View Full Version : Seroxat / Paroxetine

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  1. Great site for paxil / seroxat users
  2. Seroxat
  3. Jerking Movements on Seroxat
  4. paroxetine and panic...
  5. cold turkey withdrawal from paroxetine...
  6. Fears of starting paroxetine side-effects
  7. Paroxetine
  8. Help! Seroxat And High Blood Pressure
  9. Coming off Seroxat
  10. Paroxetine
  11. advice on paroxetine
  12. Seroxat
  13. Thr Real Truth about Seroxat(paroxetine)....
  14. Got to come off Seroxat
  15. Paroxetine (seroxat) withdrawal
  16. seroxat
  17. SSRIs: Paroxetine v Fluoexetine
  18. Paroxetine
  19. seroxat
  20. Paroxetine
  21. Seroxat@ 10mg (1/2 tablet)?
  22. paroxetine
  23. paroxetine
  24. seroxat(ssris)
  25. Hi, everyone! About Paroxetin (Seroxat, Paxil)
  26. seroxat question
  27. Seroxat and wanting a baby
  28. I'm trying to come off Seroxat
  29. Want to have a baby does seroxat affect it
  30. seroxat and multi-vitamins
  31. increase in seroxat - concern
  32. Increase in seroxat (Paxil) - effects
  33. Seroxat Alternatives
  34. Help reaction to seroxat or is it me
  35. seroxat help please
  36. paroxetine
  37. seroxat, supplements and a racing heart??
  38. Coming Off Seroxat!!
  39. Seroxat / Paroxetine ....
  40. Seroxat Programme
  41. Seroxat - 8.30 tonight BBC?
  42. seroxat
  43. Paroxetine
  44. Seroxat withdrawal
  45. Help - Seroxat Cold Turkey
  46. Worried about taking Seroxat!
  47. Paroxetine going well.
  48. swapping seroxat to citalopram
  49. Addicted to Seroxat
  50. Seroxat
  51. Paroxetine - What to do?
  52. Anxious about withdrawing from Seroxat
  53. Please Help, Venaflaxine or Seroxat??
  54. paroxetine
  55. Pregnant and taking seroxat
  56. avoid seroxat
  57. Anyone found Seroxat helpful?
  58. seroxat/paroxetine
  59. Maybe protracted withdrawal syptoms from seroxat!?
  60. Swapping from Seroxat to another medication HELP?
  61. What level of Seroxat are you on?
  62. why would it work before but not anymore? PLEASE HELP...
  63. Anyone else on 60mg of Seroxat?
  64. Seroxat success stories??? please...?
  65. Seroxat and Alcohol
  66. Seroxat Liquid withdrawal
  67. I need really need info on paroxetine and pregnancy please, thanks
  68. alcahol craving
  69. side effects
  70. Seroxat, helping i think but i'm a bit giddy!
  71. should i be feeling better by now
  72. stopped seroxat for week and half feel terrible...
  73. cold turkey!!!
  74. second time around
  75. My experience of seroxat
  76. Any 1 Else Coming Of Seroxate
  77. Coming off Seroxat
  78. Medication making me feel worse??
  79. Seroxat issues
  80. Need Advice asap!
  81. 9 Yrs Of Peroxetine-the Brutal Truth
  82. We are normal and they are not...
  83. Head spinning!
  84. seroxat and valium????
  85. Seroxat Is Not Evil!!!
  86. pooping out
  87. Should I really take this stuff???
  88. Urgent help/advice on Seroxat re-start.
  89. Do you get worse before you get better....
  90. So so tired!
  91. How easy is it to come off a low dose of Seroxat?
  92. Worse? - Second time around
  93. bad case of what-ifs - coming off seroxat
  94. Thinking of Getting Back on Paroxetine...
  95. coming off seroxat
  96. Has paroxetine changed you as a person?
  97. Will Medication Work!!!!!!!!!
  98. tapering seroxat
  99. ringing in ears /tinnitus
  100. seroxat=suicidal thoughts
  101. I chew seroxat...
  102. seroxat + alcohol
  103. Paroxetine any better than cipralex
  104. Success with Paroxetine
  105. No Orgasm ?
  106. Stopped Seroxat as pregnant
  107. going back on seroxat - advice please
  108. Trying to come off
  109. warning for parents who are on paroxetine
  110. Seroxat / Ibuprofen
  111. Stopping Paroxetine - itching and other sympoms
  112. My Seroxat Diary
  113. Seroxat to Citalopram - advice please!!!
  114. Dr ups seroxat
  115. seroxat
  116. Has the formula recently been changed???
  117. seroxat changed my life
  118. lost my tablets and docs is closed
  119. shedding some light
  120. Seroxat - Long Term Use
  121. thinking of changing meds...please help
  122. meds
  123. Replacing seroxat with another med?
  124. why as paroxetine done this ???
  125. changing onto this med
  126. been on seroxat for 10 years
  127. Increasing Paroxetine dose
  128. Changing from Seroxat but what too? Please help me?
  129. Can medication just stop working?
  130. New To These Meds?
  131. Seroxat and alcohol craving
  132. paroxetine prescriped today
  133. Question about how to take seroxat
  134. help please.
  135. SEROXAT imakes me crave.... and i cant come off it....
  136. day 7 hate this feeling
  137. Seroxat day 6 20mg
  138. Cipralex to Seroxate instant change?
  139. seroxat advice
  140. switching seroxat to something else
  141. Advise Please on Seroxate
  142. Seroxat Diary 20mg
  143. seroxat
  144. SeroxatMad Forums?
  145. So Seroxat is still available?
  146. Withdrawal from seroxat after 3 weeks using, help!
  147. Switching over to Seroxat from Mirtazapine
  148. Advice please on going higher on paroxetine
  149. How long for Paroxtene/ Paxil to work
  150. did anyone experience weight loss from Paroxitene
  151. Nausea & headache :(
  152. Changing from Seroxat to Sertraline?
  153. Weight gain while on Seroxat?
  154. Seroxat withdrawal
  155. Just started but having panic attacks after stopping cipralex for these....
  156. Fatigue/Overlseeping
  157. body/head zaps
  158. can 1 missed dose cause this
  159. Seroxat Withdrawal - HELP !!!!
  160. just some advice really please x
  161. Paroxetine (seroxat)
  162. dont know how to cope with this
  163. Long term Paxil user. Need some help!
  164. saroxat
  165. Switching from Citalopram to Paroxetine
  166. Constant Sweating, night sweats
  167. can serox. stop working?
  168. Can anyone identify or help me please?
  169. Sexual side effects - Paroxetine 20MG
  170. Stopping paroxetine after taking it erratically?
  171. Seroxat taker for 10 years.....cold turkey?
  172. Seroxat to Citalopram?
  173. 20 year user comes clean but now back on Seroxat
  174. Anybody gone BACK on Seroxat? How long to start working again?
  175. Effexor to Paroxetine
  176. New to Seroxat/Paroxetine
  177. magic
  178. Seroxat/paroxetine
  179. paroxetine wearing off? what will i be like?
  180. Paroxetine side effects
  181. Anyne switched from Seroxat to Citalopram
  182. Warning: NEVER miss a day of your medication
  183. Seroxat/Paroxetine in the UK
  184. Sexual Side Effects and Worry!
  185. side effects wont go away
  186. Seroxat/Paroxetine
  187. Anyone who have stopped taking Paroxetine? I'm thinking about stopping, but...
  188. Paroxatine
  189. Coming off seroxat
  190. Great sucess with Paroxetine
  191. seroxat low dose withdrawal
  192. Paroxetine is not evil
  193. Seroxat
  194. Seroxat !!!!! Advice needed
  195. Good old No more panic :-))))
  196. Day 1 on Paroxetine
  197. new side effect from new pack?
  198. My Paroxetine (Paxil) Diary
  199. Seroxat - Success Stories Please
  200. paroxitine help
  201. firts time users to paxil ask your doc these questions
  202. 12 days on citalopram, been recommended seroxat - shall I change?
  203. Successful Changes From Seroxat to Another AD - Advice Please
  204. Paroxetine increased but...
  205. New to Paroxetine
  206. Have you tried other meds but gone back to Paroxetine?
  207. Anyone currently on seroxat? I've just started them.
  208. for people who want to taper off
  209. can paroxetine cause blurried vision help im freakimg out
  210. can paroxetine cause palpitation
  211. Seroxat Side Effect?
  212. Update - Seroxat Day 3
  213. Anti-D's
  214. Any success of returning to Paroxetine after a break?
  215. Lower Dose
  216. my seroxat hell
  217. Does anyone no the answer???
  218. Has any one managed to stay of seroxat and go med free???
  219. Experiencing Akathesia coming of seroxat anyone else had this???
  220. Paroxetine sexual side effects ( not joking )
  221. Has any one had good results from Paroxetine
  222. any help much wanted :D
  223. Please help advice needed
  224. Feeling funny advice needed.
  225. Paroxetine / seroxat the same ?
  226. swapping from citalopram to Seroxat
  227. The future without Paroxetine?
  228. ok, today is the day I start seroxat
  229. Side effects to expect
  230. Thinking about coming off Seroxat
  231. Been on seroxat 13 years need some help
  232. Dose of seroxat
  233. Gone Off Paxil After Eleven Years - Help
  234. Seroxat withdrawal symptoms
  235. Seroxat and Mirtazapine
  236. Urgh don't know what to do!
  237. Driving on Paroxetine
  238. Increasing Seroxat dose from 20mg to 30mg
  239. want to come off paroxetine, please help
  240. Changing medication
  241. Increase in medication.
  242. Starting seroxat and feeling anxious as hell!!!
  243. Paroxetine PLEASE ADVICE NEEDED!
  244. day 4 of seroxat and feel ;strange;
  245. 2 weeks on seroxat and feeling a lot better but
  246. withdrawel plz help
  247. Paxil and Remeron?
  248. Taken Seroxat Intermittently - Now Back On It
  249. How easy is it to start and finish Seroxat?
  250. sexual probs after stopping Seroxat