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  1. Concern For My Dad
  2. CDC warning and I might have it
  3. ITetanus fear- puppy bites!
  4. Swollen Lymph Node on neck
  5. Ecoli worries
  6. Handling Christmas with HA
  7. Worried about getting ill from a biscuit
  8. Man near me on train had a surgical mask in his hand....will I get sick from him? Flu
  9. Liver lesion, h pilory, and severe panic attacks
  10. How we think
  11. big jump backwards - child leg pain
  12. Ears / dizyness
  13. To anyone who's undergoing ALS fear
  14. Stepped on Glass, Scared of Infection
  15. A new anxiety!...
  16. Panicking over possible MS, please help
  17. Plasma Viscosity Test
  18. Waking up every hour or two hours for 4 weeks!
  19. Feel myself slipping...again
  20. Lymphoma Fears :(
  21. Health anxiety pulmonary embolism
  22. Morse code tinnitus?
  23. Of course oral cancer fear fuels up on a Friday night
  24. swollen lymph nodes.. cancer? :(
  25. Forgetting words when speaking-stress or brain tumor or MS?
  26. Hands and fingers
  27. Sepsis Panic - Abdominal Abscess
  28. One year later and I’m slipping back into it... Melanoma fear
  29. Sharp pain in head
  30. Trigemanal neuralgia OMG IM SO UPSET
  31. Cut on finger
  32. Leukemia fear
  33. Burning when dehydrated
  34. Lower abdominal pain, but not severe enough to do to the doctor. Worried it's serious
  35. Headaches...spiraling :(
  36. Liver
  37. Painful to open mouth, small lump near ear.
  38. Dizzy feeling in the morning :( anxiety
  39. I successfully minimalized my Health Anxiety
  40. Oral cancer fear
  41. Public Toilet water splashed my face
  42. Esophegus cancer
  43. Minor Intermittent Cramps All Over Body
  44. Im back, and frustrated(muscle aches)
  45. I am Back
  46. Lost ability to walk because of fear?
  47. I feel my old health Googling/anxiety creeping back
  48. The winter itch
  49. Weird chest pain after fast walk ?
  50. Cut thumb - nerve damage?
  51. mild electrical shock
  52. Microblood in urine - cystoscopy
  53. So scared of glaucoma
  54. Wait.
  55. Lung Cancer Scare
  56. Lump on forehead
  57. Pilonidal cyst
  58. Lymph nodes anxiety
  59. Does anyone else suffer with this? HELP
  60. Veins on the upper sides Of my buttocks
  61. Cloudy pee-once
  62. Doctor didn’t bother?.... is this normal?
  63. Inner ear problems
  64. HA is back; this time, head injury/brain fluid leak
  65. Back Again....and really needing to vent
  66. Weird thing I do
  67. Coughed up blood
  68. Ever had a sense of dread? Like something was about to happen to you?
  69. Best Coping Strategies
  70. Travel And Stomach / Anxiety issues
  71. Here's my story maybe it will help you in some way
  72. Kidney infection or back issues? Help, please.
  73. How to stay calm whilst waiting for tests?
  74. Terrified I have spinal cancer
  75. Heart symptoms in women
  76. My gf
  77. Do you ever just feel... off?
  78. Burning/hot ears sensation and in upper back
  79. Chest constantly twitches only at night?
  80. Health Anxiety fear
  81. Nosebleed worries
  82. Having a bad relapse after symptoms re-appeared
  83. I’m vibrating. Please help
  84. Resources - Use Them!
  85. Girl friend has spots on spleen!!! Help!
  86. Bulbar ALS fears returning...
  87. Groin/Thigh pain
  88. desperately need answers and doctors can't help
  89. Trigger warning. Heart worries after college classmate "died from a heart attack"
  90. Suddenly Felt Like Passing Out Earlier
  91. Having extreme anxiety over subacute bacterial endocarditis
  92. Could this be cancer?
  93. How long have symptoms lasted ?
  94. *** talk of death ***
  95. Reddish brown mucus in stool
  96. cervical cancer (back to where it started)
  97. Lymph nodes and a cold..
  98. Heart trouble or anxiety??
  99. Peripheral Arterial Disease (WARNING: Trigger)
  100. supraclavicular Lymph nodes.. worried.
  101. Please Help Me - What do I believe?
  102. Normal to hypertension blood pressure in less than a year
  103. Meds for severe heartburn which is the safest?
  104. Pain when laying on left side: IBS?
  105. I'm not sure how to Calm down from this: Rant
  106. Scared of tetanus
  107. What does your heart rhythm feel like?
  108. Cancer fears in full throttle.
  109. Can anyone help with this? On and off stitch pain for a few days
  110. Sharp pain in throat when swallowing
  111. DVT
  112. Lump on Tongue
  113. A little update
  114. Afraid
  115. Would Blood Tests Catch Cancer?
  116. Brain eating amoebas... help
  117. Cyst still there after tooth extraction
  118. Letter.
  119. New here- Lip Tremble/Quiver
  120. Weird neck and head pain that comes and goes
  121. The things google suggests sometimes...
  122. Weird sensation whilst driving! Anyone else?
  123. Lymph node returned ????
  124. Red dots on arm? petechiae?
  125. scared of metronidazole
  126. Urgent referral for groin lump. Very worried.
  127. Terrified after blood results showing inflammation
  128. Want to google stomach cancer. Please help me stop
  129. Scary cancer dream triggered extreme health anxiety.
  130. Bleach fears
  131. Going crazy with fears of oral cancer..
  132. Hyperfocusing on symptoms
  133. Fungus or melanoma
  134. How to get past it.
  135. Oral cancer fear
  136. Weird head / brain jolt feeling
  137. Old lump on shin, new panic.
  138. Beetroot and pink urine
  139. Really scared I have aneurysm or something
  140. Lymph Nodes - Sigh Lymphoma
  141. My mother may have throat cancer?
  142. Really worried about getting cholesterol results tomorrow
  143. Fibre glass installation worried
  144. Body jerks day time
  145. Does anyone have tiny BENIGN freckles that change shape a little?
  146. Collarbone discomfort
  147. Chest pain? Not sure what to do.
  148. Severe Health Anxiety
  149. Visible shaking legs and hand keeps cramping up
  150. Just really struggling right now.
  151. Finding out about hereditary diseases - Catch 22
  152. Pressure behind nose (anxiety)
  153. Does reading about illnesses trigger you?
  154. Blood pressure different on each arm
  155. Leukemia Worries
  156. Fear I’m dying!
  157. Poisoned by hand soap?
  158. Neck pain or meningitis
  159. Headache worries
  160. Worried about Heart Attack
  161. Prednisone medication making my leukemia fears even worse.
  162. New Member—My health anxiety story
  163. Painful lump under right ribs
  164. Abnormal cortisol blood test .....freaking out
  165. Does anyone else worry about blood clots in the leg all the time??
  166. Mild concussion
  167. Ms or parkinsons
  168. Can't stop picking nose scab I myself created! Cancer anxiety!
  169. ill try and describe my shortness of breath as best i can
  170. New here - my health anxiety story
  171. Waking up with damp pillow/t-shirt
  172. Fear of Sporadic fatal insomnia
  173. Pots diagnosis scared
  174. Going out tonight and I’m feeling so anxious :(
  175. Looking for advice on how to overcome health anxiety
  176. Worried about lower back tumours
  177. Mid Back pain wraps around to sternum
  178. Back pain and pain with deep breaths
  179. Concerning, focused upper back pain
  180. Worried about wieght loss
  181. Yet Another Bone Cancer Scare....
  182. Fluid behind ear drum
  183. Multiple swollen lymph nodes in neck with elevated white blood cell count
  184. breathed in vacuum exhaust from hospital sweeper/vacuum cleaner?
  185. Me and infections.
  186. Please help, respiratory [post viral] issues driving me nuts!
  187. Multiple health worries
  188. Had a werid dream?
  189. Stress levels are SO high right now!
  190. Blocked ear but ear is fine!!
  191. Should i be concerned?
  192. Hantavirus scare! Panicking
  193. Huge bruising after blood gas test
  194. Ovarian Cancer - Please help I'm so scared
  195. Armpit pain and redness, scared?
  196. Is this seborrheic keratosis or something ominous?
  197. 'Tis the season....for upper respiratory infections.
  198. Worried I could have high blood pressure
  199. Bad taste in mouth all day with back pain and and rib pain
  200. Worried about pain in back passage area
  201. Anyone ever had a watery liquid leak out of nose?
  202. Another ALS fear post
  203. Worried about my boyfriend.
  204. Convinced myself that I have lymphoma
  205. Scared I have ALS
  206. Does it look like melanoma?
  207. Help needed with HIV testing
  208. H pylori meds ? Right side abs or stomach pain
  209. Has anyone found relief from dizziness/vertigo?
  210. Brain tumor fear
  211. Forearm pains, heart attack?
  212. Help for health anxiety, might help some people
  213. Abdominal pain for Christmas
  214. Doing well, but funerals, death of cat, etc... upping anxiety
  215. Bronchitis?
  216. Multiple back lumps, back mice?
  217. Worried about lump base of mouth, argh
  218. MS worry.
  219. Sore groin lymph nodes...worried about lymphoma?? Lymph node fears are back
  220. Walls/doorways moving/breathing? Anyone else get this
  221. Ruined my Christmas with fear over a rare gentic disease
  222. Christmas Stresses
  223. Convinced my 3 year old has a brain tumor
  224. Aches and pains
  225. A long hard road: thoracic pain and breathlessness
  226. Fever two days after starting antibiotics?
  227. Just Found Out I’m Pregnant and Need Some Guidance
  228. Peeing frequently, hunger pangs, tired
  229. Bony lump lower jaw - worried
  230. Really? Avocados!
  231. Ugh vomiting just cheer me up
  232. Tiny bony lump wrist
  233. Oh man, I failed hard today...(disease trigger warn)
  234. Boyfriend is ALWAYS tired
  235. Got triggered in work
  236. Cut elbow with small glass flake
  237. Health Anxiety: Brain Damage
  238. Remember RLR?
  239. Coughing causing pulled stomach muscle?
  240. MS fear ruined my life
  241. Anyone have Acid reflux? woke up choking
  242. Terrified don’t know what to do
  243. Swollen lymph nodes under armpit
  244. Worst Fears all Together
  245. I need reassurance please, not great doctors appt.
  246. Leg discomfort and worried about blood clots
  247. Rib and back pain in both sides anyone had this ??
  248. Has anyone had this?
  249. Eye hurts to move- so scared!
  250. White patch inside mouth? Help!