View Full Version : General Anxiety / Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD)

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  1. Not good :(
  2. Struggling with the Dentist?
  3. Death/ general Anxiety
  4. Low and anxious
  5. any nurses with anxiety?
  6. The wall of emotion
  7. Frightened its coming back
  8. Are you a self sacrificer?
  9. Can't stand this lightheadedness/dizziness any more any please help
  10. Other People's Ignorance on Anxiety
  11. Negativity bias
  12. Is this caused by Anxiety or something much more serious? [LONG POST]
  13. Panic caused by being too strong?!
  14. feeling tearful but determined not to let the anx win!
  15. totally spaced out, unable to speak coherently, isolated as a result...anyone relate?
  16. I never seem to feel happy in a relationship...
  17. Worst panic attack of my life, feeling discouraged.
  18. Break up
  19. Citalopram blues
  20. Should I just give in and take tablets?
  21. Terrorfied I made a mistake!
  22. Positive Moods
  23. Feeling lonely and like no one will understand
  24. I'm New.. Do I have Anxiety Problems?
  25. Caffeine
  26. Steroids for asthma
  27. Kicking myself when I'm down
  28. Anxious about going away
  29. SEPARATION Anxiety help??!!!!!!
  30. New year break
  31. relationship
  32. Coping with physical symptoms of anxiety
  33. worries about the future
  34. prozac so confused
  35. Back to my old room?
  36. Random thoughts that make no sense
  37. Counselling
  38. a car accident and intrusive thoughts
  39. a mixture of medicines and supplements
  40. help
  41. Urgent help needed!!
  42. Feel a bit stuck?
  43. Nervous about CBT tomorrow
  44. Relapse
  45. Morning Axiety
  46. Can anyone tell me what this is??!
  47. im being brave....
  48. breathing problems or worse?
  49. breathing problems or worse?
  50. Do you think of the worst possible outcome
  51. not posted for awhile
  52. constant state of panic
  53. The Pill and Anxiety
  54. Anyone else have problems talking on the phone?
  55. Made redundant
  56. Intrusive thoughts?
  57. Relapsed on citalopram
  58. What's my next move?.... your views please.
  59. my biggest fear came home norovirus
  60. Paranoia?
  61. So ashamed
  62. GAD & Benzodiazapines: Opinions Please
  63. HR Meeting with Manager
  64. Morning anxiety
  65. What's the deal with Saturdays?
  66. Can't bring myself to take my medicine
  67. Floating to town!
  68. How can I relax during driving lessons?
  69. Are you having an attack right now?
  70. Ugh, The beast that is Anxiety
  71. Holiday fast approaching
  72. Broke down crying yesterday
  73. Really struggling with college
  74. Thought jump?
  75. Does anyone else feel daunted by the prospect of getting ill when living alone?
  76. Cutting people out of your life
  77. Week off work and anxiety
  78. Is suicide an option?? Help.
  79. Some excellent reading....
  80. Feel so desperate :(
  81. Does anyone worry that
  82. Tough start to the week
  83. Intrusive/anxious thoughts causing me MAJOR problems
  84. Snow causing anxiety
  85. Numbness in my right index finger tip
  86. Realization?
  87. The shakes
  88. Problems At Work
  89. Rant - mental vs physical
  90. Living at uni
  91. Anxiety meds or no?
  92. Help me please
  93. help...i want another baby!!
  94. Distraction
  95. Family Problems (Long Post Warning)
  96. What is the answer/cure
  97. HELP
  98. going to prison need advice big time
  99. Terrified of being alone
  100. CAN Anxiety cause Seizures HELP???
  101. Online help?
  102. Photography 'Anxiety' project
  103. Helping myself
  104. Please please PLEASE help me?
  105. Home alone
  106. Free or cheap online courses/support????
  107. HOCD. Really scared now :(
  108. Any Advice, Words of Wisdom after Illness
  109. Random moody thread
  110. Anxiety and relationships
  111. Trouble with GP or is it just me!
  112. Bad day with anxiety :( !!!
  113. Will this feeling disappear one day?
  114. Mouth/Tonsil stone panic - please help
  115. I can't sleep
  116. relationship anxiety problem
  117. Upset by mistake I made as a child
  118. can you decribe how anxiety feels ???
  119. Fear of not being able to deal with symptoms?
  120. Suffering partner have spells of relationship doubts, and I cant take it anymore.
  121. I'm really scared
  122. Just some advice
  123. Gay problem
  124. i need some advice
  125. frustrated- fears while cooking
  126. New meds but dosage is a lot higher?
  127. Hi
  128. I can't eat
  129. New Job
  130. Not anxious for sometime but having constant anxiety symptoms!
  131. would love to hear from others suffering back probs
  132. scared intrusive thought
  133. Communication with suffering partner.
  134. Work Issue
  135. Coming off Facebook
  136. Need to talk to someone
  137. CBT - thrive
  138. suicidal thoughts
  139. how many if you feel like yr anxisty and fear consume yr every minute every day
  140. Just how bad is this Anxiety attack
  141. so anxiouse cus of dizzy spell makes me more anxiouse
  142. stress, health anxiety Help??
  143. Losing job after 15 years
  144. So confused
  145. New to this forum - cipralex need support
  146. how do I switch off
  147. Charged With Serious Misconduct
  148. would like to ask suffers of over 20yrs a question
  149. really had enough
  150. Steering Our Thoughts…...
  151. Under a LOT of stress and not sure what to do.
  152. Distaction Techniques
  153. Camomile tea
  154. Visual Problems
  155. Sexual Harassment Question
  156. Got neighbour from hell, cant cope
  157. wobbley/dizzy feeling
  158. Change your perspective on stress
  159. Panic out of nowhere
  160. This Is London - Living
  161. Tell me what to do
  162. Please help - what is happening to me.....
  163. how to control anxiety help?
  164. Dating Sites
  165. Wibble wobble woooo
  166. ups and downs
  167. Does morning anxiety ever go?
  168. is suicide an option?
  169. Omg what have I done!!!! :( :(
  170. Alone and can feel the fear creeping in...
  171. Emotionally numb
  172. mirt
  173. Valium Question
  174. Does this sound right, for those who have recovered?
  175. Called in sick this morning...extreme worrying again!
  176. I'm on 1 sooo MAD/stressed......
  177. General Question
  178. do any of you suffer dry griity eyes wen yr anxiety is high for day
  179. Do you often think you cant take anymore ?
  180. How long until 5HTP take effect?
  181. Marriage breakdown :(
  182. Excuses for anxiety?
  183. New Low
  184. Bad Anxiety, Panic, Relapse, Blip?
  185. Best CBT book?
  186. I'm losing everyone
  187. Have i got anxiety?
  188. Can anyone relate to this?
  189. Panic - sunday!
  190. Weight loss
  191. Dreaming
  192. New job
  193. Sex life
  194. so anxiouse shall i cancel?
  195. Hey just wondering how everyone's doing today
  196. negative thoughts
  197. Now started to feel anxious and panicky about going to my own friends house!
  198. worried about losing everything
  199. Recovered after 20 years! Please read
  200. Romantically Lonely but Anxious About Relationships
  201. Burning skin/burning mouth
  202. Driving license fear
  203. Think I've made a horrible mistake...
  204. Dream last night making me anxious
  205. can anyone reassure me
  206. I am so scared
  207. Waking with a jolt and breathless
  208. Chest infection caused a relapse?
  209. Anxious feeling
  210. Money worries
  211. Scared of... life?
  212. thing, I, hear, 24/7,can, you, relate?
  213. how can i beat this anxiety??
  214. Back On the Bottle Worried.
  215. Anxious parent of an anxious child?
  216. Fear of Hyperventilation
  217. Let it go!
  218. CBT and what to expect
  219. Anyone else start questioning everything that's around them? A bit of paranoia?
  220. Bad things happening to other people
  221. Not just a typical tension headache. Can anyone relate?
  222. Creating scenarios in your head
  223. keeping this a secret
  224. Just try this once!!!
  225. feel so low today and depressed and high anxiety
  226. RELATIONSHIP anxiety
  227. Why do I get so scared over the stupidest thoughts?!
  228. Missing pets
  229. anxiety and depression hell, cannot control how I feel
  230. Just like to know if anyone has stopped driving with anxiety
  231. cause for concern?
  232. Cbt therapist at last!
  233. im going crazy
  234. stoping smoking
  235. Struggling with eating?
  236. venlafaxine and oversleeping
  237. Hi I am New - Terrible Anxiety
  238. Husband has cheated again
  239. Is Ruminating and worrying the real problem
  240. dont drink, boyfriend does, jealously
  241. Lonely.... Worried I won't find no one due to anxiety
  242. Anxiety Random Anger
  243. Ultrasound Today for Lump
  244. First time Forum User and Very Scared!!
  245. Please help! What is happening to me!
  246. Anyone else feel sad about the way their mental health has changed their life?
  247. Please take your time to listen: I need help and advice!
  248. Anyone in very demanding job on 40mg fluoxetine
  249. Fear, suicide, panic, intrusive thoughts
  250. Mirtazapine