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  1. Mole worry
  2. Random memories
  3. Eye doctor
  4. Scratched eye
  5. Health Anxiety and post Appendectomy
  6. Totally and completely spiraling with my HA
  7. Tetanus scare :(
  8. Struggling with abdominal pain and just...tired
  9. I can’t cope with health anxiety anymore
  10. Referred from Reddit: Any tips for helping me ground myself?
  11. Panicking!! Aspiration pneumonia
  12. Hemms... or something much more sinister! Please help with suggestions!
  13. Fever with NO cough/congestion disappeared overnight? Worried
  14. Burst blood vessels in legs
  15. Scared i’m going to drop dead from a blood clot
  16. Ultrasound today worried about liver disease, cancer of kidney etc
  17. General anaesthesia reassurance
  18. Sawdust / MDF fibreboard dust
  19. Skin cancer worries
  20. Heart worries
  21. A story of health anxiety and fainting
  22. So anxious!
  23. Proteus mirabilis infection!!! Please help me!
  24. Does this sound like piles
  25. Has anyone experienced sudden dizzy spells with anxiety?
  26. pls I need reassurance - aspirated reflux?
  27. Collarbone lymph node? CBT and anxiety. please help.
  28. Boil help
  29. Narrow angles eyes worried sick
  30. Miscarriage causing HA relapse?
  31. Jaw problems
  32. Scared I have kidney disease
  33. Feeling dizzy but only in certain places...
  34. Trigger warning. Sudden cardiac death of cousin
  35. panic attack - headache
  36. Can extreme and sudden onset of stress cause hair loss
  37. High MPO - Cardio-vascular disease marker
  38. Lumps in arm
  39. Eye melanoma struggling with anxiety
  40. Kaleidoscope aura optical migraines
  41. reading NDEs really helped with my health anxiety
  42. Nervous that I got bit by a bat and don't know what to do.
  43. Back again (abdominal issue) and I just need a hug :(
  44. Back feels weak, can hardly walk, terrified of falling
  45. Scared Brain Tumor Memory Or Fog
  46. Can this dizziness be from anxiety?
  47. Armpit Pain, Chest Pain, Swollen Salivary Gland, could it all just be Health Anxiety?
  48. Eye test, referred to a specialist.
  49. Scared of getting a haircut, yoga etc
  50. Punch in throat - panic!
  51. Headaches: Sinuses, Tension or tumour?
  52. Migraine auras
  53. Hip pain and numbness
  54. Tinnitus
  55. Absolutely petrified by upcoming test
  56. CBT app
  57. Pricking feeling in legs
  58. Persistent UTI’s and blood tests
  59. Deep Bilateral Arm and Hand and mid back pain. Scared help
  60. One pupil bigger. Had 3 opinions. Should I let it go?
  61. Health Anxiety is Real. I'd Love Your Opinion
  62. bladder cancer fear. flakes in urine
  63. Blood Test and Lab Work Came back, they want me to come into the office for results
  64. Constant fear of death all day
  65. Fear of heart attack/stroke/ aneurysm
  66. Twitching AFTER anxiety?
  67. Headache whole day, scared
  68. Support please
  69. Worried about sepsis.
  70. Nipah virus/new virus worries
  71. Why, oh why does OAB haunt me? Every time I've been overwrought (anxiety wise) OAB
  72. Lymph node/cancer scare
  73. Shin pain
  74. Odd thing on face
  75. Worried again!
  76. Constant need to go to the bathroom
  77. constant anxiety about tapeworms/parasites
  78. I’m not sure what happened. Help!
  79. Worried about whiplash
  80. My GP agrees health anxiety is taking over my life but I don't know what to do :(
  81. Hygene question, cannot stop ruminating!
  82. Dental Abscess. On antibiotics. Have to wait a month for an appointment. Worried!
  83. Ate from an opened jar of applesauce left out for 12 hours
  84. Fear of blood cancer
  85. Cancer fears again!!
  86. Worried I have given myself tetanus
  87. Am I showing signs of lung cancer?
  88. Weird jerk/dropping sensation feeling in head
  89. Actinic Keratosis - Again - How to Deal
  90. Is pneumonia contagious???
  91. New mole on side of foot
  92. Lump on hard palate
  93. Squint operation…worried
  94. Extreme fatigue
  95. Blood found, feeling concerned
  96. Blood level anxiety
  97. I can taste CT scan contrast days later
  98. ENT tomorrow, very scared!
  99. Trouble swallowing and very hard to eat
  100. Hip pain
  101. So frustrated with constant nerve issues
  102. Chronic inflammation
  103. im freaking out about antibiotics and what they could cause! i took them for 4 days
  104. High blood pressure - terrified
  105. One thing I do not understand
  106. Diagnosed with POTS - Anyone else?
  107. Hit my head today, scared to go to sleep
  108. Broken nose?? So scared
  109. Black speck in urine?
  110. Please help, skin cancer
  111. Brain tumour fear - numb face, tingling hands
  112. Lung cancer fear is taking over my life
  113. Health anxiety has got so much worse-struggilng to cope
  114. Rabies from a chipmunk
  115. Cold returned, freaking out that it could be something worse
  116. I’m worried I’ll never sleep again.
  117. Remote-controls in the fridge
  118. Accidentally hit really hard in the nose (bleed on brain)
  119. Worried about possible heart problem. Paranoid I will have to go to hospital.
  120. Persistent fears of Dementia, going crazy etc
  121. Worried about blood clot.
  122. Health anxiety back after a long time following a University lecture!
  123. Could this dizziness be just anxiety?
  124. Post nasal drip, wheeze/ crackle lower left chest ,I am really panicking, any advice
  125. Slight numbness - top of leg
  126. Worried about heart failure
  127. Accidentally drank grapefruit soda on atorvastatin 10 mg
  128. If bloods come back normal can you stil ask for further tests?
  129. In need of some calming down (possible TIA/stroke)
  130. Worry about breast lump that present for 14 years
  131. Sudden swollen finger no injury
  132. Sharp Stabbing pain in left armpit and hand.
  133. Swollen submandibular lymph node
  134. Carotid Artery Neck Dissection
  135. HELP! Extreme Anxiety - Swollen Lower Right Abdomen
  136. Panicking, slow heart rate
  137. Scalp spot came back after treatment - how to trust skin doctor
  138. Linear shadowing on chest Xray
  139. Extreme Anxiety over supraclavicular lymph nodes
  140. extreme anxiety/ white coat syndrome
  141. Biopsy Today :'(
  142. A viral thing turned into a bacterial thing and I’m stressing
  143. “Vision” rushing when closing eyes to sleep
  144. Worried about my eye
  145. "Stumped" doctor with lump in neck and scared about MRI now
  146. Coughing up blood
  147. Researching various diseases
  148. Anxious after fall
  149. Pain right chest/pec
  150. Dementia worries again!! 39
  151. Headaches in Children
  152. One of my worst fear symptoms happened tonight
  153. Really Worried about stabbing Chest pain
  154. Anxiety/meds advice
  155. Colon cancer fear - concave stool
  156. Food poisoning
  157. Rough Time Again Due to Palpitations
  158. Assorted Brain Fears (Bleed? Tumor?)
  159. Blood test results have scared me, just wanted a place to talk.
  160. Bumped head and have a lump, really worried
  161. HA resurgence
  162. Reassurance tests just making anxiety worse
  163. How can I handle this constant breast worry?!?
  164. A little angry at my old doctor
  165. Sick person coughing on me
  166. Buzzing in my left ear... Help!
  167. Weird sensation back of mouth
  168. Bloody snot
  169. Auras without migraine? TIAS? Worried!
  170. Terrified of pancreatic cancer back pain
  171. Smelling smoke
  172. Tinnitus
  173. Any experience managing choking anxiety?
  174. Tip of the tongue - anxiety or dementia
  175. Eye cancer or brain tumour. I'm really freaking out
  176. Advice for breathing issues.
  177. Driving me mad.
  178. Stressed about having a CT Scan
  179. Having a blip
  180. Health Anxiety Meditation
  181. Cancer/lymphoma - I'm a wreck.
  182. Bleeding gums
  183. Lump under my lip. Sever health anxiety that's controlling my day.
  184. HELP Blood when I wiped / in the bowl
  185. Have you had the same?
  186. Brain aneurysm question
  187. Please help…what is it?
  188. cardiac anxiety.
  189. Bloated and back ache
  190. Advice on how to cope with something that triggers you
  191. Scared of leukemia/lymphoma
  192. I How do you cope with HA when it comes to a loved one?
  193. Misreading and mishearing words very worried about neurological problems
  194. Fatty Liver Pain
  195. I didn't know women get gout :(. Catastrophizing.
  196. Urgent- can’t cope. Blood pressure
  197. Body Very Tense, BP, Heart Rate Up
  198. Just trying to get some help
  199. When your trigger comes to visit!
  200. Red patch in mouth and now obsessive checking
  201. Used Sharpie permanent market on chopping board, worried I will eat it now
  202. Shaking hands with someone who had a plaster and cut
  203. Very worried about my mum x
  204. Scared of lymphoma
  205. Melanoma worry
  206. Flat stool
  207. Worried that I have a more serious issue than a stomach bug.
  208. Petechie on partner
  209. Cervical mass on ultrasound
  210. Too anxious to take Medication I need to take
  211. Clicking/Popping in throat
  212. Can’t get past this anxiety
  213. Headache
  214. anxiety over recurring itch on wrist with no rash
  215. Eye strain and body moving to heartbeat
  216. Breast clinic question
  217. Fear of bowel cancer
  218. Slight tight chest/shallow breathing- Acid reflux/gastritis?
  219. Bowel Cancer Screening Test Positive
  220. Having a struggle
  221. 50 shades of stool
  222. Feel like there's no hope for me anymore
  223. Brain Tumor\Nervous system disorder scare.
  224. Worried about radiation from ct scan
  225. Scared about a brain tumour..
  226. Falling back into a vicious cycle
  227. Please help waiting on bloods for lymphoma-has anyone had a large limpoma
  228. Shortness of breath, also during physical activity
  229. Need someone to tell me it's all in my head
  230. I'm so scared
  231. I think I need some positive thoughts from Fishmanpa!!
  232. Concussion ?
  233. Weak urine flow- male
  234. Had to take a benzo just to go to the gym today due to fear of sudden cardiac arrest.
  235. Will I get hiv from this?
  236. Checking, checking, checking.
  237. Supraclavical Lymph Node
  238. Embarrassing Red Cheeks
  239. Food/ health anxiety
  240. High blood pressure reading
  241. Glands or something else? Please help
  242. Awaiting CT scan results after ENT appt.
  243. Worried 😟
  244. 8 weeks of anxiety over hard swollen lymph node
  245. Feeling like something is pushing in my Throat
  246. How to stay away from falling into another rabbit hole?
  247. Buzzing in one ear
  248. change in bowel habits?
  249. Brain Farts/Memory
  250. Red Spot/patch on nose