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  1. I think!
  2. It felt so weird :O
  3. New panic
  4. Worried that headache is a brain tumour
  5. Not again!
  6. Black Mold Freak-out
  7. speech please reply
  8. Had enough :(
  9. panic, having hard time............
  10. Leg pain. Scared it dvt
  11. Rattling in chest & antibiotics prescribed by gp should i worry?
  12. Going for cbt
  13. Poorly
  14. Some Advice
  15. Get out there
  16. Head pain.
  17. Stabbing head pain which lasted only a few seconds?
  18. Diazepam?
  19. here i go again
  20. Sertraline/Dp dr LOOK PLEASE:)
  21. Sore Eye
  22. When is it the wrong kind of chest pains?
  23. Question about fillings
  24. Back again, please reassure :(
  25. Please read, need reassurance - woke up suddenly in night and couldnt breathe
  26. low back ache/ stiffness
  27. How do I stop?
  28. Headaches
  29. HELP please had a bad week with this urination feeling really down :(
  30. Chest infection that hasn't improved after 48 hours of antibiotics
  31. Really bad back pain
  32. acid reflux
  33. Headaches
  34. dr google
  35. Health anxiety can't possibly cause this amount of weeing!!!!
  36. Never get better
  37. problem with the bowl cancer advert
  38. Head HA again and would they know?
  39. Fear of Lung Cancer in full Effect!
  40. Headache/Brain Tumour HA Tip
  41. Weird mark on my arm.
  42. Twitch on My back scared
  43. do you ever wonder?
  44. Chest worry
  45. nervous wreck this morning.....
  46. Wishes to all
  47. Blood in spit
  48. fear of blood pressure
  49. Jolt in neck, pins and needles in hand, I'm a wreck, help!
  50. Mouth Pain
  51. diazepam/headaches
  52. feeling like im choking on something
  53. Life is not random
  54. Tingly crawling feeling in chest
  55. left leg gone wierd and kinda nimb feels heavy and hard to lif
  56. Headaches really getting me down - new symptom hurts when I cough
  57. Got shingles - now the lymph node fear is back!
  58. liver function results....
  59. vision problems
  60. Heart Failure worry
  61. Distraction Tips When Poorly And Chest Pain Advice
  62. beta blockers
  63. Mole Removed
  64. Stomach Pain! Help
  65. I'm scarded
  66. breast cancer worry
  67. Peppermint Tea And Its Relaxing Properties
  68. Fever of my son making me terribly anxious
  69. advice plz feeling constipated but doing soft poo :S
  70. Tingling in the head or rather on my head
  71. Tender stomache and abdomin
  72. Fear of dying of Air Embolism?
  73. Shortness of breath and shoulder blade pain and massive fear of lung cancer
  74. So worried, so scared
  75. Extreme tiredness all of the sudden
  76. Seizure Health Anxiety Some Q and A's
  77. READ**
  78. Freaking out:Tingling right hand and right foot!
  79. panic attacks
  80. ovarian cancer?
  81. coughing so much i think im gonna be sick
  82. head sort of vibrated
  83. Worried about heart problems
  84. cervical cancer.... worries!! confused!!
  85. Hypertension - sometimes normal reading sometimes high reading
  86. Scared of tumor!
  87. Shooting pain in right eye
  88. I'm not normal
  89. Can't swallow properly?
  90. crackles when i exhale very loud
  91. flu and blocked sinuses please read
  92. Migrane?
  93. lymph node worry
  94. hard spot under my arm skin
  95. Metoprolol
  96. Constant muscle tension below ribs/upper abs
  97. Stomach fear :(
  98. It's Crazy what your mind can do to you. Constantly diagnosing myself!
  99. Pregnancy Phobia/stomach spasm
  100. more panicking
  101. ulcers in the mouth
  102. ladies please! x
  103. Has anyone had low neutrophils/white cell count?
  104. booking blood tests, help needed
  105. Doctor says I have pleural rub?
  106. I'm scared of turbuculoises
  107. incontinence - women please
  108. Ugh...Not at my best
  109. Thanks everyone!
  110. Feel like I have a balloon in my left rib!
  111. Healthy anxiety advice needed
  112. smear test conerns
  113. Mild & mysterious headache issues
  114. Heart and head problems...
  115. Help Wanted: Hypochondriacs need only apply!
  116. Update on Headaches/Help
  117. Upper Right Quadrant ache and worried
  118. acid reflux
  119. over eating..
  120. EPA Supplements
  121. Worried about my tooth again
  122. Looking how I feel..
  123. No response to post . Need response.
  124. Really worried about this !
  125. Throat Cancer worry
  126. headache in my eye
  127. No had a headache all day but just took some deep breathes and got headache
  128. Worried about immune system.
  129. Vertigo
  130. Worried :(
  131. head
  132. Health anxitey over post natal depression
  133. Feel like I am going to die
  134. Allergic reaction worries
  135. Worried About Wheezing and Chest Tightness
  136. Depressed. Scared
  137. Under arm pain
  138. skin tags
  139. Mole advise please
  140. Omeprazole advice needed.
  141. Health Anxiety Getting Worse
  142. Palps
  143. Been so ill since Friday with a terrible bug and now urinating prob back :(
  144. floaty bit in wee :(
  145. Worried about heart failure
  146. Anyone else overweight?
  147. Strange night time sensations
  148. scared i have a neurological dieseas...thanks dr google!
  149. Feeling really quite off colour and anxiety flaring up
  150. anxiety and bein a mum and feeling like a complete failure to your kids
  151. Shooting head pains on straining, buzzing... First post!
  152. Hot when eating
  153. us
  154. methol sensation
  155. Spot/boil on bum
  156. Terrified for my mother! :'(
  157. Hand cramping / pins and needles at night
  158. lost it this morning :(
  159. fore head pain
  160. in the midst of panic
  161. male issue - prostate problem?
  162. tingling chin
  163. In such a state this morning
  164. Weight loss and worried
  165. Acid reflux,scope or not?
  166. Fed up with frequent urination and had first Cbt session today!
  167. throat
  168. HA Video Suggestions For Now!
  169. lymph node
  170. Sinusitis complications?
  171. My dizziness, its not just anxiety!
  172. Old panic, new panic!
  173. Just want some reassurance
  174. Dizzy/lightheaded is it really just anxiety
  175. Fasting blood test
  176. Please help me! (possible trigger)
  177. acupuncture - im healed
  178. I'm feeling really bad today. Please help!
  179. Wisdom teeth worries!
  180. everyone tired
  181. jaw
  182. Nerve pain around back
  183. Torn muscle in hip?
  184. Great!! Its back :(
  185. Can't shake this feeling!!!
  186. Brain Hematoma worry in china
  187. What's a breast nodule?
  188. really worried sick,not sure what to do.
  189. Heart worry because of what happened today!
  190. Trimethoprim
  191. Sore lymph node
  192. Piles?
  193. Tension headache or neck related??
  194. Small round "cigarrete burn" looking marks on chest, terrified (with pics)
  195. please check if normal
  196. Terrified tonight
  197. Worried Sick About My Daughter
  198. Normal to get the MMR 3 times?
  199. Eye worries back AGAIN
  200. So many aches and pains
  201. Scared cause I've had too many cat scans and X-rays don't wanna get cancer
  202. After some reassurance (Headaches, Dizzyness)
  203. Lumps In Neck
  204. Urination worries :( feel very down today!!
  205. Health anxiety awareness documentary?
  206. Urine results
  207. heart flutters when raising arm?
  208. the footballer who had heart attack
  209. lumps on tongue
  210. HA sufferers please read...
  211. Newbie needing help
  212. headache gets worse as day goes on.
  213. anxiety, loss of appitite, malnutriton
  214. Thoughts On Diazepam And Oversleeping
  215. Pain in side of neck, Help please.
  216. Worried about lung cancer
  217. Dizzyness!!
  218. Hate feeling like this
  219. rash has appeared!!
  220. What is your most frightening anxiety symptom?
  221. Near an ear - feel like I am quickly sinking...
  222. terrible diet
  223. EMDR for Health Anxiety - Interesting Experience
  224. out of breath feeling
  225. Having a Panic Attack!
  226. Please Help
  227. Acid Reflux and tongue and speech problems
  228. flu twice in about 2 weeks :(
  229. tightness/nunbness on the brige of my nose?
  230. Losing control again...HELP :(
  231. Post Nasal drip
  232. Im scared, please help me.
  233. Blood Pressure help
  234. Smoking....
  235. Mouth Cancer Fear
  236. Calling all insomniacs!
  237. What have you missed out on?
  238. Rib pain and back tingling :(
  239. Will it ever go?
  240. Worried and upset :( now got bad diarrear
  241. anyone taken tyrozets for a sore throat??
  242. muscle tension and pins and needles
  243. Really feel low right now
  244. anyone?
  245. Armpit, Underarm Pain/Sore
  246. Panicking in school ATM
  247. Scared about menengitis
  248. Here I go again, this time moles
  249. viral infection
  250. Constant chest pains and anxiety?