View Full Version : IBS, IBD, Bowel, Stomach problems

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  1. Blood in Poo
  2. What's the deal with flat stools then?
  3. Stomach infection ?
  4. Anxiety and ibs
  5. Pale/Light Brown/Yellow?
  6. Terrified bowel cancer
  7. Burning Anus
  8. Pancreatic HA Kicking In Again
  9. Can red velvet cookies do this?
  10. Stomach stabbing pain
  11. Blood after stool and itchy? What could it be?
  12. A lot of anxiety and bowel issues
  13. Question about bleeding Hemorrhoids
  14. Bleeding Piles
  15. Anxious bowels
  16. worried about husbands bloody poo
  17. Anxious after bloody stool and abdo cramps
  18. Sore anus/rectum
  19. Tiny black specks on toilet paper
  20. Fear about blood clot in stool
  21. Reassurance needed for anxiety related IBS
  22. Ahh back again constipation, appendix worries
  23. C diff
  24. Lump deep in bowels
  25. Fear of BC :(
  26. PPIs and their efficacy.
  27. Stomach all over the god damn place again really getting me down is this ibs or what?
  28. Change in stool after quitting antidepressants
  29. Redish stool on TP
  30. Stomach Worries
  31. What’s going on?
  32. Stomach problem getting to be a concern
  33. anal pain after food poisioning
  34. Afraid of Bowel and liver problems, IBS symptoms, strange bulge upper right abdomen?
  35. Whos had elevated calprotectin? Bowel C Worries!
  36. Omeprazole making me feel worse?
  37. Cloudy water after bowel movement today
  38. Did i screw myself?
  39. Stabbing Stomach Pains?
  40. Terrified I have bowel cancer
  41. I'm scared!!!!
  42. Anxious about potential IBS/Cancer symptoms?
  43. Back again- bowel pain
  44. PLEASE HELP: Petrified I have an enlarged liver, stomach issues as well
  45. Husband had positive bowel screening test, and I'm losing it.
  46. Constant pressure
  47. IBS and Anxiety
  48. IBS without food problems
  49. Bloody mucous!
  50. Blood on TP and in Water
  51. Omeprazole for gastritis concerns
  52. Have IBS but worried about something worse.
  53. Sudden stomach ache after eating, lots of wind and gassy taste.IBS?
  54. Flat Stools for a couple of weeks!!
  55. Is a "non-urgent appointment" likely to be good news or not?
  56. Anyone got IBS and GAD
  57. Waiting for FIT Test and blood results
  58. Blood on wiping
  59. Terrified of Pancreatic Cancer Symtoms
  60. IBS/IBD lasting a long time
  61. Weird Backache = Pancreatic Cancer Fears
  62. GERD? Gallbladder? Something else?
  63. Unsure if this is IBS
  64. Blood from bottom
  65. Nothing but mucus
  66. All the tests because all the symptoms!
  67. Colon cancer fears
  68. Nothing is lining up, elevated ALP, slightly elevated ALT, IBS symptoms
  69. Fullness around left rib area
  70. Can anxiety cause stool changes?
  71. Calprotectin level 200, really worried
  72. Diagnosed with H Pylori
  73. Colon cancer fears
  74. Small Pain in my Right Side Causing Big Anxiety
  75. Bowel obstruction
  76. Stomach bloating keeping me up at night
  77. Very Dark Stool
  78. So many issues😔
  79. Repeat imaging and "giving in" (CT abdomen)
  80. Panic about bowel symptom
  81. How can I overcome this IBS flare-up?
  82. How to gain weight
  83. 5 years later back to inspecting my stools again.
  84. Major Health Anxiety over Stomach Isssues
  85. Multivitamins Stomach Issues
  86. Heart palpitations after eating
  87. Piles - how long is too long?
  88. stomach/colon cancer fears
  89. Pancreatic cancer sooóo scared
  90. Appendicitis help help too o veretthinking
  91. Colon cancer fears - right side pain
  92. Bloody mucus
  93. How long to wait and see....
  94. haemorrhoids or something more serious?? please help !
  95. Bowel cancer fears
  96. Bowel cancer or is my mind playing tricks again?!
  97. Help me be rational about my bowels 💩
  98. Stomach issues causing panic attack
  99. This damn nausea!
  100. Can you feel a tumor? I’m worried sick
  101. Colon cancer scare once more
  102. early morning occasional "runs"-any ideas/similar experiences?
  103. Gas/wind and back pain
  104. Constant upper abdominal pain and strange tightness
  105. Bowel concerns
  106. On going abdominal discomfort
  107. Large streak of blood on stool
  108. Pancreas anxiety
  109. I spend everyday of my life picking apart my stool.
  110. Off and on pain/discomfort right of bellybutton
  111. Those of you with diviticulitis
  112. H pylori testing
  113. Red stool
  114. Return of stomach issues
  115. Diarrhoea and weight loss
  116. Stool testing
  117. IBS or something more...
  118. Watery yellow stools
  119. Ultrasound Next Week
  120. IBS?
  121. High Calprotectin - Bowel Cancer Fears
  122. Red blood in bowl
  123. ibs, anxiety or more (long post)
  124. Rectal bleeding
  125. Rectal pain for the past month or so
  126. Need some sensible advice - stomach pains
  127. Pantoprazole late side effects.
  128. Appendix area ache and hip tenderness
  129. The blood is back :,(
  130. New stomach pains - ulcer fears
  131. Bowel issues back but not going away like they used to
  132. Still ill 6 weeks after Campylobacter
  133. To test or not to test?
  134. Relapsing, worrying about bowels...
  135. Pink vomit/odd chest feeling.
  136. Left side Stomach pain for well over a month
  137. Food Poisoning or IBS?
  138. Terrified of side stomach back pain
  139. mucous in stool - reassurance appreciated
  140. Stomach pains & mental health
  141. Stomach issues causing me to be concerned it's Colon Cancer or something similar.
  142. Weird pink thing on stool
  143. Stomach Symptoms Returned Along with Cancer/IBD Fears
  144. Blood...had this for ages ..I'm so scared
  145. Terrified I have some type of cancer. Bowel issues😓
  146. Anal fissure causing immense anxiety
  147. Positive FIT test - colonoscopy today
  148. Constipated got to have tests
  149. Clay stool worry
  150. Pale stool, raised liver bloods test
  151. Working myself up big time .
  152. Hepatitis b and c bloods and liver scan
  153. Help needed
  154. Bowel Problems and Terrified
  155. Has anybody else experienced these symptoms?
  156. Positive FIT test and severe anemia
  157. How long does a clear colonoscopy last for?
  158. Need some help/logic ongoing issues - anxiety is at it's worst
  159. Spiraling with stomach issues… again
  160. Long sausage lump right side of abdomen
  161. Bloating at night again
  162. Left abdominal pain and nausea
  163. Stomach
  164. Need to move forwards from these stomach issues
  165. Upset bowels for weeks
  166. Bad stomach cramp like pain that's been all day long. Bowel movements aren't helping.
  167. Haemorrhoids grade 2 pain or something else?
  168. Upper stomach pains especially after eating
  169. Bowel cancer worry
  170. Usual IBS vs IBD Question
  171. Lisinopril and IBS?
  172. Going through extreme anxiety right now about my stomach
  173. Stomach problems and I’m scared
  174. Loose stools early in morning - tired of the panic