View Full Version : General Anxiety / Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD)

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  1. Wisdom tooth out
  2. Advice - Feeling Like This & Time Off Work
  3. Anxiety doing my head in
  4. The thoughts go round and round
  5. caffeine alcohol and travel
  6. New Dad suffering with post natal anxiety
  7. I'm sick of thinking
  8. caffeine alcohol and travel
  9. Don't know what to do!!
  10. Tiredness and anxiety
  11. Can anyone relate?
  12. Absolutey terrified by death and the meaning of life?
  13. At work, feeling really bad
  14. Insomnia strikes again
  15. VENT POST - Please ignore if you like. ; )
  16. Worried about dying younger
  17. Bad Dream
  18. Feeling so lost... Anyone...?
  19. Struggling with anxiety
  20. scared to sleep
  21. Dr Weekes - Floating
  22. Anxiety attacks from missing a girl I'm in love with, can you help?
  23. Feeling of impending Doom
  24. Gurgling stomach
  25. New, please help.
  26. is suicide an option? if u can't get help?
  27. Prozac how long on it
  28. Worry about worry
  29. scared I'm having a breakdown!
  30. My boyfriend's anxiety
  31. Emetophobia and anxiety
  32. My symptoms won't go!
  33. why my neck pains very often?
  34. Anxiety disorder, attacks, adjustment disorder and stay home mom to 4 children!!!!!!
  35. these thoughts are scarying me
  36. Feel Like I'm Slipping Back!
  37. Booze/porn addiction(?) - depressing
  38. visual snow??? It freaks me out!!!
  39. Share your advice - self-help with anxiety
  40. Help for Anxiety Sufferers!!
  41. upper back pressure (tensed from Anxiety)
  42. Just had teeth pulled - Oral/dental anxiety?
  43. should this still be happening???
  44. New member here. Finally admitted I have a problem, but need some guidance
  45. Going gluten-free instantly eliminated all my anxiety
  46. Another jaunt = more anticipatory anxiety
  47. We create problem's ?
  48. I know acceptance is key to recovery but is it okay to have days where you just cry?
  49. exhausted??
  50. scared again
  51. Help
  52. "Feeling" very lost/confused, nothing feels recognizable, everything feels foreign?
  53. Anxiety and hypochondria advice?!
  54. Caffeine
  55. My beloved has anxiety...
  56. Night time anxiety
  57. Anxiety not sure if social or general or paraniod thoughts????
  58. Urgent, so scared!!!
  59. Memory Problems
  60. Should we just accept that our fears are part of life?
  61. Anxiety in Action
  62. Nearly 25 and still living with my parents...
  63. Is it totally normal in recovery to keep having these good cycles and bad cycles?
  64. Starting a new job with poor sick record
  65. Seem to be living in a total state of anxiety
  66. How do you cope?
  67. Scared of brain tumors
  68. Allotment and Gardening Facebook Site
  69. swollen glands
  70. everything feels worse first thing in the morning
  71. Where should I be after 6 months?
  72. Heart Problems/Citalopram
  73. workplace authority anxiety
  74. infection help ?
  75. enough is enough
  76. Anyone awake
  77. Last post
  78. Extreme anxiety and don't know what to do :(
  79. Problems caused by difficult time when I was at school, anyone the same ?
  80. anxiety seems to be almost gone, but...
  81. Anxiety & Tiredness
  82. feels like racing heart
  83. Anxiety - my struggle
  84. Factual False Doubt
  85. Do you hide your problems to well?
  86. Curious about Anxiety?
  87. I need to get some things off my chest..
  88. Having anxiety and coping with a son with behavioural issues
  89. why am i being rejected by therapists?
  90. My anxiety - help please
  91. No appetite
  92. Symptoms of Anxiety or Something Else?
  93. does anyone get this feeling?
  94. still struggling with intrusie thoughts
  95. Quitting drinking, Quitting Smoking. Left with myself.
  96. Very interesting and I'm baffled
  97. ZOMBIES!!!!!!
  98. Needing encouragement to accept
  99. cant get a tune out of my head
  100. What songs help motivate you?
  101. Disciplinary Appeal Meeting Tomorrow
  102. Anxiety radio programme on BBC
  103. Relapse
  104. From one scare to another MIL's schizophrenia.
  105. How do you deal with tiredness?
  106. can anyone shed the light
  107. help !!! insomnia creeping back
  108. Girlfriend teeth grinding
  109. Misplaced Anxiety
  110. hi folks need help
  111. scared i'll die this way
  112. Help me please frequent urination
  113. bottle of wine bed at 11 sleeling pill..but still i wake
  114. Constant suffocation feeling
  115. can it be beaten
  116. Cuts me like a razor -career failure
  117. I hate this fear of passing out!
  118. Not such a great afternoon
  119. New to coping with anxiety
  120. Think I pushed myself too far
  121. EMDR Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
  122. Preventative Maintenance
  123. Forgiveness does help!
  124. Lexapro..if it doesn't work sometimes
  125. What do you think of people with nervous laughs?
  126. Positive experiences with anxiety
  127. Why do things always go wrong?
  128. medication cocktail advice meeded asap plz
  129. 3rd antidepressant in a year feel horrible!
  130. Just rambling...
  131. Confrontations
  132. does anyone feel like this
  133. Gastroscopy tomorrow... I dont know how they are going to be able to perform it on me
  134. So tired
  135. Coping with bad news
  136. Is acceptance acceptable?
  137. Really need opinions on friends fall out!!
  138. I went to the hospital but didnt have my endoscopy...
  139. Dentists tomorrow
  140. Antibiotics
  141. Anxiety & Alcohol
  142. New work position - expected to presentations & public speaking
  143. Woohoooo... I got a job at last!
  144. Pregnant and had to stop paxil cold turkey
  145. Very poor memory & awareness
  146. I can't meditate!
  147. Panic Attacks. Advice?
  148. Want to quit smoking but scared!
  149. Help needed Natural Remedies or Activities??????
  150. CBT Therapist signed me off her books. I think its a positive thing!
  151. Cant stop snapping
  152. So I had a good sleep last night
  153. omneprazole
  154. Throat mucus
  155. Job making me panicky
  156. Anxiety from loss of friendship
  157. Is GAD fully responsible for all of this?
  158. CBT4Panic Question
  159. just want to ask someone
  160. Has anyone elses partner walked away due to anxiety issues?
  161. So much for a good day. Sigh
  162. hard to stay positive
  163. In a pickle....thoughts...
  164. Question about HRT and having anxiety?
  165. Question about Anxiety Relief
  166. Bad anxiety all day
  167. Bank holiday blues
  168. Feeling so low this morning.
  169. please can anyone help?
  170. Help a Required
  171. Being away from my mum
  172. I can't cope anymore
  173. Please HELP chronic anxiety
  174. Chest heaviness and arm ache EVERYDAY???
  175. Factual Update and Such
  176. What to do when a friend finds you intense
  177. Old Symptom of Anxiety Returned
  178. What is it with this
  179. Does anticipation get anyone else?
  180. feeling s of tight chest
  181. Animal Cruelty
  182. Update after seeing the therapist
  183. Please help, I've had enough and really confused.
  184. Bumps in the night?!
  185. Thyroid cancer?
  186. Having a 'blip' really anxious :(
  187. Books that changed your life
  188. Tip for all - GET A MASSAGE!
  189. still worried
  190. I thought I could cope again but I can't :(
  191. Online CBT?
  192. Introduction and straight into things!
  193. I'm driving myself mad but can't help it
  194. Friend with GAD in denial
  195. Can someone please talk to me/help?! :(
  196. Wow, it never ends
  197. If it doesn't rain it pours
  198. beating myself up all the time
  199. Worrying about money
  200. hi
  201. Anxiety's back
  202. Feeling trapped and on edge
  203. Just more rambling :)
  204. Setbacks
  205. Not coping
  206. trembling all day
  207. Hi
  208. What's your worst anxiety symptoms???
  209. Need to vent but not asking for replies
  210. Strange odd sensations!! worried!!
  211. I can't take this anymore
  212. Fearing holiday with friends
  213. Can you mix the two
  214. All over weakness spells. Reassurance needed
  215. Quick update on me
  216. worst day so far!
  217. An awful day..Hospital with my Mam
  218. Anxiety
  219. New pet anxiety
  220. questions id like to ask
  221. Citalaplam and Mitazapine
  222. Anxiety off the scale just now
  223. Really struggling just started on medication
  224. Alternative therapy... Working incredibly well!
  225. Inactivity - The cost?
  226. A question about anxiety and depression?
  227. Random spurs of anxiety?
  228. It's just a metaphor
  229. fluoxetine for anxiety?
  230. will I get sacked
  231. Having an operation next Tuesday
  232. panicking wish i neverwent to see gp
  233. Background Anxiety
  234. Neary Every Time I go upstairs it starts!
  235. venlafaxine and work
  236. My Break-Down - PLEASE READ!
  237. It's returned, I can't cope and I feel alone
  238. Dissociation
  239. Chlamydia in blood? Can vitamin C increase their growth or can it help me??
  240. help coping with anxious hubby
  241. First time travelling without parents.
  242. Overnight trip out of town
  243. Warm weather sending my anxiety sky-high
  244. Good Morning everyone... How does Anxiety affect your daily lives????????????????????
  245. Worried about doing something wrong
  246. New here :) Childhood anxiety question/discussion
  247. Feeling real lousy...
  248. Feeling completely stressed and run down
  249. relapse again!!
  250. Do you find it easy to tell people?