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  1. light brown jelly like discharge mid cycle?? worried please reply
  2. blood after sex
  3. being brain washed by overbearing husband
  4. period pain after smear test?
  5. The combined pill until what age?
  6. swollen vagina during menses (tmi)
  7. Period suddenly very light (ovarian cyst)
  8. Confused....ectopic?
  9. smear test results?
  10. discharge worries.. please read !!
  11. Lost My Mojo!!
  12. period late..so worried ):
  13. spot on labia
  14. feels like my throat is closing up....
  15. Taking the pill to help with periods....
  16. inside bum pain :( scared!
  17. Back after doing so well but now so scared ovary cancer
  18. My first gyncologist appointment
  19. increased discharge part 2
  20. Ovarian cysts?
  21. Anxiety Around menstrul cycle
  22. Cancer fears
  23. Major ovarian cancer panic - and i was not going to do this :(
  24. me again.. pelvic aches with stress
  25. Really scared please help
  26. Breast Dimpling
  27. Brown discharge and heavy period on the pill
  28. Worry about unknown pregnancy
  29. Ovarian scan?
  30. Smear test - Do I need another one? Should I ask to see a gynaecologist?
  31. female cancers so scared...
  32. To start the pill or not...
  33. getting mirena fitted and already worried
  34. shooting pain in the vagina
  35. Blood on tissue and period not due til saturday :(
  36. Anyone else spot 3 days before period?
  37. Clots again
  38. So now I think I totally lost it, but can't help it!
  39. How many days do you bleed?
  40. menopause and pelvic pain
  41. Breathless before period?
  42. Lumpy breasts
  43. Ladies advice please?
  44. cilest pill
  45. Smear test
  46. Pain in urethra
  47. Grr ladies help please
  48. Do u get these symptoms while on your period?
  49. early period
  50. ugh here we go again. any input?
  51. Hormonal problems.. best pill to take?
  52. Breast pain
  53. Ultrasound results
  54. period problems
  55. Its here :(
  56. Can menopause cause bad anxiety/depression
  57. 3 months on Cerazette..
  58. Ladies only
  59. anybody have similar experience?
  60. Mild dyskaryosis !!!
  61. Early period/spotting on pill
  62. Smear test tomorrow
  63. Severe discomfort/ burning bladder?
  64. A question for the ladies
  65. A period question
  66. How long for smear test results?
  67. Pretty certain that ovarian cancer is present
  68. Do any of you find your sex drive is less than it was before anxiety/depression?
  69. Ovulation pain? TMI.
  70. Nausea & PMS
  71. Advice - Missed Period, Not Pregnant
  72. Womens problems
  73. First smear test. What to expect?
  74. Early period
  75. Brown discharge. Help!
  76. Fibroids
  77. Can hrt stop anxiety ???
  78. oy here we go
  79. moods around ovulation time
  80. Really worried and panicking over Birth Control issues :(
  81. Breast Scan/Biopsy, terrified of result :-(
  82. It's a no no!
  83. Secondary infertility
  84. age for first mammogram??
  85. Candida
  86. Sertraline... Can't get an orgasm...?
  87. Seeing gynecologist tomorrow but wondering whether they'd be able to do certain tests
  88. green vaginal discharge :(
  89. Discharge,smear etc.
  90. Question about ovulation pain.
  91. Starting the combined pill
  92. Best pill to take to lessen bleeding?
  93. Just wondering how normal this is
  94. My bladder is driving me nuts!
  95. Colopscopy-Nhs website etc.
  96. diarhea and the pill
  97. UTI and possibly kidney stone
  98. Itchy left nipple
  99. Hysteroscopy - anyone had one?
  100. abnormally high sex drive and depression.
  101. Headaches, nausea and the pill
  102. irregular periods and spotting
  103. Can you get pelvic pain with thrush?
  104. Found this helpful site
  105. Brown Discharge a few days after Period ends
  106. could this be peri menopause?
  107. Sertraline started in January, periods all over the place
  108. Periods have gone a bit odd
  109. personal question
  110. Breast pain, im so scared please help!!
  111. Breast Lump
  112. Health anixety back, ladies only please.
  113. woman's problems
  114. Worried - cervical cancer??
  115. Pain after periods !
  116. Bleeding concerns between periods
  117. Brown discharge again
  118. Vaginismus
  119. Referred for a scan
  120. Loose bowel movements on the Pill?
  121. Diarrhea/loose bowel movements before and during periods
  122. Cystitis, the Pill, Cancer or something else? Please help:(
  123. skipping periods
  124. Panicking about upcoming smear test
  125. Perimenopause and longer bleeding - ladies over 40yrs
  126. Ladies I need your help - Camera in womb Saturday
  127. So tired of this (breast clinic) :(
  128. Too scared to start the pill. Help!
  129. midcycle worries
  130. painful lump down below -.-
  131. Brown discharge?
  132. gyno appt friday .. little bit nervous though
  133. Mefenamic Acid scared to take any advice
  134. copper coil experiences???
  135. Long term problem with spotting, now more painful and bladder problems. Worried.
  136. periods !!
  137. Am I peri menopausal ???
  138. Black Blood Blisters
  139. A Bcp question would like an answer asap please :)
  140. Ovarian cyst and perimonapause troubles :(
  141. Thrush treatment
  142. this periods driving me crazy!
  143. Enough is enough, im going to the docs...
  144. went to the docs about my period!
  145. Twinges in right breast, really getting me down!
  146. Has anyone had this?
  147. Spotting on day 10 :(
  148. Enlarged uterus
  149. Had to stop taking Norethisterone! so the period continues
  150. PMS - Health Anxiety Worse!!
  151. Cerazette? Can you ladies please let me know about your experiences with this pill?
  152. pms
  153. Anyone felt like this before?
  154. Ovulation and muscle pain/burning
  155. Ovulation problems
  156. PCOS
  157. sore nipples
  158. sore lump under skin
  159. Spotting?
  160. Took new pill in pack a day late now I'm worried I'm pregnant :(
  161. citalopram and sexual dysfunction
  162. Women only please!!! Sorry for tmi ladies!
  163. Lumpy bumpy bits on breast below nipple area plus pain
  164. Red bump on vagina area?
  165. Help Please need advice on breast pain
  166. copper toxicity - iud??
  167. Little old annoying me again... please help
  168. ugh spotting AGAIN
  169. Ovarian Cyst?
  170. Pros and Cons of Different Types of Birth Control?
  171. pains after sexual intercourse
  172. Breast pain, doctors appt tomorrow-Terrified
  173. Itchy under breasts.
  174. Bleeding problem so worried(women only)
  175. Mammogram - terrified of results
  176. Breast pain?? Scared!!
  177. how long for swabs?
  178. Still having breast issues :( Itchy red area. Please reply
  179. Stephy
  180. depo an bleeding
  181. Breast referral - support needed :(
  182. Breast referral - support needed :(
  183. thickening of the lining of the womb
  184. bleeding between periods
  185. bleeding between periods
  186. ovary area pain
  187. Heavy feeling down below
  188. coming off the mini pill
  189. Bleeding after sex - post coital bleeding
  190. How to get used to spotting between periods on the pill???
  191. Periods/morning after pill
  192. Irregular bleeding - help!!
  193. What could this be?!:-(
  194. Smear test terror
  195. suggestions for period migraines
  196. period problems on the pill .. please respond
  197. PMS , PCOS, Depression?
  198. Bleeding after sex? Scared to death
  199. Anxiety AFTER period??
  200. Before period
  201. Terrible panic please help ladies
  202. I used a little bit of Canesten Cream, a few minutes later I was on fire :/
  203. Copper Coil and slight bleeding
  204. Palpitations before/after period?
  205. I found a lump, down there *not very plesant*
  206. scared
  207. urine !!
  208. Bleeding bleedning and bleeding...Not period.?
  209. Periods , sighhh :( :(
  210. Please read I'm so scared!!
  211. Cervical cancer. Symptoms?
  212. A question for the ladies in the houuuuse...
  213. Has anyone experienced this?
  214. Ovulation and dodgy tum
  215. Hormonal or anx coming back to haunt me?
  216. Collapsed cyst and 'bulky' ovary???
  217. Anxiety and hormones
  218. Pain towards end of period
  219. period not stopping ? meds side effect?
  220. changes down below after starting SSRI
  221. havent been on this month
  222. red spots
  223. Red/brown mucus
  224. Just been the doctors about a problem down below...any help?
  225. Anyone else waiting on smear results?
  226. First Mammogram
  227. smear test with additional hpv test
  228. Ladies help period question
  229. not having sex, advice please?
  230. leg ulcers
  231. discharge
  232. SSRIs affecting periods?
  233. Mammogram appointment scared pls help
  234. period pain
  235. periods whos still having them ?
  236. Missed period, hormone build up?
  237. for the ladies
  238. ky lubricant
  239. question for the ladies
  240. Question for the girls.
  241. The mini pill!!
  242. Worried I have ovarian cancer, please help!
  243. smear result CIN3 please help!!!
  244. sore, vainy and tender boobs
  245. cervical cancer..or stress?
  246. Increase in vivid dreams in the days before my period starts
  247. Warning****female issue****
  248. light period
  249. Cycle changed from 29 to 39 days! Is this normal?
  250. Can thrush/yeast feel like tiny paper cuts?