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  1. Waking up heart racing...
  2. Please think about me..:-(
  3. NHS direct experiences anyone?
  4. would it show up in a blood test
  5. Left side pain. Feels muscular?
  6. scan results
  7. what to eat after sickness bug?
  8. It's getting too much, please help!
  9. Should i be worried?!
  10. A rational mind needed! Doctors again this week or not!
  11. naffed off that anxiety is back
  12. Well my slide back into HA didn't take long :(
  13. Had another panic attack today
  14. I have an ear infection, or is it something more?
  15. Whenever I think about heartburn, I get it
  16. Benzo's are the temporary cure for HA/anxiety/panic
  17. Low pulse
  18. Pounding heartbeat
  19. Cough for over 1 year
  20. Trying to think rationally.
  21. HA flair up with life stress
  22. Just a question
  23. Self Testing!
  24. Any advice please worried about brain tumour/aneurism
  25. Shortness of breath :(
  26. Very anxious about dying my hair, my anxiety is getting in the way of me being happy.
  27. Worried about my mum
  28. Lymphoma worry wtg on blood tests
  29. can anyone help me withheart sensations and trembling?
  30. Anyone else?
  31. i can feel my anxiety coming back with avegence because of this lump :(
  32. Newcomer very anxious long term HA sufferer
  33. allergies bad this week
  34. very anxious about my ultra sound tomo
  35. the difference between anxiety/stress and something serious?
  36. Anxiety?
  37. health anxiety
  38. Vitamin results knowledge needed :)
  39. NHS GUM Clinic Waiting for results
  40. tightness in chest
  41. Iron supplements??
  42. Happiness and its impact on our life.
  43. heart worries
  44. I think I'm going blind - help!!
  45. Why after 2 - 3 years have I started to obsess about this????
  46. Having a bad day
  47. Burning tongue and a bit red on tip, help please!
  48. think i have sinus cancer
  49. Oh no i googled my lump! made things worse and im just so fed up of feeling like this
  50. Dry eyes and mouth driving me crazy
  51. Anxiety/fibro?
  52. Health Anxiety and dark thoughts
  53. Negative health adverts...
  54. Tight chest and dizziness
  55. Fever!
  56. how long would you think a burnt tongue would last???
  57. Had a brilliant Day..:-)
  58. Can Health Anxiety Cause Numbness?
  59. New here
  60. PvC's The death of me!!!!
  61. Heart (again!)
  62. Breast Lump!!
  63. Numb tongue/tongue issues for past few weeks
  64. Tender spot.
  65. New problem, pain in top spine..
  66. Results...waiting on doc call back? Scared! :(
  67. So happy even tho I have a heart condition!
  68. Can poor appetite affect breathing?
  69. Red blotches in my chest, back, arms, stomach
  70. PVC's and how to cope
  71. Really would like some advice please!
  72. low ferritin/anxiety
  73. Fear of heart problems (Palpitation)? Is this dangerous?
  74. Constantly checking my pulse!
  75. Soft tissue swelling neck X-ray...anxiety out of control
  76. seeing stars
  77. pain on skin underneath the hair.normal? Please help
  78. Please help - Abnormal bloodtest
  79. Shooting pains.
  80. What are palpitations?
  81. Left Abdomen Pain
  82. Lump sensation in throat anxiety
  83. Feeling Blah!
  84. Someone with anxiety that had a kid? is it bad for the baby?
  85. Feel so run down
  86. Trying to convince myself its Health Anxiety
  87. skin.
  88. H.A and relationship trouble
  89. Help going Mad
  90. I googled :(
  91. Chest pain
  92. Do you ever swallow food only for it to get stuck in your nasal passage?
  93. Dry eyes, please help I need this to go away
  94. I'm so worried for my nephew :(
  95. cant get cancer out of my head terrified please help
  96. Help! Skin in mouth coming off it's like jelly!
  97. Sjogren? Autoimmune? Can take much more
  98. Help
  99. little steps
  100. I'm going to be home alone next week for a week, and not sure if I'll cope. Advice?
  101. heart beating very fast tonight
  102. Caught the sun on face
  103. Brain clot please help
  104. dry eye sydrome
  105. Short of breath, tight under rib cage and tired
  106. Lump -- HELP
  107. Can anxiety really cause itching???? Help!!
  108. Need help.. really worried
  109. I'm still twitching!!!
  110. HA and doctors not taking me seriously? What do I do now?
  111. little red spots
  112. I've had some awful news
  113. Heavy head
  114. weakness.
  115. Aching neck is really freaking me out!!
  116. Looking for reassurance
  117. Newbie needing a friendly ear..
  118. Just want to get this all down & know I'm not mad !!
  119. Hard bony lump on my chest!
  120. docs today scared he wont help me
  121. Heart again!
  122. terrifying thoughts about my health.
  123. Even im sick of hearing my self moan about this lump!
  124. Constant Tiredness/Exhaustion
  125. 1 of those days
  126. Woke up to a world of panic!!
  127. Chest pain
  128. Difference between an upset stomach and just a little different from always
  129. Haemmoroids and fatigue
  130. Fleeting abdominal and chest pains
  131. Headaches..and severe vertigo
  132. Worried about Clots Again.
  133. So scared.
  134. heart skipped and body jolts
  135. Itchy and burning feet last night :((
  136. Headache
  137. Terrified After Hospital Appointment
  138. Had a panic-attack from smoking weed think ive developed anxiety, please help!
  139. Does anyone know anything about lymphoma?
  140. Constant breathing problems.
  141. Alzheimers? Any help or anyone relate?
  142. Dry eyes and mouth seen eye doctor
  143. Visual/occular migraines
  144. Sighing alot ( should of added to post i posted below sorry)
  145. Breathing issues...back from Docs
  146. This may sound stupid.... :(
  147. Hiatus hernia
  148. annoying feeling that somethings not right
  149. Lump in armpit
  150. Just when i thought things are going great.
  151. Swollen lympnodes
  152. Question about HIV infection.
  153. over analysing
  154. breathless when nervous?
  155. Daily Mail article freaking me out....on meltdown today
  156. Heavy, tingly feeling in left hand today
  157. Silly question about blood test
  158. can someone reassure me....having a bad day
  159. Results?.......anxiety waiting game :(
  160. Just a quick question
  161. Doctors not helping My anxiety at all!!
  162. Fast heart rate for hours after exercise
  163. Looking for answers?
  164. Trimethoprim stomach trouble
  165. toothache and body pains
  166. question re: stool color/constipation ... TMI
  167. gp?
  168. heart disease, need some advice
  169. waiting for test results - any tips?
  170. high pressure in eyes
  171. had a bad night last night...2 small wines in the sun then palpitations all night :(
  172. Eye twitching
  173. Twinge in chest
  174. So difficult when symptoms are so real!
  175. Melanoma Cancer Fear....Thinking I need meds again!
  176. Upset....why can't I beat this
  177. Trying to be positive
  178. do cancerous lumps move?
  179. at the lowest point i have ever been
  180. dizzyness??
  181. Chemical worry!!
  182. What happened to the male and female sections?
  183. Think I broke my nose...help!!!
  184. Kidney problems ???
  185. Something is still bothering me!!?
  186. Worried about MS symptoms - 1st time poster
  187. After eating feel like food I'd stuck in chest and feel the need to burp! Anyone help
  188. Found a lump under my jaw.
  189. bad day AGAIN :(
  190. lump on side of nose bone :(
  191. Gastritis - symptoms please?
  192. Anxiety meds = white tongue
  193. Pain under left rib
  194. side effectsof taking paxetas-10 mg
  195. Better weekend.
  196. Scared of getting chicken pox
  197. Still worried about ms
  198. Very anxious, need help!
  199. Feeling like I'm going to faint.
  200. Can the hot weather cause migraines + heart issues?
  201. Please help, this is the worst one I have had!
  202. Bulging veins
  203. Oil in water after bowel movement
  204. Hypnotherapy advise needed
  205. I want to get over health anxiety
  206. infection
  207. cold
  208. At home on my own until Saturday, it feels weird. any advice?
  209. Book recommendations ?
  210. Feel like a ball wedged in my left rib
  211. upper left chest ache/mild pain with anxiety?
  212. What caused you to have HA?
  213. problems with tightness and sick feeling and breathing probs
  214. Feeling really short of breath today
  215. Overweight and Depressed!
  216. Help!!!!!,
  217. Exercise and depression
  218. need a hug :-(
  219. im taking cerazette and iv started a period
  220. Laughter is the best medicine
  221. severe dry eye and medication??
  222. Still anxious about my mum...someone with knowledge about menopause etc please read
  223. First time at Chiropractors. Can anyone put my mind at rest?
  224. Numb head when waking up
  225. Old but interesting radio programme
  226. concerned about anemia
  227. smear test next week
  228. Pain in chest???
  229. burning inside nose . . . any ideas pse ???
  230. Would a ultrasound when your pregnant show ovaian cancer
  231. MRI of cervical spine tomorrow... and I ordered my Claire Weekes book
  232. hello everyone
  233. Oh dear...migraine aura!
  234. off balance
  235. Middle of Chest Pain
  236. Rash - caused by heat??
  237. Cerazette - brown discharge??
  238. peak flow measurements. people who have took them?
  239. memory loss???
  240. Skin lumps on my arm
  241. Escitalopram/heart palps
  242. Panic attack? something else? Scared :/
  243. prostate issues?
  244. Can't stop panicking.
  245. Anxiety dizziness fainting psychogenic
  246. Buzzing/vibrating in face
  247. This is new...dont feel like im dying for once!
  248. Not sure what this is...
  249. I've just been told the Doc heard a heart murmur :-(
  250. Help Please - Therapist?