View Full Version : General Anxiety / Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD)

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  1. I thought I was better but I'm not :(
  2. Gad, ocd. Newbie :)
  3. Panicking about literally everything.
  4. Anxiety over Bleach
  5. can amitriptilyne work for anxiety at low doses?
  6. trying to cope with anxiety
  7. Anxiety when someone doesn't message me back?
  8. Kitten got a concussion :(
  9. A really bad few days.
  10. Can you recommend good psychotherapist in Greater Manchester area?
  11. Question about anxiety
  12. Sleep anxiety
  13. Caffeine
  14. Wish this panic and anxiety will go away
  15. sober recovery has helped my recovery but its boring
  16. SMART RECOVERY help for anyone with negative thought patterns / drug abuse
  17. There is no end to this torture
  18. Panic attacks in cars
  19. how did you relax? need advice lease
  20. Constantly inventing things to worry about
  21. Another one about morning anxiety.
  22. Don't know why???
  23. Anxiety blog
  24. Artificial heat
  25. Nerves are back feeling anxious first day at new job
  26. Need help , views and opinions are appreciated
  27. please can simeone tell me this was a panic attack
  28. Increased Cit dose - Poll
  29. My anxiety story and progress
  30. Panadol concerns
  31. Relationship
  32. Cbt for my son
  33. Coming off Tegretol and panics
  34. Anxiety about daughter :(
  35. I think anxiety gets worse with age.
  36. Want to be on my own!
  37. Stress overload, any coping methods?
  38. head spins and memory issues
  39. Derealization - Tips and Experiences
  40. Mirtazapine/Sertraline/Valium - Severe Generalised Anxiety
  41. What do you do to distract yourself from AnXiEtY?
  42. Tired by half 8 every night
  43. Is it possible to cols turkey ssri by them getting stuck in your throat?
  44. Maintaining recovery
  45. After shock anxiety
  46. Call centre work and anxiety
  47. Despite my best efforts, very worried about my 9 year old daughter.
  48. Does time really heal?
  49. Anxiety Re Depression
  50. I have a lot of anxiety in my mind. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!
  51. Vacation anticipatory anxiety
  52. Exhaustion after event that caused anxiety.
  53. Tiredness causing anxiety?
  54. Husband and conspiracy theories have me going crazy!
  55. Citalopram - works eventually
  56. this is stupid
  57. High anxiety regarding cat
  58. Help needed for PRE-travel anxiety.
  59. Fear of history repeating itsself... Going on holiday soon, anxiety getting too much
  60. In need of some rational advice
  61. Books
  62. Anxious about antidepressants
  63. Vicious circle - ten years later
  64. What's your guys take on this article I found on the Internet this evening?
  65. What is realistic to ask of my therapist?
  66. Irony of health anxiety
  67. Hereditary Anxiety/Depression.
  68. Gone in to crisis , help /advice
  69. Are these symptoms for anxiety?
  70. Back again
  71. Daughter
  72. I can't bare to live another day like this and I've said it so many times
  73. Having panic attack. Anyone on??
  74. Chronic shortness of breathe.
  75. Is this anxiety/depression?
  76. Overreacting/worst case scenario
  77. Struggling with issues
  78. 1st Therapy Session Today
  79. Anxiety or just me?
  80. Morning anxiety again!
  81. New job
  82. need to talk to someone
  83. Restlessness from being lonely
  84. Can feeling lonely kill you?
  85. I wish and hope for the worst for some people
  86. Voice in my head saying I'm "not trying hard enough" to recover.
  87. Dentist tomorrow feeling anxious
  88. I may need some support this weekend please
  89. Can't cope with my partner in bed
  90. do I have anxiety and intrusive thoughts ? Or something else?
  91. why so bad in the mornings?
  92. How to fall asleep easier the night before a special event?
  93. chest pains tense upper body
  94. So upset with myself I need help
  95. This is getting ridiculous now!
  96. A good day (zomg)
  97. Always fighting something
  98. What happened?
  99. how to cope with symtoms?
  100. Comfort sleeping?
  101. Working with anxiety
  102. Fed up of having no energy
  103. New to anxiety
  104. Not enjoying own company anymore
  105. impatient
  106. Relocation anxiety
  107. How to live in spite of anxiety
  108. Did anyone's anxiety symptoms turn out to be caused by a physical illness?
  109. What is next for me?
  110. starting to not feel as convinced.
  111. What makes you Happy?
  112. feeling bad today
  113. Still gagging...
  114. Layers of anxiety, who am I anymore
  115. dont know wat to do anymore
  116. Unsettling dreams and scared about my future for some reason. Help!
  117. Worst enemy... Google
  118. Post holiday blues or something more?
  119. Intrusive thoughts creating anxiety
  120. Thoughts not causing anxiety - real!?
  121. New here, afraid all the time
  122. trying to ride out a blip...
  123. lightheadedness, very mild headache and tenseness in shoulders/neck/upper back?
  124. ROCD sufferers please help
  125. I'm so tired
  126. What's real and what's not
  127. Mouth Cancer Fear - Dark area on XRay
  128. Fear and anxiety of voices, schizophrenia and pareidolia
  129. House Buying Crime Anxiety
  130. Anxiety is taking over my life
  131. No filter for my thoughts
  132. Tension headache?
  133. I wish I was brave enough for endoscopy...
  134. Cause of my retching?
  135. Constantly feel like I'm at work all the time
  136. Anxiety spiralled out of control into depersonalisation.
  137. There's no happy or right way out
  138. Starting new job tomorrow - so anxious
  139. I want my life back
  140. Started celexa 6 days ago
  141. I just want to be normal again
  142. Anyone with Chest Tightness caused by anxiety, I think I found a cure!!!
  143. partner dosnt understand
  144. Should I tell my boss?
  145. Primitive?
  146. Tinnitus anyone?
  147. Inprisoned
  148. Dark Thoughts and anxiety
  149. Doctors tomorrow, feeling very afraid.
  150. Losing home, feel so stressed.
  151. Recovering from very bad anxiety in the short term
  152. Is this logical?
  153. Please - analyse what you're eating
  154. New job worry
  155. Do you really believe it?
  156. Waking up feeling tired
  157. Up and down
  158. Fluoxetine
  159. coming and going
  160. DARE method
  161. Anxious all the time
  162. I'm worried about a nuclear war
  163. I feel like two different people! Can anyone relate? Recovery?
  164. please is this just a intrusive thought
  165. Urgent Question, How long are blood test forms valid for?
  166. Hypertension-Panic
  167. Work from Home, cabin fever / depression? - alternatives?
  168. Where to begin? Need to break cycle
  169. Does anyone else listen to songs over and over on a loop?
  170. Can't stay at home, is anyone the same?
  171. Clocks going back.
  172. Morning Anxiety - Does Anyone Else Get This?
  173. SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)
  174. FREE***DARE: The New Way To End Anxiety and Stop Panic Attacks
  175. Anxiety caused by having a crush!
  176. anxiety breakdown
  177. Common cold and heightened anxiety
  178. Anxiety + Depression please help
  179. Cant even go on holiday anymore.
  180. Death anxiety/phobia and "not being" experiences
  181. A lot going on
  182. Scared of natural disasters
  183. My story Live Life to the Fullest with Social Anxiety
  184. Bed Bound
  185. Traveling and GAD
  186. Feeling so alone!
  187. I can't eat or drink
  188. How do you make decisions with anxiety? I can't :(
  189. Work related anxiety
  190. New to this but need to vent
  191. Struggling Again
  192. Focused on my breathing
  193. Called in sick - third week of new job
  194. I'm a mess.....
  195. Anxiety about lack of control....
  196. A new day
  197. Struggling
  198. Idk how to handle this situation.
  199. Feeling low
  200. I broke the internet: I don't like feeling important
  201. Worry time
  202. getting worse? blip?
  203. I'm scared that this is something more than anxiety?
  204. the best part time work pattern if you suffer from anxiety
  205. CBT reject !
  206. Too intense, for the worse and better
  207. Work anxiety update
  208. Going back to work anxiety
  209. Still dry retching/heaving
  210. The first post in this link could have been written by me, it's exactly the same!
  211. Working with anxiety
  212. Anxiety and new relationship
  213. Talking About It
  214. Anxiety about going back to work
  215. Struggling with the discomfort of anxiety
  216. Work
  217. ASAD
  218. In the weekend it's worse
  219. Plz help having such a bad time atm
  220. High General Anxiety and Driving.
  221. Work/Life Anxiety would like Advice Please
  222. Anxiety when away from home
  223. Helpful tips and virtual hugs wanted
  224. I'm ruining my future
  225. Chronic insomnia - using Mirtazapine to sleep?
  226. Propane leak?????
  227. unemployed and fed up :(
  228. Constant worry
  229. No friends.
  230. Transportation fear.
  231. Painting my bedroom / weird dreams?
  232. Home alone
  233. Sunny days?
  234. I have no idea
  235. Moving to another country very soon - Feeling scared, stressed and anxiety high
  236. Is it best to confront your anxiety?
  237. Flu Jab - For or Against?
  238. How do you get going in the mornings?
  239. Cracking Battery Mystery
  240. Had enough
  241. no appetite
  242. Massive job search stress
  243. GAD
  244. Looking for Anxiety Support?
  245. Got to for chest xray
  246. Really struggling to cope..
  247. Sleep!!!!!
  248. Job offer retracted
  249. Never feel like eating
  250. Anger, a rocket fuel and a poison.