View Full Version : Palpitations, Ectopics, Missed beats, Heart Worries

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  1. Problems woth ectopic beats and palps, usually in the evening :(
  2. Can someone explain to me exactly what feeling i am getting..
  3. Missed beats every few seconds
  4. I'm tortured with missed beats again?
  5. Suddenly fast heartbeat
  6. Ectopic beats in sleep! Help
  7. Heart worries... Back to the start once again
  8. Feel like I’m about to have a heart attack
  9. Chest pains and sore jaw
  10. Skipped Beats and Panic
  11. Exercise bringing PVCs on
  12. Are those palpitations?
  13. Palpitations and Magnesium
  14. Bradycardia- health anxiety or genuine problem?
  15. Back again ...
  16. Long runs of ectopic beats
  17. My palpitations are not anxiety
  18. A solution to PVCs? For me anyway
  19. Heart skips a lot of beats when my adrenaline kicks in?
  20. Faster heart rate
  21. intermittent chest and arm pain scare! Please help
  22. if there was something wrong with heart now would it gotten picked up on ECG in may?
  23. Insomnia
  24. Can a heart attack go away without treatment
  25. never had heart worries before
  26. Sharp central chest pain
  27. Heart rate after exercise
  28. tingling in jaw
  29. Heart palpitations
  30. pain around heart / feeling like it's squeezed
  31. Missed heartbeats freaking me out
  32. Sudden increase in heart rate worrying me greatly
  33. Heart palps back again😢
  34. Skipped beat every other beat, help!
  35. I think I had a heart attack but DR won’t take me seriously
  36. Fear of having a heart attack, heart disease and dying.
  37. Flashing stars in vision?!
  38. Breathing issues bringin on ectopics?
  39. Heart murmur
  40. Resting pulse rate suddenly dropping from mid 70s /almost 80 to 60bpm.
  41. Palpatations and dizziness
  42. Does anyone else get weird fat and slow beats?
  43. Sick Sinus Syndrome? (Sudden slow beats that last for hours to days...)
  44. Waiting on good news - heart
  45. PACs ("skipped beats') - False Feeling
  46. Scared of possible AFib
  47. Chest pain on far left side
  48. Gf heart palpitation
  49. here we go again..
  50. Struggling to cope with palpitations
  51. Ectopic beats during exercise - HELP!
  52. Weird heartbeat and tight chest
  53. Very anxious and Can’t sleep - Ectopics won’t stop
  54. Unstable angina fear
  55. Anxiety around heart murmur just what i need! Anyone else??
  56. Worried about palps
  57. Debbiee
  58. 24 hour tape results
  59. Anxiety or virus?
  60. Ectopics worse when getting sick
  61. Palps after starting exercise routine
  62. Cant disassociate exercise and panic attack heart rate
  63. Frequent heart palpitations, kind of worried - Long QT Syndrome?
  64. Fast HeartBeats at Night
  65. Heartburn / angina after exercise
  66. Could this be heart related?
  67. I'm really worried about my heart...help!
  68. Worried about ectopics
  69. Ectopic beats or heartblock?? Freaking out!
  70. Straining lead to aneurysm?
  71. Suprasternal pulse
  72. How my brain messes up my heart 🤷🏼*♀️
  73. Pulse rate constantly fluctuating, resting around 100-125bpm
  74. Fear of Hypertension Complications
  75. Worried about my heart, low heart rate freaking me out.
  76. I'm scared I'm about to have a heart attack
  77. racing heart while in car-scared its a heart attack/stroke
  78. Palpatations
  79. Heart worries
  80. Heart worries, help appreciated
  81. Can you have anxiety disorder without palpitations?
  82. Heart skipping beats
  83. Lightheadedness with Palpitations
  84. Erratic Fast heartbeat?
  85. Palps all day after 12hrs sleep
  86. No palps for months.. now they are back.
  87. SVT or panic attacks?
  88. Havent had a palp in months.
  89. Breathlessness and lethargy
  90. Sudden sustatined fast heart rate, visited ER, Apple watch..
  91. worried about having monitor
  92. Now I'm worried about hypotension
  93. Bradycardia - Apple Watch nightmare!!
  94. Heart feels like it’s missing beats
  95. went to the ER today bc heart palps
  96. Heart attack concern again
  97. heart beating faster and can feel it more during exercise
  98. Very worried about skipped heart beats!
  99. Ectopic beats - loads everyday! Worried!
  100. heart attack?
  101. Chest pain
  102. Feel so alone & worn down by these palpitations
  103. Want to get back into gym but fear heart issues
  104. Upper Back Pressure, Pain, and Nausea/Vomiting
  105. Stress ecg. Worried
  106. Tips on stopping ectopic beats??
  107. Aghhh - palpitations returned with a vengeance, but different this time.
  108. Lots of skipped beats - oh yuck!
  109. Heart attack?
  110. Keep worrying about heart
  111. Scared somethimg is wrong with my heart
  112. The sad and incomprehensible state of palpitations - seems to be no treatment
  113. Football and skipped heart beat...
  114. Outpatient appointment made for me.
  115. New here. Heart concerns
  116. Palpitations heart racing
  117. Palpitations and heart worries please help
  118. Palpations have my anxiety sky high
  119. Is it dangerous to stop my palpitations?
  120. Heart flutter and thudding in ears anybody?
  121. Sleep and Fast Heart Rate
  122. banging heart overnight
  123. Upset Stomach/Food Poisoning or Heart Attack? How do you know?
  124. Spiraling again, very low hr please help
  125. Palpitations are really bad
  126. Last hurdle
  127. Heart concerns
  128. Being sent to see Cardiologist
  129. Heart Worries
  130. Holter Monitor Results
  131. Echocardiogram this week, a little worried.
  132. Low heart rate
  133. Palpitations
  134. Left arm slight tingle/numbness down outside
  135. Frequent PVCs Having Trouble Coping
  136. I'm really scared please help
  137. Scared a heart attack is coming
  138. Moving pain in chest and back
  139. PVCs Back with a Vengeance
  140. Shoulder pain and breathing issues
  141. Scary Pains
  142. Low bpm
  143. Tonsilitis and heart palpitations
  144. Antibiotics and heart palps
  145. Heart palps and worries
  146. Worried!
  147. Long Story About A Crazy Heart (Bear With Me) -PACs, PVCs, and more...
  148. Back again
  149. 40,male, very high blood pressure
  150. Hight resting heart rate...
  151. heart attack? anxiety? stomach?
  152. Heart problem?
  153. heart rate is always high?
  154. Heart palps bringing me down
  155. Stress test
  156. Should I avoid certain exercises because of Palps?
  157. Scared panic attack can cause heart problems
  158. Heartrate worries
  159. Big blip at airport
  160. Question
  161. Multiple Palpitations In A Row
  162. Heart worries
  163. Bizarre BP Change
  164. Lil help if possible!
  165. Faint feeling on high effort
  166. I'm Worried About My Diastolic Blood Pressure Reading? Is it a heart problem?
  167. Heart Issues worrying me
  168. Skipped heart beats scaring me
  169. Palpitations won’t stop and I’m getting worked up
  170. Really worried and struggling
  171. Boyfriend gets occasional unexplained chest pains
  172. Palpitations/ irregular heartbeat during exercise
  173. Bradycardia from medication and supplement
  174. Chest pains and anxiety
  175. Claritin causing palpitations??
  176. Doctors appointment delayed...
  177. Increased palps lately!
  178. SVT
  179. Are these palpitations normal?
  180. Breathless
  181. Panic attacks and very high heart rate
  182. Flutters, skipped beats, racing heart, it’s really hard work.
  183. Low heart rate
  184. Can stomach problems mimic heart disease?
  185. Blood pressure worries at 28
  186. Constant heart palpitations but slow heart rate
  187. Fast heart rate (tachycardia)
  188. High BP & heart rate at Doctors & now I'm losing my mind :(
  189. Heart palpitations for days, weakness
  190. Slow heart rate worry.
  191. Heart Rate Skyrocketed When I Stood Up
  192. Heart Palpitations - Ectopic Worries
  193. I can see my heart beating
  194. Palpitation?
  195. Heart attack fear
  196. Sudden cardiac death and panic attacks/heart rate worries
  197. What does "significant" mean in doctor-speak?
  198. Strings of palpitations. Please help very defeated. Advice?
  199. Air hunger linked to palpitations - what are your thoughts?
  200. Lack of water and heart flutters
  201. Think I had a heart attack, scared to try for a baby
  202. Increase in Palpitations. Why?
  203. Weird chest pain
  204. Pulse/beating in one ear
  205. Anxiety with a slow heart rate
  206. Horrible weird beats are back
  207. Did I have a heart attack?
  208. Palpitations severe even on propranolol
  209. Ongoing heart worries
  210. heart worries
  211. Respiratory sinus arrhythmia and palpitations
  212. Petrified. Help!
  213. Heart Attack Fear
  214. Skipped beats sometimes felt in head??
  215. Fear of fast heart rate
  216. Is chest pain when stressed normal?
  217. Being terrified in the hospital
  218. Working out effecting heart-rate?
  219. Is this normal?
  220. Svt caused by bowel issues
  221. Not sure what is “normal” anymore
  222. Fast noticeable heart rate
  223. Skipped heartbeats especially after eating a full meal
  224. Palps in specific situations?
  225. Please help - is it normal for heart rate to drop to 48-50 for literally a min or 2?
  226. Weird heart vibration
  227. Heart skips for extended periods of time
  228. Current situation: Heart/throat related
  229. Sending myself into a panic!
  230. Imagining my heart palpitations
  231. Significant episode - ambulance called
  232. Increasing pvcs
  233. Painful missed beats
  234. Fast heart rate
  235. New heart worries. Stings and discomfort in my left side
  236. Continuous skipped beats for 3+ hours
  237. Chest Feels Tight On Inderal (Prolonged Release) Should I Be Worried?
  238. Loads of heart issues for past 3 days. very worried
  239. Stable Angina
  240. The HA beast
  241. When to worry?
  242. Mitral valve prolapse and air hunger worries
  243. Heart palpitations
  244. Irregular and fast heart rate waking me up at night.
  245. Jittery and easily stressed over health concerns.
  246. Worried about Heart (Heart Anxiety)
  247. Heart palpitations
  248. Help!! Palpitations are ruining my life
  249. Heart attack fear so scared.
  250. Palpitations.. Stress