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  1. Anxiety better around people? (9 replies)
  2. not sleeping well again (22 replies)
  3. Anyone eless main fear of anxiety is going crazy? (3 replies)
  4. 0300 - 0400 early morning waking (8 replies)
  5. Nervous about flying (4 replies)
  6. Urgent staff meeting at work..In trouble (4 replies)
  7. Side effects of escitalopram causing me major problems (1 replies)
  8. Any tips for faking? (3 replies)
  9. There is always a 'but' (5 replies)
  10. There is always a 'but' (1 replies)
  11. Its back, need help (6 replies)
  12. Can't Sleep (3 replies)
  13. Audio Recommends (7 replies)
  14. Feel sick. Huge setback today (10 replies)
  15. Another day. Another dollar.... (9 replies)
  16. Hello! (8 replies)
  17. is this still anxiety? (3 replies)
  18. Physical feelings. Could it be anxiety? (2 replies)
  19. Help (1 replies)
  20. Feeling Paranoid (2 replies)
  21. Advice on how to calm down anxiety and DP/DR (1 replies)
  22. Worried about my teeth (2 replies)
  23. Anxiety Set Back (5 replies)
  24. websites to avoid? (6 replies)
  25. having more positive days (12 replies)
  26. Just recovered from a deep thought of going crazy. (5 replies)
  27. My mum smoking (21 replies)
  28. Bugs on real xmas trees? (8 replies)
  29. Sign of possible OCD??? (10 replies)
  30. Help 40mg of fluoxetine (1 replies)
  31. always think this way when im overwelmed with anxiety? (6 replies)
  32. Weird drugs coctail Mirtazipine+Fluanxol (0 replies)
  33. Made a minor breakthrough just now -maybe? (3 replies)
  34. Shifting focus (3 replies)
  35. lost weight since cutting down olanzipine (6 replies)
  36. does anyone here get this?? please help (14 replies)
  37. Breakups? (1 replies)
  38. one step forward two backwards (1 replies)
  39. Anxiety and panic getting in the way of relationship (4 replies)
  40. Any techniques? (5 replies)
  41. Update (3 replies)
  42. Dear diary (2 replies)
  43. Anxiety about house (3 replies)
  44. could i be celiac (6 replies)
  45. Venlafaxine cold turkey advice please (50 replies)
  46. A scary person came to view our room today (1 replies)
  47. Feeling like no one cares (2 replies)
  48. Just got back from the Drs (13 replies)
  49. Struggling, not sure what to do (2 replies)
  50. Woke up feeling anxious (6 replies)
  51. Moment of clarity (3 replies)
  52. Work giving me anxiety (5 replies)
  53. Distant and unreal (1 replies)
  54. Is there a name for this? (3 replies)
  55. Tnnitus (5 replies)
  56. Improved a little now feel anxious again about dizziness (2 replies)
  57. Cowards (5 replies)
  58. Cyst on forehead (0 replies)
  59. Heartbeat racing=NO SLEEP=crying at work (2 replies)
  60. How do you deal with real fears? (10 replies)
  61. Tracking anxiety- how would you use data about your anxiety? (4 replies)
  62. Tips with coping with unsupportive family members? (0 replies)
  63. Who do you keep in your support system and how much do you tell them? (2 replies)
  64. Not suicidal but... (1 replies)
  65. reading other peoples posts is just me? (10 replies)
  66. Monitoring your anxiety (6 replies)
  67. What's your automatic response to feeling anxious? (10 replies)
  68. Anxiety, alcohol and Citalopram (9 replies)
  69. Anxiety relief free ebook (1 replies)
  70. Seizure and feeling weird all year, please help (0 replies)
  71. Not getting the practical support I need to move (0 replies)
  72. Ups and Downs (2 replies)
  73. Any similar situations ? (4 replies)
  74. Which medication are you on for GAD? (10 replies)
  75. Mood - breakthrough? (4 replies)
  76. my anxiety jumps around... (4 replies)
  77. Anxiety up and worry about weekend (1 replies)
  78. reoccuring anxiety..bereavement, stress etc :/ (1 replies)
  79. The Maudsley Hospital (35 replies)
  80. Will I be dismissed at work? (6 replies)
  81. Reading news today - serious anxiety (19 replies)
  82. Out of Control (19 replies)
  83. Can anxiety really make you feel this ill? please help (20 replies)
  84. really scared about forgetting!! (1 replies)
  85. Psychologist (3 replies)
  86. Need some advice quick (6 replies)
  87. bowels and digestive system - anxiety (7 replies)
  88. Making up things to worry about (2 replies)
  89. Anxietyis back (73 replies)
  90. Petrified of myself (12 replies)
  91. Only just realised i have GAD (3 replies)
  92. Opened up to someone last night (4 replies)
  93. The dreaded letter (13 replies)
  94. Avoidance (6 replies)
  95. The most ridiculous/irrational things that trigger anxiety? (3 replies)
  96. Feeling so guilty (4 replies)
  97. Worried about teatime conversations (3 replies)
  98. ISIS (6 replies)
  99. Please help, I'm so confused! (2 replies)
  100. GAD in overdrive (0 replies)
  101. fear ridden (2 replies)
  102. Wife cheated on me. (3 replies)
  103. Regret opening up about my anxiety (7 replies)
  104. Intense couple of days...will it end? (5 replies)
  105. one stress at a time (1 replies)
  106. Is it a permanent condition? (13 replies)
  107. Terrorism really affecting me (3 replies)
  108. Male hair loss (4 replies)
  109. lonely and desperate (11 replies)
  110. anxiety symptoms after eating (1 replies)
  111. I don't ever feel tiredly (4 replies)
  112. Drinking alcohol (10 replies)
  113. Living With Pseudodysphagia (fear of choking) (8 replies)
  114. dizzy when totally still (4 replies)
  115. Terrorism Fear! (10 replies)
  116. Cant sleep :( (7 replies)
  117. Kalm's (0 replies)
  118. Horrible events -lots of triggers- (3 replies)
  119. I'm in Paris right now... (12 replies)
  120. Anxiety new job. (1 replies)
  121. forgot to say (0 replies)
  122. hi newby needing help (1 replies)
  123. Cold/Flu ear ringing and stuffiness. Anxiety? (5 replies)
  124. Seeing words in my mind's eye (2 replies)
  125. had a good day yesterday in months (102 replies)
  126. foning helplines up? (39 replies)
  127. Does GAD cause visual snow ? (1 replies)
  128. I dont know where to start (4 replies)
  129. High anxiety... Panic.. (4 replies)
  130. Is it me.... :-( (3 replies)
  131. Feeling ... so alone (1 replies)
  132. anxiety at work (5 replies)
  133. Fear of flying (0 replies)
  134. My Story (5 replies)
  135. Help! And hope needed, someone please reply (2 replies)
  136. GAD Relapse and Starting Imipramine (0 replies)
  137. Couldn't sleep, need advice for work (2 replies)
  138. I am feeling suicidal (28 replies)
  139. Low and lost.... (5 replies)
  140. Anxiety making me feel sick (0 replies)
  141. having a bad day feeling rubish (18 replies)
  142. 1 step forward - 2 steps back (6 replies)
  143. Confusion, memory issues, unable to concentrate (1 replies)
  144. Anxiety chest pains days after? (3 replies)
  145. Please could someone give me some advice? (1 replies)
  146. Need to go to dentist and GAD is in overdrive (4 replies)
  147. Feeling awkward (10 replies)
  148. I don't know what to do anymore in terms of uni, work etc due to GAD, panics and OCD (16 replies)
  149. It's Back (0 replies)
  150. Anyone's muscle twitches worse from vitamin B? (0 replies)
  151. please stop talking about 2016! (6 replies)
  152. after death fears- anyone else? (8 replies)
  153. Anyone have anxiety about having anxiety? (8 replies)
  154. Start my new job tomorrow and panic panic panic!! (11 replies)
  155. really need reasurance today (1 replies)
  156. rashes (5 replies)
  157. Need Advice for a Friend (4 replies)
  158. Why am I still worrying? (1 replies)
  159. Got the cold and feeling stressed (15 replies)
  160. Help with the physical affects of anxiety (5 replies)
  161. can someone reasure me (5 replies)
  162. do you have problems with logical info proccesing when you do NOT feel anxious ?? (12 replies)
  163. Worried that I've ruined friendship on social media (3 replies)
  164. Too much chewing gum? (6 replies)
  165. sleep (3 replies)
  166. Need Advice: How to deal with Morning Anxiety (8 replies)
  167. Going through an anxious episode (6 replies)
  168. Anxiety causing tense neck, headaches, nausea? (3 replies)
  169. Health anxiety causing symptoms I'm looking for? (4 replies)
  170. yawning and deep breaths needed (5 replies)
  171. meds reduction update (42 replies)
  172. Anxiety while asleep and sleep paralysis (3 replies)
  173. lack of sleep (10 replies)
  174. Medication fears (14 replies)
  175. Any thing else wrong with me? (1 replies)
  176. Awful insecurity issues about how I look (7 replies)
  177. Any good books on GAD that's worth a read? (2 replies)
  178. Alcohol anxiety (5 replies)
  179. I have officially lost it completely so scared (14 replies)
  180. nightsweats and vivid dreams-son diagnosed with ASD (5 replies)
  181. A bit of what I love (5 replies)
  182. Mental health assessment (1 replies)
  183. Suffering a setback with GAD (3 replies)
  184. halloween (6 replies)
  185. Just Feeling Rubbish :( (9 replies)
  186. i didnt go beating myself over it (10 replies)
  187. Worry about being bipolar (5 replies)
  188. tips to help with relaxation. (8 replies)
  189. life lessons (4 replies)
  190. Anyone else repeatedly analyse their childhood? (7 replies)
  191. Am I right to over think this? (19 replies)
  192. Setbacks? (2 replies)
  193. Scared of my mum having lung cancer (3 replies)
  194. Anyone else have an almost constant feeling of dread? (25 replies)
  195. Help with a Anxiety problem. (1 replies)
  196. Worrying - any tips? (4 replies)
  197. Surviving school holidays? (2 replies)
  198. brain zaps are back (6 replies)
  199. Afraid of sleeping? (4 replies)
  200. Physical Symptoms (5 replies)
  201. Will a name change help me? (7 replies)
  202. Positive life events = imminent doom? (2 replies)
  203. Clinical Psychology Appointment... (7 replies)
  204. Oblivious to how nasty/angry I am? (1 replies)
  205. Anxiety rears it's ugly head worse than ever. Dizziness/Anxiety/Physical Symptoms. (1 replies)
  206. withdrawing from meds anxiety (28 replies)
  207. sleep anxiety? (4 replies)
  208. Anxiety - eating issues (3 replies)
  209. How do you stop the what if cycle? (2 replies)
  210. Travel Anxiety Help? (4 replies)
  211. does anyone feel strange because they dont feel so anxiose? (3 replies)
  212. Hpv genital warts me and my child please help (1 replies)
  213. How to recover from stress/anxiety burnout? (13 replies)
  214. Cleaning bathroom? (1 replies)
  215. Inositol, folinic acid, methylcobalamin b12 for Anxiety are they any good (5 replies)
  216. Puppy worries - thanks everyone (8 replies)
  217. bad DP AND DR for last three days (12 replies)
  218. Help/advice needed (2 replies)
  219. Carbonmonoxide alarm? (3 replies)
  220. moving to another country on my own...tips & advice? (1 replies)
  221. I don't think I want to be here anymore (9 replies)
  222. Work and Anxiety Problem (3 replies)
  223. calor gas heater concern (21 replies)
  224. mornings (10 replies)
  225. How many people here have genetically inherited Anxiety and how many developed it? (10 replies)
  226. very scared (3 replies)
  227. Anxiety, guilt and work (8 replies)
  228. Is anxiety forever (8 replies)
  229. Its backkkkkk triggered by spouse leaving for travel (2 replies)
  230. Cancelled my eye exam - Extreme Anxiety - Blood test forms question as well (2 replies)
  231. Please help me! (11 replies)
  232. Small relapse, hoping to keep it small :) (2 replies)
  233. Smoking after root canal treatment (3 replies)
  234. How do I find MYSELF? (10 replies)
  235. Doors slamming - massive anxiety trigger? (7 replies)
  236. anxiety (8 replies)
  237. Frightened. (9 replies)
  238. Referral success (3 replies)
  239. haven't been on this site in maybe....4 years? (5 replies)
  240. Anxiety/depression severity? (4 replies)
  241. Want to die (9 replies)
  242. Just fancy a moan really... (10 replies)
  243. Radiator cover old back boiler anxiety (3 replies)
  244. Help coping with a boyfriend with GAD (1 replies)
  245. anxiety and insomnia (1 replies)
  246. Rough weekend, rough month really (6 replies)
  247. Advice from parents please (1 replies)
  248. My housemate gives me anxiety (3 replies)
  249. Tension in arms..? (2 replies)
  250. Washing machine anxiety (4 replies)