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  1. Smear test fear
  2. PMS symptoms, anyone?
  3. Really could do with some help tonight
  4. Anyone had this?
  5. Question about first periods
  6. Lightheaded on period day one
  7. Rice texture breasts
  8. Uncomfortable lady area- am I going crazy?
  9. Bruising easily - Perimenopause?
  10. Breast lump is cyst in skin tissue - no referral is that normal?
  11. Lump under arm
  12. Bleeding after sex
  13. Breast pain, here I go again!
  14. Swelling in One Breast? Need Some Reassurance Please
  15. Mammogram
  16. Anterior and posterior prolapse :(
  17. Worried about side effects from birth control
  18. Panicking about breast clinic referral and other scenarios. Can't sleep.
  19. Ultrasound breast - poking and prodding
  20. Spiraling again!! Please help
  21. Periods
  22. Dense breasts
  23. Me again lol
  24. Long period/cramps
  25. Large clot during period
  26. Really worries. Period and all sorts going on
  27. Armpit lump found by doctor. Spiraling mentally
  28. Itchy breast & breast density - anxiety in overdrive!
  29. Postmenopausal... Ladies?
  30. elevated temperature during period
  31. Too scared to check my breasts, doctor said she'll do it for me
  32. Scared I have breast cancer
  33. Vulva pain
  34. Left tampon in too long - TSS fears
  35. Strange stains in light colour bras
  36. Overwhelmed by so much right now!
  37. DVT Fear (Diane 35)
  38. Temperature after Ovulation
  39. Breast worries
  40. Spotting
  41. Vulva cancer?
  42. I still can't shake off cervical cancer anxiety
  43. Spotting and missed period please read
  44. How rational are my pregnancy fears?
  45. Sore breast, with a lump
  46. (Sorry -TMI) Yellow watery discharge?
  47. Found lump in breast and it's sore
  48. Spot/lump on labia
  49. Breast lump
  50. Ladies that are in or have been through Perimenopause...
  51. tiny lump, got it checked but still anxious about it
  52. One Armpit Puffier?
  53. Perimenopause missing period breast question
  54. Ovarian Cancer spiral
  55. Perimenopause constipation? Anyone relate.
  56. Terrified I have breast cancer
  57. Worried about clit infection - TMI
  58. Maybe over analyzing my breasts and worried I have inflammatory breast cancer?
  59. Period flu???
  60. Spotting between periods
  61. Can pelvic ultrasound quality vary drastically from one sonographer to another?
  62. Biopsy
  63. Constant panic around cancer
  64. HPV/Pap question
  65. Period issues
  66. Has anyone else had referrals for ‘lumpy’ breasts in general?
  67. Random Spotting
  68. Bashed boob now lump
  69. Lumpy breast
  70. Breast clinic appointment through...anyone else waiting?!
  71. I did so well - Ovary cancer fear.
  72. Worried About Breast Dents/Breast Cancer
  73. Cant cope anymore, breast lump, spiralling
  74. Air bubble in vagina
  75. lump, giving me the worst anxiety
  76. Postmenopausal bleeding.
  77. Pcos bleeding
  78. Take two! Hysterectomy scheduled February 2
  79. Crease in breast above vein
  80. Need advice in beating breast HA
  81. Convinced I have breast cancer, GP won't listen!
  82. Spotting and scared
  83. reassurance please
  84. Period Won't Stop! PCOS.
  85. Breast pain for months, clear ultrasound, could ultrasound miss things?
  86. Lumpy tissue in pubic area
  87. breast lump anxiety – dealing with self-exam findings
  88. Mammogram Recall
  89. OC worry again
  90. Breast Biopsy
  91. Cervix cyst
  92. HUGE blood clot during period
  93. Brca gene
  94. Irregular periods since sertraline
  95. Pelvic pain or ibs
  96. Very short cycle / frequent periods
  97. Bleeding During Sex
  98. No period
  99. It’s been awhile... spotting/brown discharge
  100. So scared
  101. Lightheadedness after Pap
  102. Just need to know if I’m being a bit crazy
  103. Breast biopsy today... So scared
  104. Can anyone help?
  105. Am I over thinking this?
  106. Cramping Before Periods & Not Pregnant? Is It My PCOS?
  107. Rash—inflammatory breast cancer
  108. Very heavy period with dark coloured blood
  109. small hard pea like lump under areola and discharge...on 2 week referral
  110. Ovary worries, ultrasound Friday
  111. Menopause symptoms
  112. My trip to A&E
  113. Back ache and bleeding
  114. Is this normal?
  115. Normal tissue or something wrong?
  116. First mammogram-Freaking the Heck Out!
  117. Ladies - What is this? Cyst issues
  118. Convinced I've got inflammatory breast cancer
  119. Cervical cancer worry
  120. Tingling weird feelings in left breast nipple please help
  121. Referred to breast clinic, diagnosed myself with breast cancer secondary liver cancer
  122. Having a rough week, now worried for daughter
  123. Can anyone give me advice about low pelvic and back pain?? Starting to spiral!!
  124. blue boob vein of terror!!
  125. Bleeding After Sex
  126. Pelvic Ultrasound tomorrow... so anxious 🙃
  127. Lump on left ovary-waiting for follow up
  128. Cannot cope with Health Anxiety. Irrgegular menstrual cycle
  129. Referral to breast clinic- terrified
  130. Nipple size ?
  131. New here, in need of some rational voices
  132. More Worries...
  133. Pelvic gurgling, bloating
  134. So exhausted, now mysterious breast pimple??
  135. Weird red mark on breast that grew a lot within a week? Google isn't helping
  136. Petrified of BC/IBC after finding red mark
  137. Spider veins/patchy boobs?
  138. Tiny lump in armpit: Need some insight.
  139. Frequent urination, oc worries
  140. Awaiting Biopsy Result
  141. Extremely painful papsmear? What could be causing this?
  142. Breast anxiety, anyone had help or can help?
  143. Darker skin under boobs
  144. Breast Ultrasound - Need a Reality Check
  145. Itchy vulva, white patch?
  146. Darker red patch on vulva, so scared :(
  147. Feeling really hot and then really cold!
  148. I'm new....constant health anxiety with armpit!
  149. Having a horrible period, is it normal?
  150. Ibc fear
  151. uterine cancer
  152. pain in one breast
  153. Severe Vaginal Thrush - anyone ever had flaking/slight peeling?
  154. Periods Still Missing (PCOS and Stressed) Don't Know What To Do!
  155. Bright Red Spotting After Bowel Movement
  156. breast lump, moveable
  157. Left breast issues -panicking
  158. UTI? Or something else?
  159. Lumpy breasts and pregnant
  160. Nipple and white stuff
  161. Complex Ovarian cyst, concerned.
  162. Genital Warts or something else?
  163. HPV positive & Low grade changes.
  164. Possible PMDD and overwhelming anxiety?
  165. Veins in perineum
  166. Period or spotting?
  167. Genital warts and cervical cancer
  168. Breasts again.
  169. Convinced I have ovarian cancer HELP!!!
  170. Breast lump?
  171. Missed period after simple cyst diagnosis!
  172. Smear test fear
  173. Breast lump
  174. Breast Cancer Fear
  175. Pain, Pelvic floor therapy
  176. Breast lump
  177. Odd Shape to Breast
  178. Do all the ladies here check your breasts regularly?
  179. Small sore lump in armpit
  180. Mini pill and cramps
  181. Light bleeding from vagina
  182. 2 week referral to Gynaecologist...period starting!!
  183. HA is getting worse. Current scare: IBC/Breast Cancer
  184. Breast biopsy (Mom)
  185. Breast Clinic Referral
  186. Smear issues....
  187. A pain in the butt!
  188. Cervical cancer fears
  189. Nipple discharge
  190. menopause/peri menopause
  191. Inflammatory breast cancer/ feel like I’m losing my sanity
  192. High Risk HPV , CIN1 and Anal / Cervical Cancer fear
  193. Heavy period
  194. Possible breast cancer….would I cope?
  195. Mammogram Scare
  196. Woman’s trouble, did I wee myself?
  197. Scared of Vulvar Cancer
  198. Bleeding on the mini pill
  199. Perimenopause bowels? Fed up!
  200. Please help me? I'm in such a mess. (Smear test)
  201. Itchy breasts?
  202. Irregular spotting
  203. Irregular shape breast lump, really scared
  204. Annual Mammogram, Extreme Anxiety
  205. Don’t know how to keep going :(
  206. One sided intermittent breast pain
  207. Worried about my period
  208. Bleeding after sex help 😔
  209. Breast tissue issue
  210. Fibroids
  211. Smear test causing HA
  212. Small purple thread like veins on breast please help
  213. Breast Surgeon Referral
  214. Lumpy breast tissue
  215. Breast bruise
  216. Lump under bruise on boob
  217. Mammogram question
  218. Starting birth control for the first time and terrified
  219. Perimenopause...the cruel trick
  220. So didn’t want to make this post but can’t help myself
  221. Spotting 12 hrs after sex
  222. Breast lumps stressing me out
  223. Lump down below
  224. Dimpling or cellulite on breast
  225. Urgent referral please help pelvic mass
  226. Red lump in armpit
  227. Feeling under left rib
  228. Tail of Spence
  229. Is this normal after discontinuing birth control?
  230. Perimenopause or somethig else?
  231. Breast Cancer (Step mum)
  232. Can this wait? Post coital bleeding
  233. Breast pain and discharge - any positive stories?!
  234. ibc worry and mum in last stage of dementia
  235. Scared of starting birth control
  236. IBC worries rearing their ugly head
  237. Spotting randomly and worried about HPV
  238. Convinced I've OC or something nasty
  239. Left Breast Pain + Cramping
  240. Yeast infection
  241. Talk to me about hormonal bleeding
  242. Period after 7 Months
  243. Depo and bleeding
  244. Smear Test Questions - from a male
  245. Vulvodynia pain/pregnancy diary
  246. Lump in back near epidural site
  247. Red itchy area on breast plus lump
  248. Concerns about OC and BC but probably just IBS?
  249. Elevated CA125 Worries
  250. UTI but it’s no