View Full Version : General Anxiety / Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD)

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  1. Scared I’m a pedo?
  2. Anxiety back with a vengeance
  3. tooth extraction and still bleed can i go to sleep?
  4. I really need someone to give me a reality check - Caffeine
  5. Travel anxiety
  6. What in the world is an Official Mental Health Record
  7. More war and virus anxiety
  8. Excessive irrational fear of losing loved ones
  9. feeling panicky
  10. A question about risk/odds
  11. Scared of 2020
  12. Hangover :(
  13. Dentist tomorrow for extraction :(
  14. havinga hard time accepting uncertainty having the urge to keep re watching tv scene
  15. Feeling bumps in abdomen GP says ok
  16. Numb tingly hands/foot
  17. Pandemic anxiety
  18. My obsession with processing things has made me a weaker person.
  19. Having trouble keeping attacks under control
  20. Floaters / black spots in vision
  21. Argument with my mum
  22. Sinus Infection, concerned about coughing blood
  23. Exercise and anxiety
  24. Triggering of anxiety/panic attacks
  25. is this normal
  26. Anxiety about changing jobs to new employer
  27. I've had GAD all day every day for months now?
  28. At my wit's end with insomnia and increased anxiety
  29. Booking an appointment for GP post-lockdown?
  30. Are vitamin c supplements safe
  31. Sleep issues/sleep panic?
  32. Struggling with aftermath of high anxiety and panic attacks
  33. How to distract yourself?
  34. Finding things hard
  35. Major dark feelings
  36. My anxiety has costed me three years of my life
  37. Letting my friend down - not sure how to tell her
  38. Anxiety after moving house
  39. anyone else dread night time?
  40. Really struggling with hyper-resonsibility
  41. Quantum physics scares me
  42. Dealing with work banter
  43. I can't be the only one anxious about this election
  44. Had a panic attack and still feeling physical symptoms in my chest days later.
  45. My girlfriend
  46. Waking up so damn early..anxiety?
  47. Does this sound familiar to any of you
  48. Starting new job
  49. How to confront impending doom?
  50. Anxiety before the digital age
  51. Anxiety getting worse and worse!
  52. Struggling with feeling low and worthless
  53. Relationship Anxiety
  54. Anyone else's anxiety set off by the most every day 'normal' things?
  55. Any parents get anxious after the kids went back?
  56. Have you found anxiety harder to deal with during lockdown?
  57. Reincarnation Anxiety? (I feel silly)
  58. Anxiety blip now that one of my worst fears has come true
  59. Daily anxiety feelings
  60. I think I'm in the middle of a panic attack...
  61. does anyone else get scared of feeling hot?
  62. Self-Help Therapies/Activities
  63. Catastrophizing - Sorting out one worry and looking for a new one....
  64. Recovery, feeling unsettled
  65. I don't know how to let him down gently..
  66. Not thinking clearly these days
  67. Can’t cope at the moment.
  68. How am I ever going to get away from valium?
  69. How are the early dark nights affecting your anxiety?
  70. Refusing to get out of bed today! My furlough on life....
  71. Obsessed with bathing
  72. Insomnia - Out of the blue
  73. war/ US election / Trump anxiety
  74. Why does my worries feel real
  75. Lump in neck - could be female Adam’s apple?
  76. I have a question
  77. Working for yourself/working from home
  78. Wish i didn’t go on a different forum
  79. Can't tell if this friendship is toxic or not
  80. nauseous
  81. New respite concerns
  82. Logical conundrum
  83. Most Important Advice
  84. Trump
  85. Trying to figure out what's up with me
  86. Hard time sleeping, feeling like my whole body is on vibrate mode
  87. Not feeling good at all...
  88. How to calm down
  89. Anxious over a big change with leaving work and home
  90. Rationalizing my fear
  91. Shaking hands, internally shaking, shaky voice
  92. Starting a New Job
  93. Very anxious, struggling at the moment.
  94. Chat Room
  95. Trapped
  96. Sleep
  97. Did you ever feel anxious and lonely in this Covid19 outbreak?
  98. Post-Covid Mental Health.
  99. Going over past worries AGAIN
  100. Loss of appetite help!
  101. Anxiety attack today
  102. Feeling so low with constant anxiety and sick the physical symptoms now
  103. Anxiety as secondary emotion
  104. What is this weird feeling post anxiety?
  105. Someone please help
  106. Family stress with pandemic
  107. Rough time ☹️
  108. Hi, how is everybody today?
  109. Post Christmas Exhaustion
  110. Guilt and acceptance
  111. Just don't know what to do anymore
  112. Can’t go on
  113. Heart beat in fingertips
  114. Constant low to medium level anxiety after 2020, grief etc
  115. Hangover 😵 On edge and worried I’ve damaged my body! Always worrying about heart!
  116. Anyone else with really bad insomnia?
  117. Anxiety in the car
  118. Adverse effects of mindfulness?
  119. Family problems
  120. Flashbacks to news article a couple of years ago covering a child with autism being l
  121. Losing a front tooth. Feeling horrible at the moment.
  122. Anxious over high blood pressure
  123. continual panic attacks/adrenaline rushes
  124. Front door
  125. Prospect of moving and feel lost
  126. Major anxiety after incident. Scared
  127. Feeling I've lost myself
  128. Cancer in the family :(
  129. Heart skipping a beat after sex
  130. Is mediating good for helping anxiety?
  131. Neighbour's tv triggering anxiety
  132. Wondering...
  133. Blah!
  134. Please! I need help
  135. I feel guilty over immoral sexual experience when I was 13
  136. Work anxiety
  137. Asbestos worry
  138. Feeling anxious and guilty about confronti my brother about previous abuse and bully
  139. Physical Symptoms of anxiety
  140. Cats have roundworm
  141. Muscle pain???
  142. Anxiety, brain fog and derealization
  143. Just to share....
  144. My mother
  145. I'm back in a dark place...
  146. Citalopram Anxiety 40mg
  147. How badly can alcohol effect anxiety?
  148. Vee's Thread of GAD and World Domination
  149. Incident at day centre yesterday caused residential school flashbacks
  150. Jury Service
  151. Anxiety episode
  152. Can't seem to accept that my lack of eating is potentially why I am losing weight
  153. Catastrophic/Fantastic thinking and how to control it?
  154. No motivation to do anything anymore
  155. Worried about the possibility of war
  156. Massive realaspe
  157. Am I being irrational? Hairdressers water bottle germs
  158. Why am I getting worse?
  159. Anxious about being homeless in the UK
  160. Convinced I don't deserve my life because of a thing I did
  161. Fear of the mind pop
  162. Alone tonight
  163. is this normal - after being off work
  164. *I think* i made a positive step today
  165. Anyone else?
  166. Really struggling
  167. Anxiety worst in the morning
  168. Is this GAD?
  169. My anxiety is being triggered
  170. My grief over my mother's death
  171. Heightened anxiety with bad sleep
  172. Anxiety surrounding my neighbors?
  173. Pet anxiety - Lost tooth
  174. Anxiety triggered by Footballer colapse!!
  175. Anxious about work on house
  176. Great video for everyone--especially those new and considering therapy
  177. Have you had anxiety so bad you never thought you'd get better?
  178. Starting a new job
  179. Had very weird dream last night
  180. I have no internal anxiety/worry filter
  181. Holiday plans
  182. Thyroid issue out of the blue
  183. Mother keeps following and cornering me every time I'm eating
  184. Anxiety returning
  185. Anxiety and Poor Memory.
  186. Is your uvula right in the middle of your throat?
  187. Back again.... unfortunately... please help
  188. Health anxiety - stroke / brain aneurysm
  189. Has your mental health ever improved during this pandemic?
  190. Scared to get a cold again
  191. Body Dysmorphia
  192. How to deal with anxiety while roof is sorted
  193. Scared to death of karma
  194. Should I take a break from my laptop?
  195. feeling worthless
  196. Hi all, please help, I’m so upset and panicking.
  197. Panicking about pet ownership
  198. Worried about partner with depression
  199. Work
  200. Sunday Scaries
  201. Flying to UK for wedding… scared!
  202. Some thoughts
  203. Shooting on my street
  204. Feels like I'm going insane
  205. Sleep shot to pieces three days now
  206. Anyone had tinnitus that gone away?
  207. Relationship anxiety
  208. Mole map says mole is 80% concerning
  209. Feeling stiff, pressure in back of head, and hard time walking/doing normal things et
  210. Tense and Anxious and breaking down all the time
  211. Trying to find ways to cope with anxiety
  212. Very bad travel anxiety..
  213. Anxiety's and DPDR is unbearable
  214. Housing issue- Anxiety worse than ever
  215. A Log for my dealings with Anxiety.
  216. Over analysing how I feel
  217. Intense anxiety or something more serious?
  218. Brain looping music
  219. Omens and owls freaking out
  220. Sensitive teeth
  221. Massive relapse
  222. Anxiety and Cannabis Abuse
  223. This is how you fight the Dragon!
  224. I’m 40 today and a huge failure - sorry self pity post
  225. Worsening - Rationalising
  226. Hallucinating sounds of loud arguments when starting to wake up
  227. My dad died
  228. Very very anxious don’t know what to do :(
  229. Anxiety over mums domestic abuse
  230. Coping with mum's anxiety
  231. Hi
  232. Can't sleep
  233. How much damage can anxiety do to the mind?
  234. Moved in with G/f, work gone downhill, mentally exhausted.
  235. Anxiety about apps
  236. Constant fight or flight mode
  237. The Fear of going Crazy
  238. Had a panic attack at work today
  239. Advice and help please.
  240. Anyone flown during pandemic?
  241. My best friend is grieving
  242. Supporting meds
  243. Mentally drained and exhausted
  244. Stress about sleep and finishing amytriptyline
  245. Is hyperawareness a part of anxiety?
  246. return of anxiety
  247. Anxiety back worse than ever
  248. What makes everyone anxious? I want to know your fears.....
  249. Read something saddening on the BBC website about people with ASD
  250. Worried about war