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  1. Breast / armpit lump feels rubbery worried
  2. bleeding after sex
  3. A fear of pregnancy
  4. Diagnosed self with ovarian cancer
  5. nodular breasts anyone?
  6. Spots in pubic area
  7. nipple discharge?
  8. Sore breasts?!?
  9. Ovulation woes :(
  10. Contraceptive Implant?
  11. spotting before period
  12. TMI-Vulva issues -For the ladies
  13. Interstitial cystitis
  14. NO ovulation pains this month
  15. late period. very scared
  16. Temperature after Ovulation?
  17. Breast clinic third time now :( Please answer!
  18. Sometimes I hate being a woman!
  19. ovarian cancer worry :(
  20. Missed period very worried
  21. Breasts
  22. Any Post-Menopausal Women Out There?
  23. Breast clinic in an hour :(
  24. Is this pain down below just my anxiety causing it?
  25. Herpes HSV Type 2 symptoms... Help Please :(
  26. Ladies discharge
  27. Polyp in womb
  28. Cerazette and mood swings/ depression.
  29. Post Menopausal symptoms
  30. Light red blood when wiping
  31. Nipple concern. Extremely worried!!
  32. Confused Fibrocystic/dense breasts?
  33. Scared.....cervical cyst?!
  34. Having a problem in blood
  35. borderline smear test
  36. Birth control pill and anxiety and depression
  37. Anyone had a mammo and ultrasound and everything was okay?
  38. fibromyalgia perimenopause
  39. breast implants and biopsy
  40. 'Female' question.
  41. Personal - post coital bleeding or period? Sorry tmi
  42. breat lump
  43. lumpy breasts. swollen node... meltdown.
  44. Heavy period! Sorry tmi!
  45. Major anxiety over postpartum bleeding!
  46. breast clinic appointment
  47. Irregular bleeding, so fearful
  48. Nurse found blood in my urine
  49. First period after Hysteroscopy 12 days ago
  50. In need of support :(
  51. Scary reaction to birth control!?
  52. Bleeding after sex - scared :(
  53. Ovary worries
  54. Periods getting earlier each month
  55. fears over hygiene and sex
  56. Cancer fears
  57. uterine polyp
  58. breast clinic appointment continued
  59. Female's only - Period question
  60. Bleeding in between periods
  61. Birth control pill sore breast panic.
  62. so scared of cancer
  63. If it was IBC would it subside?
  64. breasts again
  65. Bleeding between period :(
  66. weight gain and cerezette
  67. One lumpy breast
  68. Clear results thank goodness! I need to move on help!
  69. Mirena Coil
  70. Exercise causing bleeding....
  71. Thrush worries! (TMI sorry...)
  72. breast worriesk
  73. Extreme HIV anxiety
  74. Enlarged uterus (Doctors words) so scared!!
  75. patches ladies please
  76. here i go again boobs
  77. Smear test...
  78. So scared about cervical cancer
  79. copper coil
  80. So scared cervical erosion and polyp
  81. Swollen lymph node near breast underarm
  82. Just had a pelvic ultrasound....
  83. groin pain for 6 weeks....
  84. aware of cervix?
  85. Women only ;)
  86. Light brown discharge - period finished
  87. Weaning off Hormone Replacement Therapy
  88. Pulling at the back of the head at the centre portion
  89. scared of having a smear tomorrow - need advice
  90. Late Period
  91. panic attacks and genital spasms?
  92. A question for the ladies
  93. Pretty much "accepted" that this must be cervical cancer...
  94. UTI - help (Ladies only)
  95. peri-menopause anyone?
  96. PMS with nausea
  97. Women - I need support Diagnosed Early Menopause - in shock
  98. mid cycle bleeding
  99. Borderline smear test results .....terrified
  100. vaginosis?
  101. Spotting postpartum??
  102. peri menopause?
  103. Blood in Urine.......... Panic
  104. Menopause anxiety
  105. Blood in Urine.......... UTI or Worse. Update
  106. Would this cause bleeding?
  107. convinced its ovarian cancer!.. 😧
  108. Swollen glands in groin - painful
  109. women only sorry
  110. Anxious about another smear test
  111. TSS fear?
  112. cervical polyp
  113. one nipple have clear liquid come out.
  114. Mid cycle bleeding
  115. Borderline menopause
  116. breast cancer worry - please help
  117. Still worrying about mid cycle bleeding - cervical cancer
  118. menopause issuess
  119. new and very worried about cervical cancer
  120. women problem
  121. Breast Lump - I have cancer history
  122. boob issues(fed up)
  123. bladder problems
  124. bladder question again
  125. increased anxiety symptoms
  126. Frequent peeing right before period due??
  127. Period Problem - Need Advice
  128. Breast Issues
  129. feel sick before period
  130. period watery
  131. thickend uterus lining
  132. Breast Cancer Fear - Anxiety through the roof
  133. Withdrawal from Yasmin
  134. Ovarian Cancer scare? need some advice!!
  135. Swollen sore breasts
  136. Lump near vagina
  137. 2 day period
  138. Does anyone have a coil (Mirena)?
  139. frequent urination
  140. Anyone else want to punch their womb during period pain?
  141. Pregnancy?
  142. bladder update
  143. Scared...Ladies please help...Discharge
  144. Pregnancy and anxiety
  145. Smear test tomorrow :( scared
  146. ARGH Smear Test Didnt go as planned
  147. Perimenopause
  148. Intermenstrual brown bleeding during bowel movement
  149. Headache after sex
  150. cancer panic (I'm new!)
  151. Smear test result
  152. red breast - breast cancer fear again
  153. us pelvis transvaginal scan
  154. breast pain
  155. Would penicillin affect a urine sample?
  156. period pain
  157. Pain :(
  158. Dizziness
  159. Can anxiety hold of your period?
  160. really scared-period type pains start after a long period
  161. Pain in left breast
  162. Lump in breast
  163. Help with anxiety over breast cancer please
  164. Inflammation of Cervix
  165. Hard lump in breast. Please help. I can't cope.
  166. Smear Test Question
  167. Going out of my mind cancer anxiety
  168. pm bleed
  169. Cyst draining and packing worry
  170. Irregular bleeding on Pill
  171. Spotting after sex
  172. Update more cyst worries
  173. Making myself sick with worry here - breast pain & swelling
  174. Period bleeding from bottom?
  175. Lumps in breasts
  176. update on transvaginal scan
  177. ovarian cancer symptoms please answer
  178. ongoing discharge PLEASE HELP
  179. I need to vent... (menstrual)
  180. borderline and hpv smear result
  181. borderline and hpv smear plz help
  182. Finally had smear test................ now worried
  183. waiting for repeat smear results scared
  184. Post menopause muscle aches
  185. Sitting here panicking.........
  186. Feeling really upset........ UTI/smear/CC
  187. scared
  188. Breast pain and lumps. So scared :-(
  189. TSS Worries!?
  190. breast pain
  191. ovarian cancer worries
  192. Smear Test Came Back Normal.........
  193. Period problems
  194. Still waiting for smear test results
  195. got smear test results
  196. Fears that I'm infertile?
  197. Breast Lump/mammogram in 2 days. I'm terrified.
  198. First ever smear test- scared!!!
  199. Smear Test
  200. Ovarian Cancer worry
  201. Need Breast Biopsy and Breast MRI terrified please help!!!
  202. questions about hpt and accuracy.
  203. Terrified I have ovarian cancer
  204. Pap test and HPV high risk
  205. Missed period
  206. So scared, ovarian cancer.
  207. Missed period and constipated
  208. Changes of CC after normal smears......
  209. Definitely haven ovary cancer
  210. Mini pill confusion
  211. Is this normal??
  212. Wee Issues............ this might be helpful
  213. Wud an a and e give me an ultrasound on pelvis
  214. breast problem/ anxiety/ scared
  215. Enlarged uterus, brown spotting between periods, scared! :(
  216. OVCA Worrying
  217. Scared. About pelvic ultrasound
  218. OC worry
  219. Spotting between period
  220. chest tightness
  221. pain in bottom of my back
  222. Mild vulva itch and moles
  223. Longer, Lighter Period/Bleeding Between Periods/Spotting Between Periods
  224. Please help..blood in urine
  225. Increased anxiety during your period
  226. Would a fbc show cancer ?
  227. Terrified im not going to come on
  228. Smear test
  229. Got my ultrasound this morning :(
  230. just had ultrasound
  231. biopsy after colposcopy scared
  232. Ovarian Cancer Worries
  233. Implant cramping (any ladies that can help?)
  234. Trying for a Baby, Not Happening!
  235. Pain in Breast under Nipple Area
  236. PCOS- Ovarian Cysts
  237. Uti like symptoms didn't clear up. Doc request me to come to see what else it could b
  238. Smear test phobia
  239. help please.. breast pain/ worry
  240. Periods and lexapro
  241. Any experiences with Cerelle birth control?
  242. Holiday period post (serious tmi)
  243. Newbie:- Worried it could be ovarian cancer
  244. Ovarian cancer ... Again
  245. Urgent help needed cancer (women) ;(
  246. Anxiety about pregancy
  247. Cervical cancer worry
  248. spotting after period
  249. Cervical cancer worry, 24, first test due.
  250. Cervical Cancer Worry!