View Full Version : General Anxiety / Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD)

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  1. Scared of losing my significant other
  2. No help from nhs
  3. Nausea/Vomiting before leaving to go out
  4. Devastated, my mum passed away yesterday
  5. Can't seem to stop thinking in words.
  6. Panic attacks to generalised anxiety instead?
  7. Calling for participants.
  8. Feeling hopeless - help and advice please!
  9. Anxiety affecting work, help?
  10. Serious anxiety/obsession when dating?
  11. Living in fear of loosing my mum
  12. Sudden death
  13. im at an all time low
  14. Severe anxiety about upcoming trip
  15. Adrenaline rush feeling
  16. Sleep craziness
  17. Anxiety making me feel physically sick
  18. New thing(advice)
  19. Was given a huge opportunity at work - Worried I'll screw it up
  20. What medications for GAD advice?
  21. Confusion or?
  22. Advice for mornings?
  23. Having a meltdown - please help
  24. Intrusive thoughts please need advise
  25. Help, fear of Basic functions and the fact of being alive
  26. Anxiety and feeling weird
  27. Anyone ever feel scared stiff - literally
  28. Travel Anxiety
  29. Feeling scared
  30. Hospital - anxious
  31. Going through some heavy stuff - advice needed
  32. Anxiety Advice
  33. Going out of my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  34. Do you get symptoms all day?
  35. Don't know what to do anymore.. :(
  36. Trapped - scared to free myself
  37. Anxiety symptoms ?
  38. Anxiety stopping sleep
  39. New puppy
  40. Just had talking therapy!!
  41. Shoulder surgery tomorrow!!
  42. Anxiety and extreme paranoia
  43. Boundaries
  44. Ugh, dating...
  45. Complete distress after THREE car accidents..?
  46. Anxiety over speech
  47. Anxiety - new symptom
  48. Advice - Partner with Anxiety
  49. Intense anxiety gambling husband
  50. Please help, i am worrying myself to death!!
  51. Destructive path spiralling out of control....
  52. Should I still be feeling like this.
  53. Starting meds for Anxiety - Day 12
  54. GAD as National Enquirer headlines
  55. Anxiety seriously taking over me!!
  56. Help me get my life back
  57. Alcohol Induced Atrial Fibrillation
  58. What would you do?
  59. Does anyone get high anxiety that feels like the verge of a fit?
  60. Need help real fast!!!
  61. Vitamin B complex reduce my anxiety dramatically but there is side effects.
  62. Understanding Ex's Anxiety
  63. Work-related anxiety... Please help!
  64. What to do now...?
  65. Springtime Anxiety!
  66. Tough Times
  67. Questions for those who left their partners because of their own anxiety
  68. Spouse with anxiety and meds
  69. Random Memory Problems Due To Anxiety/Depression?
  70. I hate being at home
  71. 8 weeks in on Sertraline
  72. Dilemma regarding recruitment agent and potential employer
  73. Constant feeling of anxiety
  74. lyrica ---Pregabalin
  75. Permanent anxiety while not at work/being productive
  76. Disconnected feeling
  77. Anxiety insomnia
  78. Off again.
  79. pregabalin plus benzo
  80. First day back to work and I've screwed it up
  81. Having a bad day...
  82. Please help
  83. I don't think I can cope anymore ..I need some help please
  84. Is it really anxiety? I'm scared...
  85. lorozapam
  86. Severe anxiety re: getting a dog
  87. Anxiety symptoms after hitting head
  88. Mindfullness
  89. Long term sufferers
  90. The Tropical Island
  91. Nosebleed days after hitting head
  92. Fear of driving
  93. Do you own a lion?
  94. Feeling I am worse than anyone and can't recover?
  95. Anxiety symptoms worse when tired
  96. TMJ
  97. Anxiety/Depression Link
  98. Slipped into bad Anxiety, thinking about moving home at 33.
  99. Lexapro/esomeprazole interaction? Freaking out!!
  100. Feeling hopeless - words of encouragement needed!
  101. Relapses and slight changes
  102. Ghosts / paranormal anxiety
  103. Im Really Struggling.
  104. Panicking
  105. Am I being ridiculous? Anxiety really taking hold.
  106. Is this GAD?
  107. Grown Adult anxiety over parents splitting up.
  108. Anxiety over being fortunate?
  109. Tired and ready for change. But how?
  110. GAD
  111. Noisy Neighbours Section of Forum
  112. Suffering from Anxiety but no clue as to why?
  113. drinking + anxiety? ssris + drinking? a bad mix?
  114. Obsessive thoughts - How to deal with them?
  115. Anxiety worst in the morning
  116. WRAP (recovery) and Mindfulness
  117. Begging for advice or help.
  118. help me please
  119. Severe anxiety after intrusive thoughts
  120. doctors and the use of meds
  121. Should I tell my boss?
  122. Back to feeling worried sick
  123. Interesting visual representation of anxiety....
  124. House move causing severe anxiety ?
  125. Could a cold shower worsen or cause anxiety?
  126. Beta Blockers
  127. Dinner at boyfriend's parents' house.
  128. Worried about partner going out
  129. Best book or cd to help teenager with anxiety after being hit by a car?
  130. am I doing the right thing here?
  131. Axious about going to disneyland
  132. Anxiety is like a parasite
  133. Starting cbt
  134. My Anxiety my wife not happy
  135. Common symptoms
  136. Did I Cheat on My Boyfriend?
  137. Tingling, vibrating, aches and stiffness. So many symptoms...need reassurance.
  138. Severe depression and anxiety over a new job
  139. Sucess with Zoloft/Sertraline
  140. Sleep
  141. My song about Anxiety
  142. Just scratched the car... gave me a panic attack :'(
  143. Driving test
  144. Intrusive thoughts/Rumination/Chatterbox Help
  145. Do you have someone in your life that exacerbates your Anxiety?
  146. me and my shrink have a plan
  147. Please no judgement. I'm desperate!
  148. I'm Girl, Interrupted crazy and a nightmare girlfriend
  149. Looking for help may b Agoraphobia
  150. Breakup due to anxiet and spirits and mediums
  151. Generalized anxiety
  152. This is so frustrating.. help
  153. Driving Test Nerves
  154. Anxiety from leaving comfort zone and new opportunities
  155. Strange response to a normally safe activity
  156. Hey there, Anxiety
  157. Maybe my blog on G.A.D and having high functioning anxiety can help?
  158. Lyrica v olanzapine on weight gain
  159. Terrified of war
  160. Away on holiday and my GAD is awful, help
  161. Scared I'm going to have a fatal asthma attack.
  162. Anxiety or signs of schizophrenia? Help
  163. Ghosts, paranormal activity fear again
  164. Anxiety and relationships
  165. No Appetite
  166. Me...in the hope it helps others
  167. Alternative to Clomipramine?
  168. GAD and Health Anxiety impacting my marriage
  169. Can bereavement cause anxiety and depression leading to intrustive thoughts?
  170. Anxious parent?
  171. symptoms
  172. Hay Fever - Anxiety
  173. Feeling lost
  174. WW3 worrying
  175. Anxiety from stopping mini pill?
  176. Can Anxiety Mask feelings of Love?
  177. So I'm just back from a run for the first time and...
  178. Weird dream again, anxiety
  179. Is this familiar to anybody?
  180. Bad panic & anxiety (Girlfriend on Cruise)
  181. Hi I'm new & I have GAD and I'm struggling!
  182. GAD returned, but hopefully now for long!
  183. Dry eyes - a symptom of anxiety and stress?
  184. Worried about nuclear war with North Korea
  185. How do you cope with chronic anxiety
  186. Excessive responsibility and guilt anxiety
  187. What have I done :( overshot where I am again
  188. Does anyone else feel that their anxiety changes perception?
  189. Relapse of GAD After Several Good Years
  190. New job, anxiety and insomnia.
  191. Coping with roommate/house guest anxiety
  192. New job - Panic, dont want to go :(
  193. The age old question, how do we just deal with life (super overwhelmed)?
  194. Bad Day
  195. Social media is a bad idea when you're down!
  196. Reassure me I'm not pregnant
  197. Anxiety is taking over my life (want to end it )
  198. Totally irrational...but I have to be told
  199. Isolated and scared
  200. Depression, Anxiety about Travelling
  201. can't stop thinking about distressed stranger
  202. Have you ever resigned instead of being signed off sick?
  203. Just feeling down today
  204. My dream left me on edge
  205. 1st post, any help please?
  206. How to get rid of these feelings of impending doom?
  207. Anxiety/Depression & Fitness Blog
  208. Anxiety is anxiety no matter how you label it
  209. Always feel inadequate at work
  210. School phobia
  211. Counsellor has made me more anxious
  212. pregabalin generic lyrica
  213. Grrrrr! Argh!!!!! I loathe existential anxiety
  214. Feeling like the worst person in the world
  215. Magnesium?
  216. Should I go back on meds? I'm so fed up with this
  217. Feel incredibly anxious
  218. survey on who is on pfizer lyrica or generic pregabalin
  219. First post, could really do with some help :/
  220. How I do stop this from controlling my life?
  221. Does anyone with GAD suffer from depersonalization ?
  222. One thing leads to another
  223. Why can't I be happy? I don't even have real problems
  224. With what medication(s) have you had success?
  225. Exam anxiety
  226. Money/Job Anxiety Leading to Depression
  227. Worried I will get put on a register if i go to the doctor
  228. Erratic Impulsive Behaviour
  229. Been a year since my breakdown
  230. 15 months at 20 MG Cit and not Workng
  231. Extreme guilt over being angry at children
  232. anxiety relationship problems
  233. Guilt about certain fears
  234. Is this Anxiety
  235. Stressed out
  236. genric drug we near all take, and the real med
  237. I'm back!!
  238. Just been diagnosed with anxiety
  239. Travel Anxiety
  240. Derealization and Solipsistic Notions
  241. Going back to work top tips?
  242. Does anxiety caused by grief go away?
  243. Can't go on living like this?
  244. Anxiety about work - is it anxiety or real?
  245. managing exam stress and insomnia
  246. doctors appointment
  247. Terrifed he's gonna kill himself drinking
  248. Do you think anxiety makes you frighten yourself?
  249. Does GAD make you dangerous?
  250. Cyclic Anxiety?