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  1. Convinced I have Ovarian Cancer. Help!
  2. Upper stomach pain when on period
  3. Would a Dr see cervical cancer?
  4. Post menopausal bleeding on HRT
  5. ca125.
  6. Periods.
  7. Borderline smear...pls help
  8. Ovarian cancer fears
  9. Rash on vulva
  10. White discharge at bottom of toilet?
  11. Small lump armpit
  12. Where is my period
  13. Dense breasts
  14. Groin pain in teen girl??
  15. mirena coil
  16. Spotting a few days after period ends
  17. Thyroid pain
  18. Pain in pelvis
  19. Period Question - ladies, should I worry?
  20. PCOS!!!
  21. citalopram
  22. Having a bad time :( sorry it's a long one
  23. Symptoms of human growth hormone deficiency
  24. Brown Discharge-again
  25. Brown Discharge on going
  26. Need the loo very often, advice please?
  27. Post Period PMS Symptoms
  28. Should I have even started the pill?
  29. hysteroscopy
  30. Brown Discharge Still........... really worried
  31. Really worried about brown spotting/discharge
  32. Been to Drs again about brown spotting
  33. Me Again
  34. Worried about terrible head pain during orgasm
  35. periodfor 11 days
  36. A bunch of my teeth hurt.
  37. Endometrial Cancer Fear
  38. Sore pimple down below?!
  39. scared to go to docctor (ovarian pain)
  40. Breast pain
  41. metronidazole
  42. Sore nipple
  43. Antidepressants affecting fertility?? Help!
  44. worried about vaginal cancer again in !!!!
  45. Paraovarian complex cyst
  46. PCOS ladies!
  47. Monthly anxiety- supplements?
  48. PID after douching?
  49. Breast question? Anyone else? /:
  50. Complete ovarian cyst and fear
  51. Breast cancer scared.
  52. Really worried... (Ladies??)
  53. Pubic mound pain
  54. itchy breast
  55. Cramps and spotting after sex. Very worried.
  56. raised CA125 -scared
  57. Unusual bleeding!
  58. Anxiety manifesting in chest/breast area?
  59. Painless lump in armpit
  60. Lumpy breast.
  61. post menopausal bleeding
  62. Birth Control Pill & Anxiety
  63. Mammogram Recall
  64. Period or pregnant worried :-(
  65. Ovarian cancer fears- help me get over this please!
  66. Lump beside cervix in vagina, referred to hospital. Scared
  67. Hospital referral tomorrow and feeling increasingly anxious
  68. Pimple/bump down below
  69. Anxiety Preventing Menstruation?
  70. Perio menopause, worried for wife
  71. Birth Control
  72. Private breast clinical exams
  73. One for the ladies.
  74. Odd question for the ladies.....
  75. Blood tinged vaginal discharge, perimenopause
  76. So fed up
  77. Ocd with breast lumps
  78. Bladder issues and anxiety
  79. Menstrual madness
  80. Spotting
  81. Breast clinic visits how many?
  82. Question for the ladies - monthly problems!!
  83. One breast more sensitive - is that normal?
  84. Urine test shows blood
  85. Sore Breasts & Nipples - Coming Off Pill
  86. Ingrown Hair?
  87. So scared :( what's happening?! :(
  88. Worried about cervical cancer
  89. Seizure phobia, ruining my life!
  90. Smear test first timer!
  91. Extremely painful first time sex. Please help
  92. Having breast lump checked out, scared out of my mind!
  93. worried - breast screening result
  94. Bleeding
  95. Increased sex drive
  96. Surviving perimenoupause with anxiety
  97. Brown discharge...sorry....
  98. Breast
  99. Menopause
  100. Infection
  101. IUD making me worry heeelp advice
  102. here we go again...
  103. Implant
  104. Period blood
  105. To anyone having their first smear test
  106. The pill, high blood pressure and coming off it
  107. Breast Cancer Anxiety
  108. Worried about my breast
  109. Worried about breast again
  110. Nipple
  111. Mum or mummies to be?
  112. Embarrassing Problem Ladies!
  113. Period Anxiety
  114. Late period and mid cycle spotting
  115. Breast lump referred to breast clinic non urgent
  116. Colposcopy Worries
  117. Pelvic and strange pain
  118. Period?
  119. lower abdominal pain
  120. Late period! Pregnant???
  121. Please help, reffered for a breast ultrasound, terrified
  122. is this normal?😟
  123. Diagnosed with uterine fibroid..
  124. Period and anxiety
  125. Second abnormal smear - so upset
  126. Is it worth taking another pregnancy test?
  127. Self diagnosing
  128. Ladies - is this period pain?
  129. Issues with cerelle/cerezette contraceptive pill - HELP!!
  130. 2 red circle patches on breast.
  131. Polyps found in smear test
  132. Breast cancer fear please help
  133. What is normal clotting for your period?
  134. Pelvic pain - worried
  135. PMS and anxiety
  136. New breast lump
  137. Bleeding between periods
  138. Advice needed please!
  139. Prozac & Period Issues
  140. Need advice please - saw blood when I wiped.
  141. period question
  142. Armpit/breast gland referred non urgent
  143. Chin/lip hair adrenal or ovarian cancer
  144. Doc says one breast is more 'glandular' - major panic happening here!
  145. Fibrocystic Breasts - Age diagnosed and experience?
  146. One breast bigger than other
  147. Tiny round bump near nipple
  148. Paranoid or what??
  149. Freaking out......
  150. No period !
  151. Chest pain
  152. Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding...convinced I'm going to die!!:(
  153. One sided breast pain
  154. Yet another breast cancer fear :(
  155. Irrational fear I found a lump
  156. Breast check ok but still panicking!
  157. Period related blood tests but now a non urgent appointment request
  158. Need some reassurance (18 years old and Breast lump)
  159. Spotting , pink / brown discharge 9 days into cycle
  160. Ladies problems high anxiety advice or support please x
  161. perimenopause?
  162. Breast worry scared
  163. Nipple Discharge
  164. Bleeding post menopausal
  165. Lump next to right breast
  166. Pms and anxiety
  167. Breast lump - been referred to breast clinic - terrified!
  168. Bleeding. I am honestly terrified :(
  169. Waiting...
  170. Not comfortable seeing a male OBGYN
  171. Back again 😣
  172. Cervical discharge, period due/late - anxious thoughts
  173. Not satisfied with my breast scan result :(
  174. Bleeding after intercourse
  175. Bleeding - after sex but not sure?!?!
  176. Having Severe Pregnancy Fear Anxiety
  177. Cervical Dysplasia HPV
  178. Terrified about breast clinic referral
  179. Swollen supraclavicular lymph node?
  180. Breast pain and swollen lymph node in armpit
  181. Period and the pill advice plz
  182. Daily cervical mucus - normal?
  183. Freaking out! Boob worries
  184. Brown and pink discharge 7 days after period
  185. cherry angiomas and cancer
  186. Pill advice
  187. Ladies help! Spotting issues. Panicking.
  188. Ultrasound question
  189. Postmenopausal blood and discharge anyone ..
  190. Late period
  191. sore breasts and periods
  192. Combination of symptoms and worry
  193. Itchy armpit
  194. PMS anxiety
  195. Lump in abdomen
  196. The pill...ugh
  197. White vagina entrance? Not sexually active. Please help
  198. Doctors results........
  199. Anyone else have dermoid cyst(teratomas)
  200. Cancer fears, spotting between periods
  201. Concerned about breast cancer
  202. Worried about my period lasting longer than usual.
  203. gynaecologist referall
  204. Smear test anxiety
  205. Pelvic Scan Results
  206. Still concerned about period now lasting 3 weeks.
  207. Worried over my first Mammogram
  208. Day 18 of cycle, two weeks before period is due I'm bleeding!
  209. Spotting and I am scared
  210. Pink rash on breast.... worried!
  211. Ovarian Cysts
  212. Cervical Ectropion, Colposcopy?
  213. Breast worries
  214. Question for ladies about BCP
  215. Just looking for some reassurance to keep my mind from going crazy....ovarian cancer
  216. Worried about spotting?
  217. Microscopic blood in urine, frequency, no bacteria
  218. Mirena Issues scared about cervical/ovarian cancer
  219. Negative pregnancy test
  220. Waiting for smear test results
  221. Fear of ovarian cancer
  222. What are the chances of getting pregnant without penetration? i need help
  223. Health anxiety is bad right now because of my period
  224. spotting between periods
  225. Dreading tomorrow!!
  226. Mid cycle bleed and now late period by 5 days
  227. Bleeding after sex...scared
  228. Pregnancy concern?
  229. Lopsided breasts are no longer lopsided
  230. Anyone else suffer from pregnancy paranoia?
  231. CIN3 and Cervical erosion
  232. Worried about ovarian cancer again
  233. Does anyone know what having a thin uterus lining means?
  234. Hope this isn't tmi: discharge question
  235. So so worried I have Ovarian Cancer.
  236. Transvaginal ultrasound results are in
  237. HIV from Period Blood
  238. Pelvic exam worry
  239. Pelvic ultrasound tomorrow- frightened
  240. Inflammatory Breast Cancer because tiny rash/spot on my breast (pic)
  241. Freaked out because something is blocking my tampon??
  242. Mammogram results - worried!!
  243. Lighter than normal period
  244. Feel hopeless PGAD
  245. Transvaginal ultrasound and blood work are fine, but irregular bleeding?
  246. 7.4cm Chocolate cyst found! Endometriosis
  247. pelvic exam today (ladies only)
  248. Really dizzy before period
  249. birth control pill advancing ahe
  250. bleeding after sex