View Full Version : General Anxiety / Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD)

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  1. What are racing thoughts like for you?
  2. Really worried about eyesight
  3. Feeling guilty and spaced out.. nice combo :-/
  4. Relationship anxiety
  5. confrontation
  6. alcohol anxiety problem help please
  7. Fed up of feeling anxious about work
  8. Anxiety De-mystified
  9. Tips please for handling disturbing thoughts
  10. Adult Separation Anxiety Disorder
  11. New job offer need advice
  12. Worrying about all sorts trying not to.
  13. Tried to stay away but I need help.
  14. anxiety caused by parents
  15. I always fear the worst.
  16. Please help
  17. Coping with living alone?
  18. Please help...Sperm??
  19. I keep changing my number
  20. So... llittle update on my cheek sore.
  21. 1 year on
  22. Are these typical anxiety symptoms?
  23. How to purge the adrenaline
  24. 100 days of happiness
  25. Wept every day since finishing with my Therapist?
  26. So much stress when it comes to choosing a major
  27. so guilty did i do the wrong thing
  28. Getting over a traumatic experience
  29. my anxiety is back again
  30. please help :(
  31. scared to take antibiotics
  32. Managing my Anxiety!
  33. family anxiety
  34. Hypo vigilant
  35. New first post- anxiety issues completely fed up!
  36. Excessive fear of boyfriend dying
  37. Red dot and oral cancer
  38. panic about eating
  39. My nan is about to die
  40. Clocks going back....are you dreading it?
  41. i really need help cant believe this
  42. Need therapy
  43. inside cheek feels dry/scaly
  44. is this a aaxiety symtom
  45. Anxiety since flea problem
  46. Anxiety driving me nuts
  47. Someone somewhere please help
  48. clarithromycin worry
  49. Please help..
  50. Does hardly ever leaving the house increase anxiety?
  51. (Advice wanted) Separation anxiety and exams stress
  52. will it get easyer struggling
  53. I AM AFRAID AGAIN !!!! What can i do??
  54. How did your anxiety etc start?
  55. Moved into my new flat but still waking early am
  56. Anger and Guilt
  57. Anxiety causing Nausea?
  58. Fed up
  59. help
  60. He's in jail! What do I do :(
  61. NO help
  62. Wireless Signal Toxicity In Kids and Adults: Anxiety, Insomnia & Depression
  63. 11 days and nothing back from the hospital. Is no news good news or should I worry???
  64. settling in to a new home- help!
  65. Two questions we all ask ourselves and keep us back
  66. How to accept anxiety?
  67. So.... Now what?
  68. How can I fix my iron deficiency with my severe anxiety?
  69. Need some advice
  70. Good progress over the weekend
  71. How do people with anxiety cope with moving
  72. BBC Website:Anxiety
  73. Panicking over sons school trip!!
  74. Best medication for an over active mind?
  75. daughters wedding
  76. Anxiety anniversary
  77. Fear of being Alone!
  78. Falling in love when you have anxiety?
  79. ESA/benefits/working
  80. Relationship panic
  81. Anxiety is worse after eating?
  82. self help books
  83. question id like to ask please
  84. Anxiety/Heart Worries
  85. I'm scared if mental ilness
  86. Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder
  87. Dealing with friendly but overbearing people
  88. My Psych doctor dismissed me :(
  89. Very vivid nightmares
  90. Thanks to NMP for keeping old posts
  91. Anyone take magnesium?
  92. anxiety and swollen glands
  93. Finding it difficult to be around children
  94. advice please
  95. Hangover :(
  96. Panic over Cancer!
  97. Can anyone relate to these feelings (foggy head, pounding heart, insomnia?)
  98. Why does anxiety have to make more 'normal' stress worse?
  99. hasany overcome anirty without meds
  100. Does this sound like a virus or just my anxiety?
  101. Sunday night anxiety
  102. Vivid Imagination
  103. Anxiety symptoms and worrying about work
  104. 4:30 am panic attack and still have chest pains
  105. Anxiety or Not???
  106. Exercise has some how helped me think clearer and feel more aware
  107. Made it to work today but still wired
  108. Help needed
  109. When will these feelings go?
  110. Really need help and support Help me please
  111. Getting off escitalopram, headaches
  112. Dark place with anxiety - self pressure
  113. Burning sensation and post nasal drip
  114. Anxiety before sleep
  115. new doctor taking me off my medicatio ..help
  116. Anxiety and stress
  117. Bad day today
  118. How do you calm yourself down about something?
  119. need advice for bf with anxiety!!
  120. New job day 1, want to quit already.
  121. Relationship anxiety
  122. Burst in to tears today because Costa Coffee gave me a big cup instead of tall glass!
  123. Very Good Anxiety Management Techniques
  124. New job nerves!
  125. Anxiety/ depression = low immune system
  126. Unable to calm down after long period of high anxiety
  127. Help with my partners anxiety
  128. Worries of the day
  129. How to stop irrational thoughts
  130. Desperately in need of help [TW]
  131. couciling ?
  132. Dizziness, vertigo and anxiety
  133. Communication Issues
  134. Someone please help.
  135. I really really need someone to talk to
  136. Overthinking and Upset
  137. Struggling with anxiety
  138. Getting wound up about stuff far too easily - considering medical help
  139. Exams, loneliness and anxiety
  140. anyone eles stuck in doors all day with nothing to do
  141. Scanxiety
  142. my mind and illusion
  143. been for a 2 mile run but still heart anxiety
  144. Feel Like a Failure
  145. Wanting to reach out to others
  146. just found boxes of gabapentin in my cupboard?
  147. New anxiety attack symptoms?
  148. Newer Symptoms
  149. How do you manage?
  150. Vicious circle
  151. Recent Breakdown
  152. Tooth abscess causing anxiety
  153. Anxiety worse is winter?
  154. As an anxiety/depression sufferer, how can I help my partner?
  155. I need help "floating anxiety"
  156. anxiety about errors or mistakes
  157. smoking cigarettes makes me more anxious
  158. feeling very very negative all day today.
  159. I've been referred to a psychiatrist
  160. Feeling Selfish!!
  161. GAD v bi-polar
  162. Please help me
  163. Crying at random moments
  164. Don't know how to handle my feelings
  165. just having a little blip :(
  166. Never felt this bad please can anyone help...??
  167. feel like I've gone backwards
  168. Anxiety about my relationship
  169. So anxious when at home - can't relax in new flat! Help!
  170. Getting anxious when people are unwell?
  171. The Dangers of Trying to Think Positive
  172. please help!!!!!
  173. Is this general anxiety?
  174. Always worrying news stories
  175. Abnormal sleeping made me miss an appointment
  176. Is this GAD? New to this...
  177. Scared Sick
  178. Christmas and new year survival support group
  179. Difficult people
  180. Trying my best...
  181. Nervous - handing in notice tomorrow
  182. Safe to take Citalopram and Mirtazapine at night?
  183. End of world issues/what if?
  184. I'm broken
  185. Very panicky and I'm getting braces again tomorrow?
  186. Anyone else have this problem?
  187. Strange feeling
  188. So, it's been nearly two years since I last visited.
  189. Legal problems killing me
  190. Fear of Electrical Fire
  191. Help
  192. Ridiculous But need guidance.
  193. Work issues :(
  194. Feeling so tired and weak
  195. Nightmares... whaaat?
  196. Struggling to keep up the pretence
  197. Worried about health/pain symptoms lasting forever - please please help :(
  198. I'm struggling right now
  199. Anxiety just won't leave
  200. Stomach Problems and Anxiety
  201. Anyone loose weight because of anxiety?
  202. Overwhelming anxiety - under 1 week taking meds
  203. Dental anxiety: Molar at the back chipped I think absolutely terrified
  204. Anxiety and Panic causing cardiac problems later in life.
  205. Help, feeling terrible!
  206. Doubt & Anxiety
  207. awake while beeing asleep
  208. New Relationship
  209. Nervous Tummy, constantly with Anxiety
  210. Horrible Neighbours
  211. medication?
  212. Medication? yes or no?
  213. Self-destructive procrastination...
  214. Is my medication working or not?
  215. Anxiety hitting the roof
  216. Feeling Down.
  217. Scared Anxious and Panicky about going on holiday
  218. Feeling Rubbish Today
  219. Very interesting article.
  220. Was sick last night
  221. New symptom - really scared...
  222. self talk while asleep
  223. why am o thinking like this
  224. Overwhelming Anxiety
  225. Uncontrollable Anxiety
  226. Hangover anxiety
  227. Two techniques to start NOW!
  228. do you sometimes feel like this.
  229. pet anxiety
  230. Feeling weak and heart racing
  231. Finding it difficult to cope
  232. Would it harm me to take Omeprazole if I didn't need it?
  233. Cipralex day 1. Remind me it gets better!
  234. Just walked out of work!
  235. Stuck Thoughts
  236. Advice - teens with anxiety- books or games
  237. anxiety is back with a vengeance :(
  238. Recent atrocities...
  239. It cant get much worse!
  240. I look absolutely ghastly.
  241. Any stories;Has anyone had muscle pains when depressed but they've recovered from it?
  242. Physically stuck Inwards..
  243. any one else been refused help
  244. Inhaled melted plastic fumes -- FREAKING OUT. Please help!
  245. New here - I'm Struggling and need Reassurance
  246. Calming techniques
  247. Catastrophic thinking.
  248. Back again-- need some help and advice :(
  249. Feeling of doom
  250. My anxiety is back with a vengence