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  1. The joys of being female
  2. Lump/boil down below
  3. Period worry bout endometriosis
  4. spotting after travel
  5. Sorry disgusting thread!
  6. Causes for yellow discharge ?!
  7. fluoxtine and pmt advice do you get this
  8. Headache/nausea on period
  9. Palpitations the week before turning
  10. fluoxtine pms
  11. PMT makes anxiety worse ?!?
  12. Anxiety off again..womens personal issues!!
  13. now i can feel something in my breast :(
  14. Breast worries again
  15. Sore left breast
  16. Should I be worried?
  17. Period problems (women only!)
  18. Boil/ulcer on/very near perineum
  19. still feell poo
  20. Bone cancer turned to ovarian cancer.
  21. Lump in breast? Help!
  22. Yasmin pill symtoms
  23. Cervical smear/cancer anxiety!
  24. Panicking now about a spot (down below) ladies only
  25. only ladies please. need help!
  26. Cystitis???
  27. Can breast pain be normal?
  28. Scared.....Ovarian Cancer
  29. Movable lump under skin in labia
  30. ladies BC worries plus a load of other fears
  31. does anyone else have small red/purpley veins on breast?
  32. Breast Self-examination
  33. Period coming earlier every month...
  34. Womens problem..
  35. mammogram worries
  36. What does a breast lump feel like?
  37. Does anyone get spotting before a period?
  38. cervical cancer worries
  39. Anxiety symptoms just before period
  40. Anyone else cry randomly or of PMT?
  41. Ovarian cancer worries
  42. 9 weeks on and STILL having breast issues :(
  43. Thrush!
  44. What to Expect? Is this it?
  45. Thrush and spots of blood. Please help
  46. I'm worried, I could be pregnant, and I'm depressed.
  47. Brown spotting
  48. Anyone had a cyst lanced before ?
  49. breast lump worries!!
  50. Late period - cancer fears.
  51. Cervical cancer?
  52. breathing before period
  53. Brown spotting tmi
  54. areola question
  55. Ok so we're trying for a baby! advice ladies!
  56. Blood in urine
  57. Painful sex
  58. Missed Menstrual Cycle, but I am not pregnant...
  59. Stomach cramps and discomfort
  60. vaginal infection? women only.
  61. Breast Issue
  62. breasts feel bruised & heavy
  63. Bladder problems, pelvic pain, help!
  64. cervical swabs
  65. i missed day 21 of my pill and my periods different im worried :(
  66. Uti or thrush?
  67. Pelvic Ultrasound
  68. Contraceptive pills!
  69. Swab results :( please help
  70. Pelvic U/S Update
  71. antibiotics and thrush
  72. Recurring thrush
  73. Have been doing so well with HA then blood half way through my cycle
  74. One for the ladies (sorry guys!)
  75. no period this month (sorry if tmi)
  76. sorry - too much information!
  77. Period changes and children
  78. Ovarian Cancer Worries Arghhhh
  79. Stress??
  80. Very worried:(
  81. Late period due to illness/stress?
  82. Third breast clinic referral and not coping
  83. The pill and anxiety
  84. Really scared of ovarian cancer.
  85. Breast cancer
  86. Nausea and Ovarian Cancer
  87. mammogram worries pls answer!:(
  88. cerazette
  89. Micronor (mini pill) query needs an answer :-)
  90. Black stuff from nipples! Worried
  91. Is this normal? Scared
  92. bleeding after sex
  93. PMS & anxiety
  94. IBS worse before and during my period?
  95. update bleeding after sex
  96. Feeling Ancious
  97. off balance feeling when on a period
  98. why am i still anxious
  99. Low iron levels in women
  100. Prolonged Bleeding...
  101. pink patch on breast - really freaking out.
  102. One breast suddenly a lot bigger!
  103. pelvic pain/no periods.. cyst
  104. Routine mammogram but still worrying
  105. Terrified
  106. longer period that normal
  107. nearly constant vaginal pain
  108. One sided breast pain?
  109. Constant discharge smell.
  110. Bleeding
  111. Freaking out over cervical cancer fears
  112. Dont you just hate your lumpy breasts?
  113. cervical erosion
  114. Pregnacare, Anybody used when trying for a baby?
  115. concerned about bleeding and pcos
  116. Ovulation Pain?
  117. Periods, whats classed as too heavy
  118. period for 2.5 weeks!
  119. on period and very anxious.
  120. Period problems, bleeding for nearly a month now..
  121. Breasts
  122. Sex Hurts like hell
  123. Really terrified i have Pagets disease!
  124. Help! Problem with the ladyparts (Scared of cervical cancer)
  125. Upper lip hair removal
  126. ingrowing hair problem :S
  127. Anal pain during period?
  128. Symptoms after starting the pill
  129. Sorry - women only!!
  130. Lump in breast
  131. Any ladies had this?
  132. Worry Worry about OC
  133. Mammogram worries
  134. Facial Hair
  135. Really scared. 1 breast growing. Think I have breast cancer!
  136. Anyone had treatment for an abnormal smear ( tmi)
  137. Odd question about Germany!
  138. Inflammatory Breast Cancer? Freaking out!
  139. Does anyone suffer with painful legs during periods?
  140. Came off the pill last month, my period was due 2 days ago, but its not here?
  141. Stress related period problems?
  142. side effects after coming off contraceptive??
  143. Thrush treatments
  144. Females.. nipple ?
  145. terrified i have breast cancer - advice please
  146. Mammogram nightmare
  147. Hormonal period depression
  148. Possible PCOS/Fibroids?
  149. Worried about US Pelvis scan tomorrow
  150. Worried about inflammatory BC...Advice needed
  151. Abnormal Pap smear
  152. polyp
  153. Anxiety/anger AFTER period?
  154. Dr Google is torturing me (ladies and doctors only)
  155. blood
  156. Anxiety - cannot be intimate
  157. Advice needed: *womens period question*
  158. Pregnant or Stress?
  159. Terrified of scan results
  160. Stopping my periods
  161. PMT!!!
  162. Sharp fast pelvic pain!
  163. endometrial polyp
  164. is anyone more anxious on their period?
  165. ovarian cancer worries!!
  166. Terrified I have breast cancer
  167. mammogram
  168. Breast worries :(
  169. Getting period before withdrawal week?
  170. Mirena fitting, how you feel afterwards
  171. smear test!!! scared
  172. Has any one ever been called back for a second mammogram?
  173. Period due in 5 days and anxiety kicking in
  174. My new issue - periods!!
  175. Breast ultrasound..???
  176. And I am back :( ovarian cancer worry
  177. PMS/Anxiety
  178. Terrified of smear test (possibly too much information here)
  179. Period
  180. Lump - To Embarrassed to See Doc. V. Scared.
  181. Red blotches on breast
  182. Large clots during period
  183. one for the ladies please
  184. Mid cycle bleeding
  185. pain up inside bottom & lower stomack
  186. Anxiety & Thrush
  187. period after laprospcopy
  188. One sore boob!
  189. Pelvic problems
  190. OC worries
  191. Toxic Shock Sydrom Fear
  192. Anxious before a period.
  193. Spotting
  194. bleeding from nipple - really worried
  195. Late period AGAIN!
  196. Denser Breast
  197. Week of terror - early bleeding/hospital
  198. Terrified bleed after menopause
  199. Please help today - ovarian cancer worries
  200. spots in vagina?
  201. bump on breast - really terrified
  202. stinging sensation with peeing on period?
  203. Menstral Cycle & Eating Habits
  204. Ladies - periods
  205. Painful Period
  206. Please help - heart racing poss pregnant
  207. Birth Control Question!!!
  208. period
  209. ovarian cancer fear
  210. breast lump waiting for clinic appointment - trying to keep calm
  211. Period flooding
  212. The big day today - ovarian ultrasound scan
  213. one breast bigger/denser than the other
  214. smear test - to scared to have one
  215. Period pain
  216. Anxiety gone through the roof
  217. Is anyone taking HRT?
  218. Spotting every month before a period.
  219. One for the girls!
  220. bit of a bleed
  221. Change in discharge freaking me out
  222. OMG my breasts are so sore....
  223. No period, can excercise delay it?
  224. sore back and aching pelvic region..scared
  225. Really worried about ovarian cancer
  226. Contraception
  227. Upper stomack pain/before and during period
  228. Implant causing anxiety!
  229. Short and heavy period *tmi*
  230. no period. could a test be wrong?
  231. Implant, period, advice
  232. Anxiety and pms
  233. Bemused about my breast clinic apt please read
  234. I need advice from anyone who's pregnant or has children...
  235. womens troubles (periods) need advice. do not have anyone else to ask
  236. early period
  237. Panicking I think I have Ovarian Cancer
  238. Cervical cancer worries
  239. Complex ovarian cysts follow up?!
  240. Certain I have vulva cancer
  241. Breast Question
  242. Ladies (especially those who were pregnant or nursed)
  243. Mirena removal
  244. Ladies:-two periods after morning after pill
  245. Still bleeding 3 weeks after Mirena coil insertion....normal?
  246. is this normal?
  247. 4 months off the pill and now I'm irregular!
  248. Did transvaginal screening and still scared
  249. Perimenopause?
  250. one for the ladies...