View Full Version : General Anxiety / Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD)

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  1. Constant anxiety and compulsive lying.
  2. Help please! Should I go back on meds?
  3. Free online CBT
  4. Anxiety and panic attacks
  5. Am I having a blip/relapse? Really scared
  6. Holiday in Italy
  7. Stuck and confused all the time
  8. Morning
  9. Scared of getting depression
  10. Help! My boyfriend has anxiety...
  11. Nerves thing my driving test
  12. Feeling low / relapse - Help
  13. First major relapse in a few years. Struggling and scared
  14. Does anyone use CBD?
  15. Why I feel that my anxiety is beyond my control
  16. Relationship Anxiety
  17. doubled my Zoloft dose to 100mg
  18. Major anxiety and panic over job change
  19. Anxiety
  20. Newbie - Struggling with Treatment Options
  21. HOCD?
  22. Are negative thoughts anxiety or depression?
  23. Promethazis 1omg
  24. Experiences of hospital treatment
  25. Anxiety no reason behind it
  26. Anxiety over losing my job due to heath.
  27. Conflict of interest - trying to get better (hurdles)
  28. Wedding & Health Anxiety
  29. Tetanus Scared
  30. Do you ever feel worried for no reason?
  31. The source of your anxiety
  32. Therapy not working
  33. Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Anxiety
  34. Anxiety flare up due to pill or heat wave?
  35. Silent treatment
  36. Chronic health anxiety please help
  37. Panic or justified?
  38. black flash in eye at night with lamp on?
  39. Reflecting back on a year
  40. Moving house and terrified and depressed
  41. Family adding to anxiety/ depression?
  42. Every day is a struggle
  43. Does this sound like an anxiety attack?
  44. Get off here and the drugs
  45. Dreamt I was dying and now I am in an utter panic
  46. A friend dilemma...
  47. Can someone describe their anxiety?
  48. Catastrophic thinking
  49. Does anxiety prematurely age you
  50. Association with past places/memories etc
  51. Can you 'adjust' to anxiety? To the point where it becomes the norm.
  52. Anxiety about being poisoned
  53. Unbearable crisis - don't know where to go from here
  54. Fear of travelling
  55. Im Very Worried and confused
  56. Breathing feels forced
  57. Can’t leave the house...
  58. My Anxiety - Worrying about my Son.
  59. Worried about booking flights
  60. Relationships and anxiety??
  61. 2 years of constant anxiety
  62. Antibiotics causing anxiety?
  63. I'm really struggling :(
  64. Why must renting be so difficult?
  65. Really fast heart rate - sleeping or exercising
  66. Terrified of cancer
  67. Anxiety about life / feeling very old!
  68. Long time no Message - More Diet News
  69. GAD, Health Anxiety and OCD. Help!!!!
  70. Panic disorder GAD empty nest
  71. Constant need for excitement?
  72. Go back to Effexor or not?
  73. Anxiety back with a vengance- Neighbours etc
  74. New Job Anxiety
  75. Really anxious after friend dispute
  76. 3 night break anxiety
  77. Brexit worries and job loses
  78. Butterflies in stomach about work, feeling scared
  79. Worried about climate change
  80. What’s your most ‘unreasonable’ anxiety trigger?
  81. How anxiety starts...
  82. Am I a pedophile??
  83. Advice: Boyfriend broke up with me because of anxiety
  84. Should I Say Or Not ?
  85. The same pain always
  86. People; claustrophobic; commitment; scared
  87. Relapsing into Panic
  88. stuck in an anxiety/hypochondria/depression loop, feel like I'm going crazy
  89. Light headed and nauseous
  90. Waking up with anxiety every morning
  91. My story and how bad does it get?
  92. Fear of impending doom without the fear of doom?
  93. Stayed round a friend's house
  94. how can I wake up feeling better?
  95. Anxiety and work really getting to me :(
  96. Thought bringing on anxiety/panic how do u deal with it?
  97. Please help me
  98. Getting over scary thoughts?
  99. Increased dose Citalopram
  100. GAD and Relationship Anxiety HELP
  101. New job anxiety
  102. never-ending disease of virginity
  103. Nausea but cannot be sick
  104. Anyone near me for a chat?
  105. Obsessively worrying
  106. Walking away - need some moral support
  107. I feel like my life is falling apart it is controlled by anxiety
  108. Conflicted on whether or not I should go on holiday. Anxiety holding me back
  109. Going back to work
  110. Cannot live like this
  111. Fear of suddenly passing out while driving
  112. Drowsiness in the eyes/head but no fatigue, all day, anxiety?
  113. Best meds for anxiety depression
  114. I felt a heavy stone on my heart constantly in U.S.
  115. Tooth extraction tomorrow so scared
  116. Old feelings returning
  117. Is this anxiety?
  118. Any of you feel this way?
  119. Anxiety / OCD affecting & twisting past Memory Recall
  120. Driving...
  121. Struggling with secondary tokophobia (pregnancy fear)
  122. Dealing with the guilt/stress of moving my dog
  123. I can’t control my feelings
  124. Anxious Because of Horror Movies?
  125. Texting anxiety is making life miserable for me HELP
  126. Cannot find right medication for anxiety .Tried lots no success
  127. Wedding wear ocd
  128. Worried about house and cracks
  129. Need an advice, please...
  130. Feel like I've killed my pet.
  131. Advice Needed please.
  132. Anxiety & Depression from Past Sibling Experimentation
  133. Every day is a struggle
  134. Constant Anxiety/Panic - HELP!!
  135. So much anxiety all day!!
  136. Holiday travel anxiety!
  137. Mylife.com paranoia
  138. Help please
  139. Dilemma with former friend - can't believe I have tolerated this for so long!
  140. Feel like my partners therapist. Can anyone relate?
  141. Anxious all day
  142. Relapse, going back on Flouxetine
  143. I just saw a rat.
  144. Long term relationship ended
  145. Really weird anxiety learning stuff stopping my progression
  146. Frustration
  147. How to disassociate from bad experiences...
  148. Very interesting video about meditation
  149. War anxiety again...
  150. Anxiety out of nowhere last 6 months
  151. Extreme guilt over child/teenage years sexual experimentation
  152. I'm back here after about 6 years away.. things aren't great.
  153. Just so scared / all day anxiety
  154. Anxiety and flying Please help
  155. Constant state of near panic
  156. The thin line between illness and anxiety..
  157. Anxiety and low heart rate.
  158. Worried about worrying and feeling ill all the time
  159. Anxiety and being religious
  160. University: Feeling the Anxiety Take Over Again
  161. Anxiety makes me feel week and vunrable
  162. Really feel like crap like it’s the end.
  163. Started from nothing. Did yours?
  164. Starting to feel hopeless... need to hear from others
  165. Adult Separation Anxiety/Panic/Depression
  166. Questions about derealization?
  167. Scared of my Anxiety, trapped in my head
  168. Anxiety or OCD?
  169. GAD and new drivers
  170. Racing thoughts freaking me out
  171. night time anxiety
  172. These mistakes are ruining my life
  173. Ocd or anxiety? Some insights please
  174. Panicking about references for new job
  175. Anxiety back after years- support needed
  176. new to this
  177. Fear of going crazy getting out of control! Need help!
  178. Terrified of depression
  179. I've still not really found any help
  180. Anxiety in the UK
  181. Horrendous anxiety and feeling very down
  182. The news depressing
  183. Cbd oil
  184. Anxiety is through the roof
  185. Need advice on health anxiety recovery!
  186. Triggers.
  187. Back after years away :(
  188. Are my symptoms caused by anxiety?
  189. Venlafaxine
  190. Relapse 2 - Meh!
  191. Strange anxiety thoughts
  192. Honeymoon Help!
  193. Cbd oil is amazing for anxiety
  194. Social media is driving me nuts
  195. Families
  196. Work anxiety - what to do?
  197. How do you know when it's time to go on medicine for anxiety?
  198. Caffeine
  199. Why do I feel anxious still after a victory?
  200. we are not crazy
  201. I would be so grateful for help please
  202. Need advice
  203. Hands shaking
  204. Anxiety and nausea?
  205. Relapsing, scared of panic attacks and need help
  206. Dealing with grief/shock
  207. Never felt so alone but I can't stop pushing people away!
  208. I want to leave my job due to anxiety
  209. Relapsed hard.
  210. WAITING !!
  211. just cant handle it, is there a painless way to die
  212. really weird thoughts...
  213. Can’t cope with friends - stuck in my ways
  214. Stag night stress
  215. Constantly filled with anxiety/on the edge
  216. Random encounter creeped me out
  217. Flying anxiety. Flown many times but recently started to get scared
  218. Shakes?
  219. Huge progress THEN a relapse
  220. Disconcerting 'phone calls
  221. This always happens...
  222. I am terrified of being in debt
  223. This is a negative post (My Apologies)
  224. A friend dilemma...
  225. War anxiety, please someone provide some insight
  226. will my mind ever go back to normal on its own
  227. Anxiety from conflict
  228. my son abroad is having panic attacks, what do I do
  229. Sudden panic
  230. Really struggling right now
  231. Mind pops and schizophrenia again
  232. 3 people claiming to be fortune tellers told me I would die young
  233. First Panic & Anxiety RELAPSE. Can’t cope PLEASE HELP
  234. Chest pains
  235. Trying to follow a certain piece of advice but failing...
  236. My life has turned into a revolving door of GAD.
  237. Feeling Lost
  238. Anyone else currently signed off work?
  239. Anxiety for no reason ??!
  240. Really stuggling with anxiety about eyes and hearing
  241. I searched "bomb" on college wifi..
  242. Talk to me about intrusive thoughts
  243. The complete fear of losing control.
  244. You've gotta laugh.
  245. I really really need help..
  246. can't snap out of it
  247. The urge to leave
  248. Making choices based on anxiety for example driving tests and flying
  249. Fed up
  250. Being threatened that I'll have the worst week of my life!