View Full Version : General Anxiety / Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD)

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  1. what do i di?
  2. Religion and Anxiety
  3. Can't find a girl..
  4. No real life anymore.
  5. Something new!!
  6. Anxiety symptoms going away when I'm ill?
  7. what does it mean if a GP says you have ''Chronic anxiety'' help??
  8. Is anger a symptom of anxiety?
  9. DPD??
  10. Feeling low about getting house/new job
  11. Long-Time GAD
  12. Totally Crippling Anxiety
  13. Why am I obsessed with Dragons?
  14. Surgery
  15. i really need some help
  16. anxious and stressed
  17. please... could this be a anxiety symtom
  18. Breathing Anxiety Please Help
  19. Trembling breathing
  20. Does anyone else experience obsessive fear of the universe?
  21. drove to Birmingham today after having massive phobia of leaving home
  22. Anxiety and relationships (update)
  23. can anxiety get worse with outmeds?
  24. Heart or Head?
  25. New to this forum but crippled by anxiety
  26. Symptoms never go
  27. Why aren't I asleep.
  28. Constantly worried at home
  29. Cant Accept This!
  30. hello
  31. Muscles Feel Weak/Tired
  32. Micro managing managers
  33. I'm having the week from Hell!
  34. Too busy!!
  35. Never free of nagging amxiety and doubt
  36. Scary stuff
  37. Sleep Anxiety?
  38. nervous all the time but not worried
  39. help at work and panic stricken
  40. Sweating and Irrational Fear - Caffeine the cause?
  41. its always there
  42. Little update.
  43. This will never go!
  44. Severe anxiety and eating disorder?
  45. Should I try Cannabis again?
  46. lightheaded all the time
  47. anxiety causing relationship problems (early mid 20s)
  48. Teeth Getting removed on Tuesday PETRIFIED
  49. what a week
  50. Scared of interviews
  51. Anxiety pain and tension
  52. Reassurance - can't seem to be reassured
  53. Trying my hardest to get through this hell,
  54. worried about family
  55. Hit rock bottom tonight
  56. scared
  57. They've given me extra hours at work :(
  58. so scared, what's wrong with me
  59. new to all this and scared
  60. Can a broken heart LITERALLY break?
  61. Children...
  62. Eating with Anxiety
  63. Athsma or not?!?! Help
  64. General Anxiety Disorder and Citalopram Dosage
  65. Two months in, starting to feel even MORE different
  66. Update - Around 2 Months On
  67. feel at breaking point
  68. Why??!! An I such a bad person?!
  69. Just checking.. how do these symptoms sound as anxiety/adrenaline induced??
  70. I know why I have anxiety, yet I still get it
  71. Today's challenge!
  72. Supporting - Struggling
  73. Dealing with insecurities and jealousy in relationships
  74. much more better mentally but still chronic physical symptoms
  75. Anxiety relapse :-(
  76. ups and downs
  77. Help - I can't eat with anxiety
  78. Update on 'put deposit on puppy'
  79. really could do with advice
  80. Psycological trauma....
  81. Excessive swetting
  82. tips for coping when away
  83. Head aches and pain,
  84. scared
  85. Nonsense inner dialogue / chatter
  86. Worried about abuse from Scottish independence vote
  87. Fight (not only anxiety)
  88. Simply can't focus! Too stressed
  89. Mindfullnessdzc
  90. Living in fear and anxiety every day
  91. voices
  92. can causes of anxiety change
  93. Can't believe I'm back here again :(
  94. 9 months later and I'm still as anxious as I was before!
  95. strange memory problems hard to descibe
  96. Reading GAD article in main NMP site - sounds so familiar
  97. Chain comments!
  98. Had some (small) wins!
  99. quirky eccentricity? a celebration.
  100. Work anxiety-- need tips
  101. High levels of anxiety
  102. Anxiety relapse, just started a new job, no idea what to do.
  103. goto have a ECG friday
  104. Being pushed around by my manager....
  105. [Venting] I've been healthy for a year but this past month has been a nightmare
  106. Feeling hysterical
  107. Big step completed, now lets see what happens!
  108. Hey guys New, need some help
  109. Does any one get these symptoms?
  110. advice for a parent
  111. can this happen
  112. My story - advice would be appreciated :)
  113. My job is making my anxiety worse
  114. Can't let her go I love her to much but I hate her for what she done
  115. starting a new job tomorrow ... here we go again!
  116. Self-Care Anxiety Tips?
  117. guilt?
  118. New and recovering..
  119. Please help me stabbing pains in head and weird vision
  120. worried as not eating properly
  121. Help regarding relationships/helping other people
  122. Anxiety Back and Badder Than Ever
  123. feeling the need to ball in the middle of class
  124. Feel ashamed I have anxiety :(
  125. Am i being rational or is it anxiety making me think this?
  126. 21 year old make worried about MS
  127. getting back to normal
  128. Moods
  129. JOb interview
  130. Hi long time no see
  131. BIG College problem with depersonalization and depression :(
  132. feeling out of it?
  133. Son going abroad for a year - anxiety returning
  134. HELP irrational thoughts mind working over time
  135. On edge about the Scottish referendum
  136. Issue with breaks at work
  137. Total lack of mental clarity on and off up n down
  138. I need a rant lmao
  139. Negative Energy!
  140. chemical contamination Stupid
  141. I'm having anxiety on...Crane Flies
  142. new boss making anxiety worse
  143. Help :( Conflicting diagnoses
  144. Handling a relapse
  145. Where do I go from here
  146. I don't relate to my own generation
  147. Even meditating gives me anxiety
  148. Finally!
  149. Deep breaths
  150. Help? Really fed up with anxiety!
  151. Is this anxiety or something else? (Please read..)
  152. Nervous!
  153. Have AD's ever cured you or made you better?
  154. my right side is all seized up
  155. does anyone else get this with anxiety?
  156. Intrusive thoughts
  157. Please reassure me.
  158. Hi guys
  159. Angel on 1 shoulder, devil on the other
  160. feel so depressed and axious
  161. A date tonight? Am I kidding myself?
  162. Baby steps today
  163. Tips for coping with a long train journey
  164. How many more times ?
  165. Craving sugar
  166. Cognitive Distortion Disorder
  167. Anxiety back. Feel like my life is being ruined
  168. Still retching/heaving. Saw 2nd consultant earlier on today.
  169. Top of the mountain - will I fall?
  170. I feel really nervous and anxious
  171. Anxiety worsening
  172. really need some suport
  173. Grinding teeth?
  174. Hey everyone
  175. can you get support from the church
  176. Worried
  177. are my symptoms being caused by a brief case of anxiety?
  178. Support needed
  179. travel anxiety...again!
  180. Anxiety is so on and off. Any advice or tips?
  181. Trying not to fight the anxiety
  182. Who wants to be part of a multi author blog?
  183. You are what you eat
  184. Sleep anxiety & Night anxiety?
  185. Spiders
  186. Sexual experimentation with sibling
  187. really panicing
  188. Applying for jobs and job interviews?
  189. Need to learn to drive but too anxious
  190. weight and anxiety
  191. Really struggling - Help/advice needed
  192. Sounds stuck in head? (tormenting)
  193. been a weird week ... trauma symptoms back
  194. relationship with other people and testing them
  195. Relationship anxiety or real doubts
  196. Fear I'm going crazy please help!
  197. Wow what a difference this has made - Magnesium
  198. got my own flat today
  199. do you ever get so excited about feeling better...
  200. being alone with my thoughts
  201. Please Help: Where Can Alienated Teen Spend Christmas?
  202. I hate the world
  203. how can I get through the winter?
  204. Getting stressed/anxious over my future?
  205. depression and anxiety after being emotionally blackmailed? help..
  206. Sick/worried/anxiety
  207. dentist anxiety help advice
  208. Simply awful GAD attack and weight loss
  209. My anxiety
  210. had to get this out ,,, a little something ive written
  211. I am going crazy, theres something seriously wrong
  212. Wasps everywhere
  213. How I have improved my anxiety
  214. Some help, well kinda.
  215. feeling incredibly sick!
  216. Yet more acute travel anxiety
  217. Separation anxiety? Or just love
  218. Confessing Imaginary/Real Sins?
  219. Anxiety is Back(?)
  220. cant see a light at the end of my tunel
  221. Does Anxiety Stop You Leaving The House? Easy Way To Keep Fit
  222. winter evenings/low light
  223. What do you say?
  224. how to 'float' and accept when you have stomach troubles?? please help!
  225. Lack of understanding
  226. Anxiety
  227. not eating
  228. General anxiety and blood pressure
  229. Coping day to day!
  230. Driving anxiety , Help :)
  231. New and in full panic
  232. Test for sleep apnea
  233. Sometimes i wish I could just go to sleep
  234. What to do when all social aspects in life revolve around alcohol?
  235. Am I weird ? I'm scared
  236. scary news story!
  237. What is going on? :(
  238. dentist anxiety tomorow fillings needed
  239. NMP friends Long time no see.....
  240. What do you do to relax / ground yourself
  241. the end of me
  242. Anxiety, depression DP/DR, Dissociation, headaches, dizzy I have too many problems!
  243. is this night terrors?
  244. Change in medication - how long for side effects?
  245. I don't know what to do any more
  246. waking every morning for no reason
  247. Worsening anxiety
  248. really need to talk to someone
  249. I don't know where to go from here...
  250. cardio work out has done wonders