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Pages : 1 [2]

  1. seroxat changed my life (8 replies)
  2. Has the formula recently been changed??? (7 replies)
  3. seroxat (3 replies)
  4. Dr ups seroxat (4 replies)
  5. Seroxat to Citalopram - advice please!!! (5 replies)
  6. My Seroxat Diary (71 replies)
  7. Stopping Paroxetine - itching and other sympoms (5 replies)
  8. Seroxat / Ibuprofen (3 replies)
  9. warning for parents who are on paroxetine (1 replies)
  10. Trying to come off (2 replies)
  11. going back on seroxat - advice please (6 replies)
  12. Stopped Seroxat as pregnant (2 replies)
  13. No Orgasm ? (7 replies)
  14. Success with Paroxetine (8 replies)
  15. Paroxetine any better than cipralex (3 replies)
  16. seroxat + alcohol (7 replies)
  17. I chew seroxat... (4 replies)
  18. seroxat=suicidal thoughts (5 replies)
  19. ringing in ears /tinnitus (2 replies)
  20. tapering seroxat (4 replies)
  21. Will Medication Work!!!!!!!!! (1 replies)
  22. Has paroxetine changed you as a person? (10 replies)
  23. coming off seroxat (7 replies)
  24. Thinking of Getting Back on Paroxetine... (5 replies)
  25. bad case of what-ifs - coming off seroxat (3 replies)
  26. Worse? - Second time around (15 replies)
  27. How easy is it to come off a low dose of Seroxat? (1 replies)
  28. So so tired! (0 replies)
  29. Do you get worse before you get better.... (10 replies)
  30. Urgent help/advice on Seroxat re-start. (0 replies)
  31. Should I really take this stuff??? (8 replies)
  32. pooping out (3 replies)
  33. Seroxat Is Not Evil!!! (9 replies)
  34. seroxat and valium???? (1 replies)
  35. Head spinning! (3 replies)
  36. We are normal and they are not... (7 replies)
  37. 9 Yrs Of Peroxetine-the Brutal Truth (5 replies)
  38. Need Advice asap! (0 replies)
  39. Seroxat issues (3 replies)
  40. Medication making me feel worse?? (5 replies)
  41. Coming off Seroxat (1 replies)
  42. Any 1 Else Coming Of Seroxate (3 replies)
  43. My experience of seroxat (21 replies)
  44. second time around (25 replies)
  45. cold turkey!!! (5 replies)
  46. stopped seroxat for week and half feel terrible... (6 replies)
  47. should i be feeling better by now (4 replies)
  48. Seroxat, helping i think but i'm a bit giddy! (3 replies)
  49. side effects (0 replies)
  50. alcahol craving (3 replies)
  51. I need really need info on paroxetine and pregnancy please, thanks (11 replies)
  52. Seroxat Liquid withdrawal (5 replies)
  53. Seroxat and Alcohol (4 replies)
  54. Seroxat success stories??? please...? (12 replies)
  55. Anyone else on 60mg of Seroxat? (9 replies)
  56. why would it work before but not anymore? PLEASE HELP... (5 replies)
  57. What level of Seroxat are you on? (17 replies)
  58. Swapping from Seroxat to another medication HELP? (11 replies)
  59. Maybe protracted withdrawal syptoms from seroxat!? (4 replies)
  60. seroxat/paroxetine (3 replies)
  61. Anyone found Seroxat helpful? (14 replies)
  62. avoid seroxat (31 replies)
  63. Pregnant and taking seroxat (3 replies)
  64. paroxetine (16 replies)
  65. Please Help, Venaflaxine or Seroxat?? (14 replies)
  66. Anxious about withdrawing from Seroxat (0 replies)
  67. Paroxetine - What to do? (14 replies)
  68. Seroxat (0 replies)
  69. Addicted to Seroxat (5 replies)
  70. swapping seroxat to citalopram (3 replies)
  71. Paroxetine going well. (2 replies)
  72. Worried about taking Seroxat! (6 replies)
  73. Help - Seroxat Cold Turkey (21 replies)
  74. Seroxat withdrawal (16 replies)
  75. Paroxetine (27 replies)
  76. seroxat (2 replies)
  77. Seroxat - 8.30 tonight BBC? (4 replies)
  78. Seroxat Programme (14 replies)
  79. Seroxat / Paroxetine .... (8 replies)
  80. Coming Off Seroxat!! (12 replies)
  81. seroxat, supplements and a racing heart?? (0 replies)
  82. paroxetine (17 replies)
  83. seroxat help please (14 replies)
  84. Help reaction to seroxat or is it me (16 replies)
  85. Seroxat Alternatives (14 replies)
  86. Increase in seroxat (Paxil) - effects (1 replies)
  87. increase in seroxat - concern (1 replies)
  88. seroxat and multi-vitamins (2 replies)
  89. Want to have a baby does seroxat affect it (1 replies)
  90. I'm trying to come off Seroxat (14 replies)
  91. Seroxat and wanting a baby (3 replies)
  92. seroxat question (2 replies)
  93. Hi, everyone! About Paroxetin (Seroxat, Paxil) (3 replies)
  94. seroxat(ssris) (12 replies)
  95. paroxetine (0 replies)
  96. paroxetine (11 replies)
  97. Seroxat@ 10mg (1/2 tablet)? (1 replies)
  98. Paroxetine (9 replies)
  99. seroxat (7 replies)
  100. Paroxetine (17 replies)
  101. SSRIs: Paroxetine v Fluoexetine (7 replies)
  102. seroxat (6 replies)
  103. Paroxetine (seroxat) withdrawal (2 replies)
  104. Got to come off Seroxat (5 replies)
  105. Thr Real Truth about Seroxat(paroxetine).... (15 replies)
  106. Seroxat (9 replies)
  107. advice on paroxetine (4 replies)
  108. Paroxetine (2 replies)
  109. Coming off Seroxat (5 replies)
  110. Help! Seroxat And High Blood Pressure (6 replies)
  111. Paroxetine (6 replies)
  112. Fears of starting paroxetine side-effects (2 replies)
  113. cold turkey withdrawal from paroxetine... (4 replies)
  114. paroxetine and panic... (6 replies)
  115. Jerking Movements on Seroxat (0 replies)
  116. Seroxat (17 replies)
  117. Great site for paxil / seroxat users (4 replies)