss over night.
  12. After several years of coping, HA returns! Cancerous/Cardiac fears
  13. Somebody please knock some sense into me
  14. CT Scan Protocol????
  15. Daughter with eye troubles
  16. Scared myself into thinking I have DVT
  17. Constantly Poking my Chest
  18. Please help chest pain/heart worries
  19. My body is just getting worse with this..
  20. Anxiety symptoms ? Ruining my life scared I have mS
  21. Livedo reticularis - mottled skin
  22. Anyone get speech problems?
  23. Swallowing air terrified
  24. Advice plz.
  25. Scared I was exposed to asbestos...
  26. Back again due to x-rays
  27. worried I’m having simple partial seizures
  28. Driving
  29. Lump on bone behind ear with other symptoms
  30. Headaches, spaciness, fullness
  31. Pulmonary Hypertension/Lung Problems.
  32. Lung cancer/ lung problem TERRIFIED pain in back
  33. Three tonsil bumps/spots
  34. Stomach issues PLEASE RESPOND
  35. Am I having a stroke?
  36. Cough with my cold
  37. painful lymph node inner thigh?
  38. Scared of Dementia
  39. Random stabbing chest aches, both sides.
  40. Undercooked egg?
  41. Reflux/GORD & Meds
  42. Hate feeling this way
  43. Please help, my mind is going wild
  44. Dizzy for over a week. Doctor isn't worried?
  45. Flu symptoms /lymphoma
  46. Please Help. I've been living in fear that I'm Going to Die for almost 10 Years Now
  47. Tension Headache and tender spots
  48. Rectal bleeding but GP found nothing
  49. Can you see your heart beat in your hands?
  50. Pregnant and scared
  51. I'm hitting a bad point again
  52. Renal blood retest
  53. Depression
  54. Rattling in chest?
  55. I'm so scared I have a brain tumour please someone help
  56. Red spreading mark freaking out!!
  57. Health anxiety & panic
  58. Scared about a mole
  59. Are these lymph nodes?
  60. Cold sweat
  61. Risk of eating house gecko or mouse/rat poop?
  62. Triggers- what sets you off worrying about your health?
  63. Worried about onset of severe headaches
  64. Neck and Back Pain - Struggling to Control Obsession that Something Might be Wrong
  65. Groin lymph nodes enlarged for 3 months
  66. Back pain or Kidney Pain...?
  67. Bronchitis?!?!
  68. tetanus?? please help :(
  69. Heart attack worry...am I overthinking?
  70. Carcinoid syndrome
  71. Please give me some guidance / hope ? FLU like symptoms 2 months
  72. Afraid of fibromyalgia
  73. Swallowed small piece of fork tine
  74. Worried about displacing broken bones in foot :(
  75. Can you get botulism this way
  76. Severe energy crash
  77. Real symptoms, how to control health anxiety
  78. Does anyone miss the 90s when we couldn't search our health symptoms online?
  79. Please help
  80. relapsing...
  81. UTI or bladder cancer?
  82. Does stress at work/school make you HA worse?
  83. Random, quick back pains
  84. Swollen lymph nodes - terrified
  85. Piles/Hemorrhoids lots of mucus.
  86. Feel ill most of the time
  87. Temple pain?
  88. New to Boards
  89. Not sure I can take any more of this
  90. I’m curious. Anyone have weight loss when you’re in an episode?h
  91. Swimmy/spacey feeling?
  92. I don’t know if this belongs, here, but help!
  93. Waking in the night feeling anxious and sick
  94. Just wanting to say hello
  95. Diaphragmatic breathing need advice please
  96. Splinter in toe?
  97. Rumbling and Occasional Ache Left side of ribcage
  98. I'm spiraling and I'm scared!
  99. Why am I like this?
  100. Headaches
  101. Anxiety about HIV/AIDS
  102. Hit my head earlier, now scared to sleep
  103. Rheumatologist appointment tomorrow and I’m scared to death
  104. Freaked out, anxiety through the roof.
  105. Dark Circle
  106. Nail coming away from nail bed?
  107. Embarrassing question/problem
  108. Am I at serious risk for Lung cancer/COPD/ect?
  109. Always a bumbling mess when I consult a doctor of any kind!
  110. Health Anxiety Advice - Help Please
  111. Severe ache in calf and leg
  112. Dental scaling today
  113. Scan on Friday. Anxiety is back
  114. Anxiety about cold sores
  115. I gotta improve from here
  116. I lasted a week - pancreas worry
  117. health anxiety returning
  118. worried about retinal detachment again
  119. Pulled Muscle or my Liver?
  120. Carbon monoxide fear..
  121. Absolutely terrified - 'Tightness'/dull ache in right thigh????
  122. Freaking Out!!!! Eye Freckle/Chorodial Nevus
  123. Puzzledlass is back... blood test worries
  124. Hit head 6 days ago, still foggy
  125. Oral cancer fear
  126. Brown mole on my foot?
  127. HA Relapse, Panic Attacks
  128. Health anxiety!!
  129. Cancer fears returned after long period of doing well :(
  130. Can someone please explain what "Nigh Sweats" are?
  131. Are these lumps at the back of my throats normal?!
  132. WebMD entry on WebMD
  133. Support please!! Possible bakers cyst, tumor fear, ultrasound
  134. Swollen gland really scared
  135. Can you get a deadly disease from getting sheep blood into your mouth?
  136. Panicking about high liver enzymes after antibiotics.,
  137. Scared of drops of water going up my nose when cleaning
  138. Anxiety over random tingles
  139. Pneumonia is terrifying me
  140. Carbon Monoxide Fear
  141. Keeping your mouth shut
  142. Waking up every morning with sore throat, hoarse voice?
  143. can anxiety cause blood spots on skin??
  144. Cancer worries from a newbie :(
  145. Ugh where do I even begin?
  146. 6 lymph nodes in 12 weeks im going crazy 😭 please help
  147. Girlfriend vomited, is it Norovirus? Am I going to get it?
  148. GPs Behind Closed Doors
  149. meningitis??
  150. I'm so confused, gone and worried.
  151. Tried anal and now worried about HIV
  152. heart rate 160 beats per min while resting lasting around 45 mins
  153. Intense jaw pain and tension
  154. My child is very sick.
  155. Brain MRI Results scared!!
  156. Help with HA while awaiting Specialist Appt
  157. Health anxiety is pushing my family, friends and boyfriend away.
  158. Can't Stop Thinking About How I Feel
  159. Eye twitching for a year - what would you do?
  160. Vein spasm throbbing - video attached
  161. Newbie lung cancer fear
  162. HA and depression after migraine with aura (1st time posting)
  163. Small spot and pea sized lump on armpit
  164. Positive post
  165. I need some help but I don't know if need it!
  166. Tingling in the pinky and ring finger?
  167. Worried about tingles
  168. Please help me- spiraling
  169. Icing an injury for too long
  170. Youngest has blisters on hand
  171. Swollen Lymph Node
  172. Left sided ache/fullness.
  173. Twitching
  174. CBD Oil
  175. Lip ulcer fear
  176. Face feels warm with inconsistent thermometer readings
  177. Pain top of stomach just under breast in the Centre
  178. Fear of Myocarditis Is Back
  179. Health anxiety please help
  180. Anxiety and Heart Disease
  181. Pre-emptive/symptomless health anxiety
  182. Splinter sensation in finger but no splinter?
  183. afraid of getting pregnant
  184. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (or brain tumor)
  185. Update-- Still constantly worrying doctors missed something
  186. HA going to far
  187. Weightlifting, working out
  188. Constent fear of Chocking and Dying
  189. On the verge of a panic attack lymphoma fears
  190. Overcame my HA Today!
  191. Strange experience on the road to recovery from HA
  192. HA - result of childhood trauma
  193. Can you get sick from eating undercooked brownies?
  194. Three Painless Tonsil 'Ulcers'/Spots 3~Months
  195. Eye Vision
  196. Blood in poop?
  197. Great article
  198. Have kidney infection...
  199. How many floaters is it normal to have?
  200. How accurate is a CT scan for brain tumors?
  201. Weird feeling when trying to fall asleep
  202. Dealing with HA about loved ones
  203. Lump on my neck?
  204. Worried about something seriously wrong with my lungs
  205. Dodgy Mole
  206. Health Anxiety back.
  207. Pains in side and chesty 6 weeks on
  208. Scared of liver cancer
  209. So angry with myself
  210. How long can a Brain tumor/cancer go undetected?
  211. Panic Over Eating/ Face Tingly
  212. Stuck in throat
  213. Normal MRI on throat, but now stabbing pains?
  214. New here - Hoping someone can help?
  215. Heart issue
  216. Scared of ALS at 18 years of age.
  217. My ultrasound showed a fatty liver
  218. Coughing up Bloody mucus
  219. Diabetes and panic
  220. ALS scare, Bicep pain for 2 months!
  221. unable to trust my judgement
  222. 30 year old male MND ALS terror.
  223. Strange Shakyness and Anxiety Like Symptoms
  224. HELP! Major scare here
  225. Can night sweats flush a flu out of you?
  226. Health anxiety taking over
  227. Accidentally touched poop??
  228. Difficulty peeing when very anxious
  229. Reading about someone passing away triggering HA.
  230. The stress of it all.
  231. Ingrown Toenail- Redness on edges not disappearing!
  232. And now Nightsweats?
  233. Faith? Is this a symptom of health anxiety?
  234. DNA test
  235. How I overcome health anxiety
  236. Chronic fear of Type 1 Diabetes
  237. im scared of cancer
  238. Please help melanoma fear
  239. Throat/stomach worries
  240. Feeling a intense fear in my chest just before falling aslee
  241. Lymph node and now weight loss Ugh!
  242. Brain tumor worries
  243. Paranoid of blood infection from blood test.
  244. Numbness and strange sensation
  245. Muscle bumps in arm??
  246. Pathology Report Microscopic Description Question
  247. Convinced of MS
  248. so scared i have hantavirus
  249. Another exhausted fool for ALS
  250. New fear, cancer. Sarcoma to be exact.