View Full Version : General Anxiety / Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD)

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  1. i just want some peace of mind
  2. Anxiety, one year out. Got better, but coming back
  3. Background anxiety, constantly anxious
  4. Can't even do the school run without feeling anxious
  5. Relationship Issues, Anxiety double whammy.
  6. My partners work
  7. Moving house is stressful!
  8. guilt and disgust over my teenage past
  9. unable to stop thinking about my breathing
  10. What next?
  11. Anxiety help tongue issues
  12. Fears of going mad?
  13. Dentists
  14. feel like im gong mad
  15. Constant general anxiety
  16. helping each other
  17. Always feel guilty
  18. tomorrow is going to change everything
  19. Got flashed and now I feel violated and upset?
  20. Health Anxiety/IBS/A lot really
  21. Self-medicating - 5htp, L'theanine etc discussion for anxiety relief
  22. Found a bed bug...
  23. treatment resistant anxiety
  24. Intrusive Sad Thoughts
  25. Hi I'm new to this forum
  26. eye flashes
  27. worry carousel
  28. Are you often sick on a morning?
  29. New but not new to GAD....
  30. Worried I've had an anxiety breakdown
  31. Worrying I have upset people all the time
  32. Emetophobia Help!
  33. Afraid of First Gallstones Attack, Traveling and Insurance
  34. trouble accepting I have anxiety
  35. Nightmares with Anxiety
  36. Very anxious when traveling
  37. Friends dog
  38. Please help me rationalise about a work situation
  39. Please help
  40. constant anxiety all day long
  41. Telling new employer about anxiety
  42. Scared I’m a pedo???
  43. Sudden Extreme Tiredness
  44. braindead survives massive overdose
  45. Blips
  46. Experiences of returning to work after being off sick with anxiety/depression
  47. Anxiety
  48. anxiety disorder?
  49. Struggling with constant anxiety again
  50. Really struggling
  51. Anxiety before doctor appt.
  52. Can anxiety really knock you off your feet? And morning dread
  53. Lorazepam tollerance
  54. Car accident
  55. off kilter, off balance feeling
  56. Let myself down
  57. Nothing really works out for me.
  58. afraid of hair loss
  59. Bpd i am i alone in this
  60. All signs pointing to Anxiety Ruining Something potentially good.
  61. Moved back home from abroad because of severe anxiety, now completely lost
  62. Over thinking anxiety
  63. Some reassurance needed today
  64. Massive anxiety from antibiotics?
  65. Traveling with anxiety? Am I a fake?
  66. Constant headaches
  67. Fear
  68. Having a bad day
  69. Struggling mentally at university
  70. Light headed 24/7
  71. Struggling with partners anxiety and depression
  72. I have really bad anxiety about traveling on my own.
  73. Flupentixol for anxiety
  74. Long haul flight on my own, help?
  75. question about endoscopyband colonoscopy.
  76. Anxiety - Husband is going abroad for few days
  77. Deep seated beliefs of unworthiness due to anxiety
  78. My kids trigger my anxiety
  79. Have I found the solution?
  80. My Story... Anxiety? depression? Something else?
  81. Question about being undressed in front of others
  82. Traveling with partner for Thanksgiving
  83. Work put me in 5 days stressed
  84. Awful tired feeling, please help!
  85. Strange anxiety symptoms. Can anyone relate?
  86. Please help me. I think I'm a horrible person.
  87. Does anxiety cause peripheral vision hallucinations
  88. High anxiety this morning
  89. New Relationship - Scared anxiety will ruin it!!
  90. Panic attacks over giving in resignation when 4 other people left this month already
  91. Just got engaged but weddings are my idea of hell
  92. Depressed & anxious
  93. How do you cope?
  94. What To Do About Work?
  95. Feeling anxious over someone
  96. new diagnosis?
  97. So scared I am going to get aids?
  98. Someone tell me it will all be ok...
  99. Absolute train wreck
  100. Why did I google
  101. Fearing for the fate of the free world
  102. Memory Issues, Anxiety Escalated, Feel Like I’m At The End
  103. Worried about conflict
  104. Suppressed Emotion Issues From Childhood
  105. What now?
  106. Took a second job, feeling just so stressed..
  107. Lymphoma
  108. Recovering from flu but feel like ive had a breakdown
  109. Anxiety and work
  110. False friends on Facebook
  111. Why does anxiety make no sense?
  112. A bit scared
  113. Anyone else get this?
  114. Health Anxiety Problems
  115. Disorientated & Confused/Muddled Thoughts?
  116. Adrenaline Surges all day
  117. Really struggling. Really scared.
  118. Chest Pains when Relaxed and Content (Anxiety?)
  119. Anyone have this
  120. Lightheartedness
  121. To anxious to do anything
  122. Anxiety but no panic attacks possible?
  123. First post...anxious mess...any help???
  124. Why do I get so anxious before I go away on holiday?
  125. Being put under pressure to do things that you don't want to do
  126. Recovered but still can't socialise/enjoy myself
  127. GAD from 2010
  128. Annoyed--and need to vent!
  129. An update - GAD
  130. Help!! Butterflies in chest
  131. When you don't know why you're anxious...
  132. nervous feeling on desvelefaxine (pristiq)
  133. Wanting to move
  134. diazepam for heart palpitations
  135. Dreading Christmas
  136. Anxiety or Illness
  137. anxiety/holidays/nothing to do
  138. Stress and Bad Memory
  139. Getting bathroom floor wet
  140. What to do when the mind runs rampant?
  141. Cruise ship is making my anxieties go crazy. Help
  142. GAD - how do I cope with this long term
  143. Million doller question - best medication for GAD
  144. Random panic attacks
  145. Which medication has helped you??
  146. Anxious about GP increasing medication+Self-Esteem Issues.
  147. Do you still go out when feeling very unbalanced
  148. Headaches causing my veins to show?
  149. GAD - this time about parking
  150. Anxiety spike caused by bad cold?
  151. am I taking advantage of this woman's kindness?
  152. Quick question does anybody go from ok to very cold
  153. Anxiety ‘flare’
  154. Panic attacks
  155. Anxiety chatter feels like 24/7
  156. I've lost my magic wand
  157. I can't do this anymore..
  158. Anxiety over new work schedule
  159. Anxiety on and off?
  160. Anxiety after arranging an event/meeting
  161. Aspergers and dating = overload!
  162. Conflicting advice from doctors, feeling hopeless and looking for advice.
  163. Back to work, not going as well as I had liked it to.
  164. So sad
  165. Holiday
  166. Chaotic University - Anxiety Never Been This Bad Since Depression
  167. Anxiety
  168. Anxiety back pain
  169. Too much, unorganised and lack self-discipline
  170. Freaking out and I cannot calm down
  171. Is this the solution?
  172. Bloody Groundhog Day
  173. Feeling like I’m doing something wrong all the time !!
  174. Feeling really overwhelmed
  175. Chest Pains
  176. How can we deal with real life problems?
  177. Severe anxiety about starting new job
  178. General questions about SSRI's and nefazodone
  179. Anxiety after nightmare
  180. Reducing Ativan/lorazepam
  181. College and anxiety
  182. This morning was at its worse
  183. Anxiety over my sexual orientation- Help pls as I am really struggling!
  184. Magnesium
  185. How to stop reacting in panic to pain
  186. What relapsing feels like - I think I’ve hit rock bottom
  187. Confused, was doing well.....
  188. Excess/nervous energy
  189. I hate my overthinking!
  190. Is it possible to not associate music with anxiety?
  191. A sip of wine disagreed with me...
  192. Adult Seperation Anxiety and Vacation
  193. Anxiety and Disgust from Horror Movies?
  194. Holiday stress
  195. Dealing with anxiety disorder at work
  196. Anxiety and University
  197. confrontation
  198. Sleep Paralysis and spooky incident causing anxiety
  199. Can anyone relate?
  200. Anxiety preventing me from driving
  201. I need some help, is this rational?Im terrified
  202. Is that hypnagogia?
  203. Intrusive thoughts about the past
  204. Anxiety I don’t know what to do
  205. Can anxiety be this debilitating?
  206. Some advice needed
  207. New job
  208. Am I just too stupid for my job?
  209. It feels like I enjoy hurting dogs...
  210. Bed bugs worry
  211. Should I just get laid to distract myself?
  212. Odd or counterintuitive calming habits?
  213. Fear of going crazy
  214. Vicious circle x 1567829
  215. Worrying about death
  216. Brain Zaps
  217. Need some advice, life should not be like this.
  218. Fatigue and brain fog
  219. Doctor refused sick note for stress - don't know what to do
  220. Anxiety preceeding illness
  221. This morning frightened me.
  222. Advice needed.Girlfriend with depression/anxiety.
  223. Haven’t eaten for 3 days
  224. Dating someone with anxiety. Is anxiety an excuse?
  225. Two days then back to square one
  226. How long will this last?
  227. Doomsday clock
  228. Nuclear War
  229. Sometimes I think it's just me and this is it forever.
  230. Anxiety and the value of sex
  231. No life no friends no girlfriend spending everyday of my life inside please help me
  232. Online stalker/harassment
  233. New girlfriend
  234. Worried our house is collapsing
  235. upping meds
  236. Family
  237. Anxiety getting the better of me
  238. Soon to be a parent and struggling...
  239. I want to quit my job ASAP, need advice plz help
  240. Disciplinary at work, type 1 diabetes and missing uncle... I'm going to crack.
  241. braindead is still ilive
  242. Randomly feeling disgusted by everything
  243. Please help, end of the world intense fear
  244. Sore stomach and toilet problems
  245. Guilt over missing work?
  246. Facebook Messenger - Worrying about sister
  247. Anxiety - back to square one?
  248. Terrified of being in a car
  249. Mind doing over time
  250. It's weird things like this...