View Full Version : General Anxiety / Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD)

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  1. keep thinking of my past
  2. drinking on propanolol and sertraline
  3. Feeling drained and looking for a bit of support
  4. So I quit my job (ish)
  5. Fear of Fear - anxious about being anxious!
  6. Fearing depression
  7. Reading/Talking Anxiety
  8. Why me?
  9. Constantly anxious about lumps
  10. Medication, when do you give in and try it?
  11. Welfare Meeting What to expect
  12. irrational fears
  13. I can't cope right now
  14. Constantly feel not good enough
  15. moaning about my life Living with GAD :(
  16. please give me so help...
  17. Anxiety and Relationships
  18. Anybody get this anxiety symptom?
  19. afraid of going through another anxiety " phase " and don't know if I can do it again
  20. Dad ill-Anxiety at a high
  21. Any nurses/student nurses? Really Struggling With Anxiety At the Moment
  22. Mugs
  23. extreme fear, escape, on my own? What is this?
  24. Does anyone else do this?
  25. Mental or Psychological
  26. Anxiety, Nausea & Recovery Length
  27. day 5 sertraline
  28. Talking to a counselor/psychologist?
  29. Scared of going crazy
  30. citalopram 6 weeks advice please
  31. Propanolol or diazepam for anxiety?
  32. Don't know what to do with my life(23) F
  33. because i dont feel anxious from my irrational thoughts it makes me think im a psycho
  34. Strange feeling in mouth
  35. Physical and Mental health & Jury service
  36. Citalopram
  37. I am scared to take the next step
  38. Friends and Relatives
  39. Does anyone else get this? Am I normal?
  40. Really stuck on things to help now!
  41. Fear of death
  42. Life problems: Progress diary
  43. Night time anxiety/panic
  44. Trazodone Side Effects
  45. Is it hereditary?
  46. Saw my GP...
  47. Tips to ease your anxiety
  48. Back at the start!!
  49. Eclipse
  50. scared of being hospitalised
  51. Why Now Optical Migraines
  52. In a bad way
  53. Conquer fear of going crazy/Schizophrenia?
  54. Fear of death tips?
  55. When the anxiety turns to panic
  56. Gluten - How Many Times Do You Need Telling!!
  57. Brain shudder when trying to sleep & startled easily
  58. relaxation tapes needed
  59. Anxiety causes other medical probs
  60. Letting family down
  61. How can i cure my excessive blushing?
  62. Anxiety causing toothache??
  63. Escitalopram & Mirtazapine
  64. Anxiety is Back
  65. can't sleep!!
  66. This is so weird - anxious about my horoscope!
  67. How did you get over Insomnia?
  68. Vitamin D
  69. please dont know if all this anxiety symtom
  70. Why would anything physical create such intense head crushing pain?
  71. Hit a bad patch again.
  72. Sleeping troubles phenergan/ promethazine/ diazepam
  73. Cycles?
  74. New to all this, will it get better?
  75. Struggling today :(
  76. Recovering after a prolonged period of extreme anxiety...
  77. Dry Retching in mornings with anxiety
  78. just need somebody to chat too
  79. Partner has GAD..help
  80. coming off my meds
  81. Here we go then!
  82. question id like to ask
  83. Not sure - need some guidance.
  84. Such a strange symptom. am I going crazy?
  85. help someone reassure me
  86. double dose of my meds.feel awfull today
  87. Zopiclone Withdrawal
  88. Anxiety/Depression & Rejection
  89. My anxiety is doing weird things to me?
  90. what you should know about anxiety
  91. Anyone look back at their old selves and wonder how anxiety caused this?!
  92. Feeling low this morning
  93. GAD....how do you know?
  94. I really need some advice/suggestions on how to get through this?
  95. Does anyone know what I can do?
  96. Today of all days!
  97. please advice
  98. Feeling much more positive!
  99. GAD / anxiety due to subconscious thoughts?
  100. waking early happning again whats going on
  101. Can't we try and find a cure or something to help people like us?
  102. Anxiety about bowel movements
  103. I cant carry on with the retching... What shall I do?
  104. What do you do when you have exhausted all options and feel you have nothing left?
  105. Is plane travel really as bad as I imagine?
  106. Teeth obssesion
  107. Anybody heard of quitipine ( serqual) for gad exuse the spelling
  108. My Birthday in 2 days, feeling down
  109. REALLY BAD job interview anxiety
  110. do i just deal with the anxiety on my own now.
  111. got mt tamazapan for tonight
  112. meds stopped working? please talk some sense into me
  113. Anxiety slowing recovery after week in hospital
  114. Emergaecy : can anyone talk to me please
  115. Nothing works from Cymraig_Chris
  116. Could this be anxiety that I'm going through
  117. Worry
  118. meds advice
  119. My best present!
  120. My story so far
  121. Beta blockers
  122. Pounding heart. No sleep
  123. feeling absolutely miserable
  124. Bad thoughts, please help
  125. "Blip" after flu
  126. please help
  127. Failing to hide my GAD (long)
  128. Anxiety and Social Stigma
  129. hi I'm new
  130. Scared to go on my vacation....
  131. Dunno where to put this - rejection / self esteem related
  132. Over medicated?
  133. relationship anxiety
  134. House buying and GAD
  135. a couple of days of feeling ok..then today bad again
  136. does GAD ever just come on its own?
  137. Don't understand this!
  138. does anyone else get this weird feeling? everything seems loud, forced and forced?
  139. I got a job offer....and cue anxiety!
  140. paying the price
  141. not going out
  142. New GAD diagnosis
  143. could this be a deficiency? ):
  144. sleeping
  145. Advice
  146. mornings
  147. please stop!
  148. having a relationship ?
  149. A couple of questions.
  150. Frightened
  151. Trying to get by.
  152. What to do when nothing calms you down?
  153. got three different appt with mental health team all in one week
  154. Complaining about the NHS
  155. done in
  156. Happiness I don't do anything with, and anxiety ABOUT bouts of happiness?!
  157. Using too much toilet paper
  158. Waking up in Panic Attacks.. Again? Can anyone help?
  159. Not sleeping again:(
  160. Finding it hard to cope again
  161. Start college tomorrow, don't know if I made a mistake!
  162. Newbie with serious anxiety issues
  163. Things aren't getting better.
  164. Meditation a good idea?
  165. self esteem/work related issues
  166. memory.
  167. rhodiola
  168. sleeping troubles & buzzing in head + pins & needles
  169. very nerious about medication review today
  170. Please I need to talk/help
  171. Reasons behind GAD
  172. Anxiety and places
  173. Sharing your experiences with a therapist?
  174. hi looking advice
  175. I've had a bottle of wine already
  176. Terrified - Mums drinking
  177. Dad deliberately triggering anxiety- advice?
  178. Does anyone else's general anxiety/panic attacks get worse after a good day?
  179. Things Mounting Up.
  180. My Friday morning breakdown
  181. Panicked about not panicking
  182. New area, unemployed, anxiety and depression
  183. blip
  184. What Can "Cure" Brain Fog
  185. Is Anxiety more prevelant in Cities and big Towns?
  186. Can't go on benefits because my anxiety and depression are so bad.
  187. My stuff
  188. Hate feeling like this/rant
  189. Work stress and trying to get a getting a house
  190. Avoidance?
  191. Need some really good advice on how to help myself
  192. Muscles tension
  193. I'm trying to improve but...
  194. Blog on my anxiety
  195. becoming extremly paranoid about things
  196. So Tired
  197. Had to leave cinema
  198. pregnant and my ex with GAD says awful things to me
  199. Work struggles and GAD
  200. Potassium sorbate
  201. "female problem"
  202. TBONTB
  203. Loosening Tension In Tummy Area
  204. Hair loss!!
  205. I got told off by a paramedic today!
  206. Afraid to swallow food
  207. What's happened to me?
  208. Obsessed with my own Breathing...?
  209. Home alone and realising I'm scared
  210. Turned down a job with more hours now on a downer
  211. A blip - good days and bad days
  212. Books to read to help you feel "normal" again?
  213. Sick time ending, doc urging return, anxiety all week
  214. Insomnia caused by anxiety
  215. GAD and work's reaction
  216. Do any of you have intrusive thoughts?
  217. Driving Test
  218. What happened?
  219. Anger Issues
  220. Really suffering tonight
  221. Traffic Tickets and anxiety are preventing my appetite
  222. Post-exam obsessive behaviour/anxiety
  223. Alpha stim for (gad) anybody tried this ?
  224. Think I may have anxiety
  225. More anxiety problems
  226. These precious fleeting moments of stability....
  227. Breathing
  228. Goal for the Day - All are Welcome
  229. Finding small noises irritating
  230. Female sufferers, contact me please?
  231. Driving Anxiety.
  232. Worrying about how I'm going to handle this week
  233. What to do?
  234. believingin urself and reasurance
  235. Idk what to do
  236. Personal email monitoring at work?
  237. fear of being accused of benefit fraud??? (huge vent)
  238. How to work when you have anxiety and panic attacks?
  239. Triggered a wee bit tonight
  240. new here suffer from pure o ocd and health anxiety
  241. intrusive thoughts/GAD/ new fsther
  242. Happy Friday-Eve ... can't wait for this week to end
  243. Any advice on normalizing my sleep schedule?
  244. anxiety over extrem worry on my mind
  245. overanalysing EVERYTHING again
  246. New job and sick.
  247. Sickly pulsing body feeling etc.
  248. calm
  249. having my daughter over night anxiety
  250. Spouse with GAD irritable