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  1. I can feel somthing in my labia
  2. Pelvic pain causing my current panic
  3. Please Help - Breast Discharge?
  4. Swollen breast and lump found!
  5. Self breast exam lying down or standing up
  6. Complex Ovarian Cyst
  7. Strange period
  8. Period pains a week before period
  9. Latest worry - please help
  10. Never ending period
  11. Worrying....symptoms that are new.
  12. Just another spotting worrier - any help would be appreciated
  13. Laparoscopy keyhole surgery hard lump
  14. Irritation, Discomfort, and Urinary Issues
  15. My mom got told she has an ovarian cyst.
  16. Breast ultrasound wait
  17. Hemorrhagic ovarian cyst
  18. Spotting or not ?????
  19. Discharge issues.. ascus smear.. sigh
  20. Rough time with chronic pelvic pain
  21. So worried that I have inflammatory breast cancer.....
  22. Ovary worries
  23. Vertical indent, breast clinic referral!
  24. Is it only me ???
  25. Spotting instead of period
  26. Period still hasn’t stopped-scared!
  27. Abscess down below. Anyone else?
  28. Rough patch cervix?
  29. IBC Panic
  30. Still spotting after 2 weeks
  31. Vagina worries...question
  32. Anyone ever had uterus ablation?
  33. Wife - Breast Pain, Inflamed Lymph Nodes and Biopsy
  34. Sebaceous cyst down there!
  35. 8 months late for smear test- panic
  36. PGAD
  37. Tingling
  38. I think one of my boobs has shrunk?!
  39. Please help - its on fire!
  40. Small victories
  41. So worried about cervical cancer (red discharge)
  42. Definite breast lump
  43. Nipple OCD
  44. Orange nipple discharge
  45. Itching on one breast, when to worry?
  46. Are tilted/leaning nipples normal?
  47. Irregular periods are triggering my health anxiety
  48. Spotting between periods
  49. Lump inside vaginal canal
  50. Weird breast sensation
  51. For Everyone Worried about Spotting Or Bleeding After Sex
  52. Ovarian cancer - help :( (incl shoulder pain)
  53. Blood on bed sheets, really anxious
  54. Abnormal smear result
  55. Breast Clinic tomorrow - so frightened
  56. Flappy, tube like growths above vaginal/urethral opening
  57. For the ladies... GAD/Panic and the coil?
  58. Bad News
  59. Cervical screening
  60. OCD Breast Checking
  61. Embarrassing question for the ladies (TMI warning)
  62. Breast/Underarm Swelling...Scared
  63. Breast Boil - now OCD checking
  64. Anxiety over pregnancy...for the girls mainly!
  65. 2nd period within 10 days
  66. Freckle or a Tiny Mole Down There?
  67. Perimenopause, periods and flying.
  68. Cold/menthol/burning feeling in vagina?
  69. Vibrating feeling left breast area - worried
  70. New here... trying not to panic
  71. Red rash under my breast?
  72. Don't know the difference between a lump and normal breast tissue
  73. Period back 2 weeks later?!
  74. Ovarian cancer blood test
  75. Anyone else always feel wetness?
  76. Breast Screening recall
  77. Bleeding after missed pill?
  78. Who else has large symptomatic fibroids??
  79. Considering hysterectomy for fibroids. Need some support!
  80. Hair breakage! Hard water? Thyroid? Help!
  81. My septate hymen just broke...help
  82. Did you know? Difference between US & UK breast scan diagnostics
  83. Two Pea sized lumps
  84. Want to get the IUD but scared of complications
  85. Mole on labia
  86. Surgical termination anxiety
  87. Endometriosis diagnostic
  88. Constant breast checking and worries
  89. 35 Symptoms of Perimenopause.
  90. Breast obsessing
  91. Severe cramps during period
  92. Armpit pain! Freaking out
  93. Need advice - weird period cycle.
  94. Ladies, please please help!
  95. Ants crawling feeling (down there?!)
  96. Ovarian Cancer Feat
  97. Bladder issue - has anyone had this?
  98. Bled after sex?
  99. Only myself to blame.
  100. The time before perimenopause ???
  101. Burning vulva raised spots on vestibule
  102. Bump on vagina
  103. Heavy breast, advice please!
  104. Bump on Breast - Please Help!
  105. Yellow discharge
  106. Does anyone else have inverted nipples?
  107. Period Talk
  108. Frequent urination, ovary pain
  109. Left breast pain
  110. Breast calcification
  111. Cervical cancer fears
  112. Spotting for 4/5 days before period properly starts
  113. Pee more during period?
  114. Soft Lump vulva
  115. Hormones
  116. Breast dent
  117. Breast pain
  118. Slight spotting after sex
  119. Dry skin on one nipple - Paget's?!
  120. Menopause
  121. Anxiety and periods
  122. Need a plan, in an ovarian cancer spiral
  123. High cancer risk worries
  124. A bulge on the right side of the opening of the vagina
  125. HPV home test
  126. Stuff floating in urine
  127. Feeling alone and panicking really need a friend
  128. Thrush? .
  129. More spotting...feel sick with worry
  130. Breast lump-30-terrified.
  131. Pelvic floor muscle tension - uti style symptoms
  132. Clots with period normal?
  133. Am I having an early period?!
  134. Noncynical breast pain
  135. Breast Lump and Breast Clinic Appointment Tomorrow, feeling scared.
  136. Common topic - breast pain
  137. Small hard lump breast
  138. Quit alcohol after 5 years but what is my increased risk for breast cancer...?
  139. Left side throbbing ovary pain
  140. Ovulation pain
  141. A couple of lumps, trying not spiral but could do with some kind words please
  142. Gland question
  143. Discharge during period
  144. Self isolation and cc anxiety
  145. Please help bladder problem
  146. Pregnant????
  147. Health anxiety concerns...currently female issues
  148. Scared of checking breasts
  149. Venting, going through a hard time
  150. Red spot on breast....terrified it’s inflammatory breast cancer!
  151. PCOS and Age? Chances of Pregnancy?
  152. Does this sound like perimenopause? Sick with worry!
  153. Two week breast referral delayed
  154. Uterus Cancer
  155. 1 inch lump underarm, please help
  156. Pain and weird symptoms around periods
  157. Scared of Vulval Cancer; Can't See Doc
  158. Ovarian Cyst worry
  159. Stress changes/delays periods
  160. Bleeding bad after sex
  161. “Period Flu”
  162. PMDD support friend
  163. Found tiny lump in breast
  164. Fertility problems and pregnancy loss
  165. birth control pills causing depression?
  166. Breast lump
  167. Groin pain
  168. I have no idea what's going on down there / cervical cancer fears
  169. Would I know if I left a tampon in?
  170. Cervical cancer
  171. Right side Breast Pain-good news stories please x
  172. Coil
  173. How dangerous is chipped nail polish really?
  174. Dry patch and tiny bumps on cervix:(
  175. Early Menopause? Please help
  176. Odour with Urine.
  177. Brown discharge between periods - not really coping
  178. Vaginal lump
  179. Breast lump period due
  180. Breast Lump - help me keep rational!
  181. Bleeding during sex, period ended. Severe health anxiety too.
  182. Period Changes
  183. Cerazette
  184. Spotting after transabdominal ultrasound on my uterus
  185. Failed smear two years ago, now considering booking another one but need advice
  186. bleeding mid cycle for first time
  187. Having the WORST time - ovarian and vulvar cancer worries
  188. More cherry angiomas on breast’s
  189. Hysterectomy in one month! Yikes!
  190. Have any ladies in here ever had two lletz/leep procedures?
  191. Clear Urine
  192. One thing after another - breast lump
  193. Breast lump next to armpit!
  194. Long period
  195. Worried about inflammatory breast cancer
  196. Thickening/hardening of breast tissue
  197. Is it a good sign if moles/patches down there don't itch?
  198. Hair on breasts - anyone else!?
  199. 22 and convinced I have Ovarian Cancer
  200. Bladder and urine
  201. Terrified of Premature Ovarian Failure or early Menopause!
  202. Period clotting normal?
  203. Labia tender and sore. Panic, anxiety.
  204. Lump breast Health anxiety
  205. I'm new here and tortured about uterine/ovarian cancer. health anxiety ruining life
  206. Atypical endometrial hyperplasia
  207. Lump in vagina / on cervix
  208. GP found a lump
  209. Anxiety,periods,fibromyalgia,something else??
  210. Strange periods
  211. I am scared of sex :(
  212. Pelvic and lower back pain
  213. What happened to my period?
  214. Petrified about pelvic and lower abdominal/bowel pain
  215. Pls help! Ovarian cancer fear
  216. Thick endometrium
  217. Anyone else experience non stop bleeding
  218. Pores / orange peel
  219. Spotting - Trigger warning tmi/cancer/miscarriage
  220. Anyone have any advice (coil question)
  221. IBC FEAR.
  222. Bleeding after first time..
  223. Bleeding after sex? :(
  224. Lady Problems...
  225. Weight loss and perimenopause
  226. Breast exam help
  227. Mammogram Fears - Worried I've left it for too long.
  228. Breast Tissue
  229. Obsessed with checking breasts
  230. Found breast lump - breast clinic tomorrow...Mother age 37...Petrified
  231. One For The Ladies
  232. Pubic area cold feeling
  233. Do I need to see go to my GP
  234. Breast hurts but especially when checked
  235. Mammogram today I'm freaking out
  236. Finally been sent for womb biopsy
  237. Breast pain
  238. Vaginal bleeding after bowel movement
  239. Feels like the worst week of my life
  240. How do you know if it's an early period or bleeding?
  241. Mini pill period
  242. Random itchy/ tingly breasts
  243. Mark on breast, worried about IBC
  244. Endomyosis and Cerazette
  245. Indent/dimple question
  246. Period Symptoms no period
  247. for ladies: spotting between periods
  248. Worried. Pain during ovulation and period
  249. Breast pain
  250. Extreme fatigue and lower tummy and back pain. Help :(