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  1. Muscles and Me ....yet again!!
  2. Please help
  3. diabetic
  4. I'm seriously losing my mind...
  5. >>> Hello I'm a hypochondriac with... Heart worries<<<
  6. Colon Polyps
  7. the need to eat every 2 and half hours
  8. chest infection and blood clot
  9. Getting tests done?
  10. I am happy today :-)
  11. seeing things!!!
  12. My friends dog got my toothbrush in his mouth
  13. Postpartum anxiety or not?
  14. Night Shivers
  15. Moveable lump in neck?
  16. Cbt books
  17. Trapped Wind.....or something more serious?
  18. Tramadol HELP! Driving myself mad
  19. Waking up
  20. Dp/dr - please reply!
  21. I caved in and goggled now I'm in panic
  22. How many people can feel there lymphnodes?
  23. Inner Ear Infection....I Think
  24. Strange/Burning Smells
  25. Sudden cardiac death and heart worries coming back again :(
  26. Another UTI infection. Panicking a LOT
  27. A relapse!
  28. Update
  29. Tingly Face and Scalp: Looking for Advice
  30. Dipstick showed blood in urine - convinced I have cancer
  31. Over 2 years of MS symptoms...
  32. ARGHHHH!
  33. I think i'm dying, someone please help me.
  34. Advice please
  35. Bumps and dents on head?
  36. Here we go again
  37. Had enough of feeling like this
  38. heart worries very anxious tonight pain all day
  39. its been 3 years now i cant live like this anymore
  40. Read my symptoms! Brain Tumor or Not, SO SCARED
  41. chill blanes
  42. numb and cant sleep?
  43. What is this!?!?
  44. The Media dont help!!!!!
  45. Please please please reply I think I'm going crazy!
  46. Genuinely not sure whether I'm an anxious idiot or burying my head in the sand...
  47. Swallowing/Aerophagia
  48. So So Scared, I Cant Breathe :(
  49. Blood work good panic not
  50. Acid Reflux concerns...so worried!
  51. Scalp/Skull Lump
  52. Funny feeling in chest. Getting worried
  53. chest pain
  54. ARGH! Breathlessness! And that 'doomful' feeling..
  55. why did i do this to my self lol
  56. bad indigestion or stomach cancer. . .
  57. burning feet and legs
  58. Still scared about having a brain tumor
  59. My story with health anxiety
  60. I realized what's wrong and I really need advice, please :/
  61. cold
  62. Serotonin Syndrome
  63. Left-Sided Chest Pain...Help!
  64. Help me work through the crazyness
  65. My whole body thuds with every heart beat
  66. Breathless for 2 days
  67. Will I die?
  68. Help help help
  69. left side discomfort, sudden dizziness and hot flashes
  70. How can I stop this! It's driving me mad!
  71. Floaters - bright light/ dark background
  72. Lower right abdominal pain - So worried
  73. Is this really just a virus?
  74. Anxiety symptoms
  75. Ever had a break down?
  76. Cataracts Etc can anyone help?
  77. Hip pain - arthritis ??
  78. prickly feeling at the end of your bladder
  79. finding it hard to eat?
  80. liver enzymes. worried.
  81. Smear tests!
  82. Advice please.....
  83. My heart was beating weird
  84. Lump in throat
  85. Feel like my life is on hold till I get a diagnosis
  86. Fear of having CPVT, anyone else?
  87. Do i have cancer
  88. Having a bad day
  89. Didn't Realise That A Smear Doesn't Test the Ovaries
  90. Brain zaps!!
  91. New anxiety symptoms
  92. need a helping hand :(
  93. Pain and blood in stools....(TMI warning!)
  94. I hate it when Doctors say 'What are you anxious about?'
  95. Skin Cancer
  96. I feel like I cant breath normally? Less air!
  97. heart flutter???????//////
  98. Roxithromycin and strep throat
  99. Why do some people get taken so young?
  100. Severe abdominal cramping after eating...scared!!
  101. type 2 diabetes
  102. Ultrasound Wednesday
  103. pain after eating.....
  104. TMJ Headache <> Anxiety
  105. blood test results and panic
  106. shootin pain down spine
  107. Muscle strain after bad ectopics anyone?
  108. Can't go on like this ....
  109. anyone have anxiety about their head
  110. Anyone read "It's not all in your head"? Health anxiety book?
  111. Can anyone recommend any herbal tablets to take away anxiety?
  112. why did your anxiety/panic attacks start?
  113. back pain, scared its cancer
  114. Just got back from the emergency room.
  115. Sudden death worry taking over!!
  116. There's something strange in my chest
  117. brain tumour fear (again)
  118. Small wheeze in upper chest at night?
  119. Belly twitch!
  120. Can anyone else relate to this
  121. Anything that doesn't make you anxious?
  122. 5 months of heck (blood pressure, ALS, and Lymph nodes oh my!)
  123. Hand muscle problem please read.!
  124. Need help...please read
  125. Chest X-ray results..... Cancer?
  126. Am I just a Hypercondriac..?
  127. left-side headache, felt weird all day
  128. Could this be acid reflux??
  129. Ugh, enough of this
  130. Cold and sweating when throwing up?
  131. I know im suffering with bad anxiety with my acid reflux comes back
  132. Should I or shouldn't I
  133. Heart Worry
  134. almost 3 weeks and still not well
  135. Fed up. Really fed up.
  136. Mammogram : in a panic !
  137. I don't want to lose anymore weight!
  138. //// --- this isn't living
  139. Does this site help or hurt you?
  140. I just want to cry
  141. Anxiety - Causing dizzyness and slight head twitches?
  142. Scared of getting a clot on the lung
  143. Why wont it end?
  144. Sleep apnea or anxiety, or both? waking up gasping for breath
  145. Abortion- so scared
  146. Do you ever have those rare moments?
  147. Heart again, scared and please answer soon :/
  148. Lymph nodes
  149. internal numbness?
  150. twitching limbs down to stress/anxiety? please help!
  151. Really really worried!!
  152. So scared - twitching and blurred vision
  153. Worried : (
  154. Would you go to the doctors about this? Sorry, TMI
  155. Muscle Twitching on side of my nose???
  156. Terrified of a Lung Clot
  157. I was doing so well :(
  158. Mega dizzy and weird head sensations?
  159. What helps to relax you when feeling anxious?
  160. Why do I do this to myself-liver concerns-help!
  161. Bloated swollen stomach
  162. cut my legs
  163. leg pain
  164. How sympathetic is your GP?
  165. Had my ultrasound
  166. Heart rate - minimal exercise
  167. have i thaught about it so much ive given myself it
  168. CRP
  169. Month of bloating, diarrhea, nausea and stomach pain
  170. Could someone tell me if this is health anxiety related please?
  171. heart pulpatations?
  172. Pneumothorax/lung collapse worries!!
  173. Another new symptom AGGGHHHH! Help! :(
  174. Dizziness
  175. What exactly is Ventricular Tachycardia??
  176. Problems staying asleep?
  177. lump near groin????
  178. Morning headaches
  179. upper back pains
  180. Esophogeal cancer?
  181. Food poisoning - will I get it??
  182. Palpitations! Extremely worried!!
  183. Dizzy but not.... read on
  184. Purple fingernails??
  185. the more we know the more we fear...
  186. crohn's disease
  187. any info would help?
  188. Scared to drink alcohol?
  189. Constant worrying - sti
  190. Tension headaches and anxiety
  191. Allergic reaction?
  192. " Talking changes " self referal service
  193. Just a Thank You to everybody
  194. Can anxiety & stress do this?
  195. Help for Anxiety
  196. dettol cleaner?
  197. Feeling of 'stuff in chest' when going for a 5 minute walk!?!
  198. Shakey hands
  199. Tender Scalp?
  200. Anal Fissure Bleeding - TMI warning but HELP!
  201. explanations if you can???
  202. Breath anxiety
  203. Hantavirus!? Any advice?!
  204. my heart
  205. blood when blowing nose
  206. Is swine flu still about?
  207. Neck Palpitations when Lying Down
  208. Slight pain under rib cage and back - a little disturbed.
  209. Help me out if u could please...
  210. Please read me?
  211. please please please help me
  212. Major Headache and just fed up with all these horrible symtopms.
  213. Really scared its going to return
  214. Dizzyness from Anxiety
  215. is this anxiety?
  216. My heart & pulse....Anxiety, Really????
  217. dronin sound in ears/head :( please reply if you have/had this
  218. Severe Insomnia for 2 months!
  219. Anyone else? :(
  220. So fed up!
  221. Back problem and health anxiety
  222. Oh my thumping heart..
  223. Chest pain when I;m breathing in!! Help!
  224. Vicious cycle starts again :(
  225. New and need some help and advice
  226. Brain tumour worry
  227. HA is a poweful thing!
  228. ovarian cancer :( AGAIN!
  229. Got blood results back totally freaking out.
  230. Swollen glands
  231. breast lump
  232. Asthma, Anxiety or both?
  233. HOLIDAY! help haha
  234. Panicing from natural medication, some help please ?
  235. HELP! Something weird with my Eyes.....
  236. odd lump on my hand
  237. Left side of face feels Numb
  238. someone explain to me
  239. pulse in stomach etc
  240. Having a bad day
  241. Diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation
  242. Palpitations, strange light feeling in head, etc.
  243. Stiff/achey upper back/shoulders/neck..
  244. Worst hospital appointment ever!!
  245. Feel horrid after panic attack!
  246. Worst Day Yet - A+E visit for 'Lung Clot'
  247. Worried I have Cancer
  248. Morning Feelings?
  249. Hope
  250. skaly mark on leg :S