View Full Version : Citalopram / Celexa

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  1. citalopram
  2. citalopram
  3. Alcohol and citalopram
  4. My first half a Citalapram - now what happens?
  5. Side effects after citalopram
  6. Citalopram
  7. Citalopram worries
  8. Citalopram & Vitamins
  10. citalopram (again)
  11. Changing Citalopram Brands
  12. citalopram
  13. Citalopram....again!
  14. citalopram dose increased
  15. Citalopram problem
  16. Change in citalopram dosage
  17. citalopram
  18. Citalopram yet again (sorry)!
  19. Just started Citalopram
  20. Citlopram
  21. Citalopram
  22. advice on mixing citalopram and ecstasy
  23. Time to start the Citalopram I think...
  24. Strong reaction to 5mg Citalopram
  25. cant sleep - am on CITALOPRAM (CIPRAMIL)
  26. Help - advice asap on when to take CITALOPRAM
  27. citalopram / escitalopram
  28. Cipramil/Citalopram
  29. Citalopram Update
  30. Citalopram - effect on eyes
  31. Citalopram not working / skin not healing...???
  32. embarrassing question about citalopram & sex drive
  33. Citalopram - Getting some answers
  36. embarrassing question about Citralopram
  37. Withdrawing from Citalopram/Cipramil
  38. Citalopram? Success stories?
  39. Citalopram - How long can it take?
  40. Citalapram
  41. Has anyone taken Citalopram?
  42. Citalopram & Depression
  43. Citalopram & Sleep
  44. Citalopram - Increased Dosage
  45. Citalopram cutting my dose
  46. Citalopram - 6weeks
  47. citapromal
  48. Citalopram & Sickness
  49. Citalopram
  50. Citalopram
  51. citalopram erection problems!! please help me!!
  52. side effects of citalopram
  53. Citalopram
  54. Citalopram -bad headache
  55. coming off citalorpram
  56. Citalopram
  57. Citalopram side effects?
  59. Effect of Citalopram
  61. citalopram
  62. Avice on CItalopram effects
  63. citalaprom
  64. Citalopram & Travel
  65. Citalopram and Alcohol
  66. Citalopram side effects
  67. Side effects of Citalopram
  68. Citalopram and alcohol
  69. citalopram withdrawal
  70. Citalopram fear
  72. Citalopram - Length of time in bloodstream
  73. Yes citalopram again!
  74. Citalopram - increasing my dose...help!!
  75. from prozac to citalopram
  76. Citalopram, yet again!!
  77. how long can you stay on citalopram for?
  78. citalopram, help!!
  79. Hi Seroxat to Citalopram HELP
  80. Citalopram & Diazepam
  81. Coping with citalopram...
  82. New to Citalopram
  83. Insomnia from Citalopram
  85. Citalopram & Propranolol - Unable To Sleep
  86. Coming off Citalopram
  87. reducing citalopram to one tablet every other day
  88. Effects - Citalopram 20mg
  89. Help with citalopram
  90. Withdrawal from Citalopram
  91. Citalopram and Sleep
  92. Citalopram Withdrawal
  93. Increasing Citalopram dose
  94. Citalopram and erection 'problems'
  95. Citalopram and alcohol
  96. Citalopram and driving
  97. Feeling yuk on Citalopram, anyone else the same?
  98. Citalopram withdrawal symptoms
  99. Citalopam + weight gain
  101. Advice with reducing citalopram
  102. Just started on Citalopram - feeling worse...
  103. citalopram and bad sleeping
  104. coming off citalopram
  105. citalopram and beta blockers?
  106. citalopram - helping but exhausted!
  107. when will citalopram help me to feel better?? :-(
  108. Going from Citalopram to Sertraline (zoloft)
  109. citalopram and rescue remedy
  110. citalopram side effects
  111. citalopram again
  112. citalopram?
  113. citalopram & cipralex
  114. Citalopram - Is it normal not to have side effects
  115. Feeling great after 3 days of Citalopram!
  116. Citalopram
  117. Citalopram - Dosage increase
  118. citalopram
  119. Citilapram
  120. citalopram and reduceing!!!
  121. Citalopram - Did anyone else get bad headaches?
  122. Citalopram 20 mg
  123. Citalopram 40mg
  124. Reducing Citalopram
  125. Positive comments about Citalopram please!!!!
  126. Off Citalopram
  128. On Citalopram again...
  129. Citalopram Is **** tried it twice
  130. mirtazapine plus citalopram anyone ???
  131. Desparately bad Citalopram withdrawal!
  132. Help! Feel Crap After Increasing Citalopram
  133. Coming off citalopram!!
  134. citalopram
  135. Trying to come off citalopram - please help
  136. citalopram 20mg
  137. Has anyone taken Citalopram Hydrobromide?
  138. Another Citalopram question - sorry!
  139. I stopped citalopram too abruptly & worried now x
  140. Citalopram
  141. Citalopram side effects
  142. should I ask for citlopam ?
  143. Citalopram - jaw clenching
  144. Citalopram/Cipralex
  145. Citalopram & Driving
  146. citalopram withdrawal
  147. CITALOPRAM .what to do ?
  148. Coming off Citalopram Cold Turkey - Not Recommended!!
  149. How Many mg
  150. Citalopram and tiredness
  151. Citalopram withdrawal symptoms - this normal?
  152. Long term Citalopram Use
  153. Citalopram
  154. Citalopram & Amitriptyline
  155. Citalopram 40mg - when to increase dosage?
  156. Citalopram and Mirtazapine (Zispin) Combination ???
  157. Citalopram withdrawal OK to stop the wean?
  158. Citalopram Withdrawal
  159. changing meds from citalopram to prozac
  160. Citalopram / Fluoxetine
  161. Citalopram Side Effects
  162. Switching from Citalopram to Escitalopram - anyone else done this?
  163. Pregnancy and Citalopram
  164. Citalopram and diazepam
  165. citalopram
  166. Citalopram and Chest Pains
  167. gp has prescribed citalopram
  168. Citalopram And Diazepam
  169. Citalopram and Bruising
  170. Citalopram worked b4 Will It Work Again ?
  171. Citalopram
  172. feeling better on citalopram
  173. Would you recommend coming off Citalopram?
  174. citalopram withdrawal
  175. Citalapram and sleep
  176. Forgetting to take citalorpram
  177. Citalapram Benefits..
  178. Losing patience with citalopram
  179. did anyone's thoughts race even more when starting citalopram?!
  180. how long do other citalopram users think it takes to work?!
  181. Citalopram withdrawal - crying/down
  182. Starting to drop down off Citalopram
  183. Citalopram
  184. Citalopram Psychosis?
  185. First treatment ever had
  186. Trouble sleeping on Citalopram
  187. using rescue remedy with citalopram?
  188. Celexa troubles
  189. citalopram success stories?
  190. 4 Days Off Citalopram
  191. Feeling Terrible on Cipramil
  192. 2nd day on citalopram
  193. fertility
  194. Citalopram wthdrawal and exercise
  195. citalopram an moodswings
  196. Issues with changing brands of Citalopram
  197. Is It OK To Cut Citalpram in Half?
  198. is it usual to have "blips" whilst on citalopram?
  199. Citalopram and the elderly
  200. Citalopram stopped working
  201. Need a little reassurance please......
  202. citalopram and menstrual cycle
  203. positive update
  204. weight loss
  205. PERIODS
  206. Starting citalapram
  207. day 6 on Citalopram
  208. citalopram update
  209. New on citalopram after escitalopram - help!
  210. citalopram 10mg 2 20mg
  211. WIND
  212. anybody........
  213. going up to 20mg
  214. Is 10 mg enough? citalopram/tinnitus
  215. starting citrolapram 20mg
  216. Citalopram update
  217. RE: My experience with Citalopram
  218. cautious about starting citalopram
  219. RE: My experience of citalopram.. an update
  220. Yawning
  221. Nightmares!!!
  222. Citalopram And Rescure Remedy
  223. will it work?
  224. Citalopram side effects
  225. starting dose
  226. so tired
  227. started this morning
  228. update and question!!
  229. side effects
  230. Citalopram - when do you take it?
  231. Set back on citalopram!
  232. Switching from Paxil to Zoloft to Citalopram
  233. Citalopram and Insomnia
  234. Feeling jittery when next dose is due??
  235. better with or without
  236. a discovery
  237. trying to lose weight on Citalopram
  238. when to take it?
  239. Anxiety caused by citalopram
  240. Citlopram Update
  241. Normal starting dose for Citalopram?
  242. feeling really hot
  243. Aggitation?
  244. More Questions!
  245. side effects from 10mg to 20mg
  246. feeling it today
  247. Day 5 and I feel yuk
  248. Palpatations/Citalopam
  249. 15 days in
  250. citalopram