View Full Version : Throat/Swallowing/Choking/Globus Hystericus

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  1. Throat Cut Heal Time
  2. Normal, or something sinister?
  3. Esophageal cancer worries
  4. Tonsillitis
  5. Coughing/Phlegm
  6. Fear of thrush spreading.. thoughts needed
  7. Can Easily Feel Blood Vein in Left Side of Neck When Laying Down
  8. Fear of throat cancer
  9. Weird Pain
  10. Globus / tongue issues
  11. Can a dust allergy affect the upper throat/nasal area?
  12. Has anyone had a swollen tongue?
  13. Tight throat/chest when breathing
  14. Swallowing trouble, and the power of suggestion
  15. 4 weeks of swollen tonsils + Flu-like symptoms too.
  16. Something In Throat
  17. Can't swallow briefly
  18. Tonsil cancer
  19. Throat pain like a scratch
  20. Anyone there who's having a panic attack right now?
  21. Should I see a doctor or wait and chill for a bit??
  22. Having major throat problems.
  23. Hard lump in back of mouth/throat. Really anxious.
  24. Worrying symptoms in throat.
  25. I feel like something is in my throat
  26. Tonsil/Oral Cancer Fears... + Venting
  27. Long lasting throat pain
  28. Extreme Nose blowing Habit
  29. Trouble swallowing everything
  30. Back again reflux issues
  31. Please help.
  32. Throat pulling
  33. Weird throat closing sensation? (lasts for a second)
  34. GAD, globus question
  35. Globus?
  36. Back again 😦
  37. white spot at the back of last upper molar
  38. felt water go down wrong tube but did not cough
  39. Swallowing issue
  40. How do you pervent burning in your throat?
  41. Is this Globus or something else? What does Globus feel like
  42. Such a long time now
  43. Fear of swallowing
  44. Clearing throat a million times a day
  45. Feeling a tightness around my neck
  46. Some sort of gunk/lump in throat
  47. something went down wrong pipe
  48. 2 strep throat in 4 months. Is it cancer?
  49. My tonsils are rough. Swollen with white stuff. Cancer?
  50. Food/liquid stuck in esophagus
  51. Tongue worries and HA
  52. Tight Throat / Difficulty Swallowing - Help!
  53. Health Anxiety - Worrying Causing Symptoms
  54. Stomach pain,could it be colon cancer and feel bloated.
  55. Trouble Swallowing
  56. Burning, numb mouth
  57. Hyoid bone clicking while swallowing, globus sensation and pain in the throat
  58. Back side of tongue pain
  59. Tight Feeling in Throat help
  60. Clicking throat..Globus..throat cancer worries
  61. cant swallow anxiety?
  62. Swollen tonsil
  63. voice change
  64. Esophageal cancer fear
  65. Throat swollen when waking up?
  66. Small amounts of blood in mucus in morning
  67. Trouble swallowing, sometimes painful
  68. Normal to couch up phlegm
  69. Worried about Quinsy
  70. Worried about swallowing
  71. Throat Ulcer - terrified it's cancer
  72. Globus - how long till it goes away?
  73. Just Noticed Something in my Throat
  74. Ball in throat
  75. Clicking in throat
  76. Sore tongue slight bleed. Please help if you can!
  77. Throat worries
  78. Thyroid frustrations
  79. Weird feeling in throat.... help!!!
  80. SO much panic over throat
  81. Riddled with anxiety
  82. Throat Cancer Worries
  83. Throat tighting and dealing with other issues
  84. Swallowing Anxiety
  85. Tight throat/post nasal drip.. feels even tighter when moving neck?!
  86. Anyone have these symptoms?
  87. Acid reflux/LPR -strangling sensation?! Does it go away?
  88. Will my goitre choke me??
  89. Globus / Swallowing Anxiety / Cancer Fears
  90. Feel like something is stuck in my throat
  91. Need Someone Who Understands
  92. An anyone relate?
  93. Thyroid biopsy
  94. Throat Gunk and Esophageal Cancer Fear
  95. Throat lump worry
  96. Jaw, Mouth, Teeth Tension
  97. Pain in throat for a month...cancer?
  98. Sore throat as ONLY symptom
  99. How do you just get over it?
  100. Something in throat feeling, anxiety or no?
  101. Throat and jaw problems
  102. Feels like something in side of throat
  103. Inhaled piece of food?
  104. Small dots of blood in the morning and food getting stuck
  105. Food getting stuck
  106. Lump in throat and feeling food sticking
  107. Post smoking throat problems argh.
  108. Gerd problems
  109. Throat sensation
  110. Globus sensation?
  111. A globus hystericus story, with a side of science - link
  112. Throat/Swallowing Issues/Panic/Anxiety
  113. Weak or 'incomplete' swallowing?
  114. Panic over TC again! This is getting too much!
  115. Round lump on tonsil
  116. Air Bubble in Throat For A Week? also scared of barium swallow
  117. Throat bumps and lumps
  118. Scared Maybe Anxiety
  119. Neck/Throat popping and discomfort
  120. Acid reflux/gerd
  121. Discomfort at base of esophagus
  122. feels like something is stuck in my throat
  123. Burning sensation when burping
  124. Throat worries
  125. Strange sensation in uvula?
  126. Swallowed sharp potato chip
  127. Continued warm throat
  128. Acid reflux causing a sore throat?
  129. Thyroid movement causing clicking? lump in throat when swallowing
  130. Esophagus - inability to eat rice... Ambulance came
  131. Every time I swallow I feel like something is stuck!
  132. Throat playing up
  133. Pain in front of neck
  134. Feeling of food trapped after coughing up down wrong way
  135. Throat issues. Nasal drip?
  136. Throat issues - Cancer worries
  137. Swallowing pain on one side/something stuck
  138. Lump in throat
  139. Scared about bumps at the back of throat
  140. Painful swallowing on one side only??
  141. Throat closing/trouble swallowing
  142. Reflux & weird swallowing sensations
  143. Any Help or Advice?
  144. Lump on tonsil
  145. Worried
  146. Mouth/throat problem
  147. Swallowing difficulties?
  148. Thyroid Cancer Fear
  149. Muscle spasm in throat
  150. Another neck/throat issue - is it fixable???
  151. Tongue Issue - Uneven tongue?!
  152. Hoarse Voice/Thyroid Nodule
  153. Persistent ear and throat ache, cough - Has anyone else had these symptoms?
  154. Neck & Chin Discomfort
  155. Swallowing Issues
  156. New here ... need reassurance about lump in neck :(
  157. Right sided throat and ear ache, small but obvious lump/lymph node under jaw hinge
  158. Constant post nasal drip anyone?
  159. Throat/Oral cancer worries.
  160. Getting certain foods stuck betw throat and nose? Or just post nasal drip?
  161. Throat feeling tight when lowering the head or lying down
  162. So, this started happening.
  163. Ear ache, neck pain and what I think is a swollen lump in my neck
  164. Suffocating feeling when lying down.
  165. Throat Burning worries - advice appreciated!
  166. Suffocation agony in throat: Somatization?
  167. Recently diagnosed with GERD... But now I'm scared it's esophagus cancer
  168. Choking on food, anxiety and OCD - urgent advice needed
  169. Throat/chest is scaring me :(
  170. Grrrr!
  171. Can't swallow
  172. Problems swallowing food and liquids.
  173. Advice needed: throat/esophagus/abdomen worries!
  174. Left sided throat issues for a year now. (am at my wits end)
  175. Swollen tonsil
  176. Veins in throat
  177. Are these gerd symptoms?
  178. Thyroid worries- having tests
  179. Holey tonsils
  180. I think I swallowed a large piece of plastic?
  181. Throat/tonsil advice needed
  182. OC cancer worry
  183. Feel like I'm swallowing food when I swallow
  184. Esophagus cancer scare
  185. Suspected Barretts after Gastoscopy
  186. silent acid reflux
  187. Anyone have LPR? HA returns, voice raspy, vocal fatigue, now oral screening worry
  188. Fizzing feeling in throat
  189. Globus sensation
  190. Endoscopy results? Anyone
  191. please help burning throat for months now
  192. Thick mucus blocking airway can't cough up
  193. LRP Cure my story....
  194. Fleshy skin above tonsil with white bump
  195. Bruised/tender aching sore spot left side of throat
  196. Foliate Papillae inflammaed
  197. tight throat for over 2 months, getting throat pain when speaking, would love reassur
  198. Blood when I coughed.
  199. My Reflux Cure
  200. Globus and occasional regurgitation
  201. Scared my throat will become tight when I’m sleeping
  202. Lump in throat, food stuck and trouble swallowing
  203. Could use some reassurance
  204. Lump and pain in jaw / throat
  205. Tonsil issues worried
  206. Persistent sore throat at base of throat
  207. Random sharp pain in throat
  208. Ticklish cough at inopportune moments
  209. Scared I will choke(difficulty swallowing)
  210. Worried about dad with Barrett's Eusophagus
  211. Globus Sensation/ feeling of something stuck in throat
  212. Difficulty swallowing/globus/reflux
  213. Fear of swallowing/Endoscopy this week
  214. Oesophagus varice grade 1 no liver disease has ANYBODY had this please so scared
  215. Long standing silent reflux - worry damage done will lead to cancer
  216. End of my tether - choking cough/throat spasms and GERD.
  217. Left chest pain when eating/swallowing
  218. Oesophageal
  219. Laryngospasm
  220. Thank you