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  1. Brown Spotting/Discharge MidCycle
  2. Still worried about Cervical Cancer! Cant settle!
  3. One for the Ladies - Lump in / near breast
  4. Brown Discharge Again...Help!
  5. late periods worried
  6. women's health problem - am i going crazy!
  7. Girls help please, breast problems
  8. Ladies on Birth Control? Discharge!
  9. cin 1 and hpv
  10. abdominal bloating and lower abdominal/pelvic pain
  11. Pregnant or Homonal? Brown "Bleeding" and Cramps. Please help!
  12. Terrified I have Cancer!
  13. uterine fibroid, tilted uterus and cancer?
  14. I can't take this anymore
  15. Lapcoscopy endometriosis scared terrible period pains :(
  16. Pinching feeling in breast
  17. IBC worries
  18. Breast finding
  19. Mammogram fear
  20. Cerazette
  21. Yellowy discharge
  22. Back worried about cervical cancer
  23. Please help - bladder problems
  24. Panicked about breast cancer
  25. Anybody had laparascopic surgery?
  26. feeling like lump of lead in breast
  27. Bleeding after sex.
  28. Has anybody been tested for ovarian cancer?
  29. Feeling Worried Mid-Cycle Spotting
  30. peri menopausal feeling of sadness
  31. Stabbing pain cervix area during period
  32. Bleeding.............
  33. Stopping cerazette
  34. Been to Drs for a 'cervix viewing'..........
  35. girl problem (the pill)
  36. Head pains - panicking!!!
  37. Just IBS or female related problem?
  38. breast problems really scared please reply
  39. Post Menopause pains
  40. Period like cramps during cervical swab
  41. Cervical Cancer and Discharge
  42. Morning after pill
  43. Underactive Thyroid
  44. Please read - Off to docs this afternoon and I'm so so scared of the outcome
  45. Anxiety and periods
  46. I Googled and now I can't relax
  47. Brown spotting end of period
  48. Irrational Pregnancy Fears
  49. Breast problems
  50. Irregular periods and ovary pain
  51. Inflamed cervix
  52. no period again this month
  53. uti's
  54. Groin Lymph Node
  55. Are UTI's more common than I think?
  56. Freaking out over this UTI. Lower back pain?
  57. Ovulation pain? Help??
  58. Late period - scared
  59. Question about breast cancer convinced I have it
  60. Midcycle Spotting
  61. Hemmoroids? Help!!!
  62. NO Symptons yet HIGH GRADE Dsykariosis- Now referred for emergency colposcopy
  63. Smear Test showed High Grade Dyskariosis and nowreferred for emergency colposcopy
  64. Thrush
  65. Really bad pain down there
  66. Lumps and bumps in females
  67. Perimenopause, pelvic cramping and white dischage
  68. Thrush Tablets
  69. Heavier periods
  70. So upset - blood in discharge again.........
  71. Ladies can you help please
  72. needing wee often again and worried im not going to come on
  73. Any advice is welcome thanks!
  74. missing periods
  75. Mirtazapine and periods
  76. has any one missed a few periods and r oki
  77. chest cramps around period
  78. Scared :(
  79. Worried sick - ovary pain
  80. Boils on labia
  81. Pms, periods and anxiety
  82. Worried myself sick
  83. advice please...
  84. Need reassurance
  85. Females only... irregular bleeding or cancer?
  86. My 73 year old mother to have Hysterectomy. Any insights/advice ?
  87. Ladies - help please :)
  88. Very anxious waiting for smear results, how long?
  89. Menopause and anxiety
  90. Can anxiety cause spotting?
  91. stopped periods
  92. ache in side of boob and back breast cancer
  93. Cervical Cancer............. bleeding
  94. Discharge? Cervical Cancer?
  95. cant take any more bleeding after sex boob ache
  96. getting pregnant
  97. female please. Just need the truth
  98. Cervical Cancer Worries
  99. Pregnancy test advice
  100. inflammatory breast cancer
  101. No period for 7 months
  102. Smear Test Support Please
  103. urine infections
  104. Vagina, hard lump when I stick in
  105. polyps
  106. Why wont receptionist tell me my smear result? Does this mean its bad??
  107. Embarrassing fear of periods - new phobia after experiencing heavy flow
  108. Contraception - advice please
  109. Ladies who have had a late period
  110. Hardness in ovary area, very scared.
  111. Pre menopausal anxiety
  112. Spotting between periods
  113. Sudden extreme PMS
  114. Urgent help! No UTI, no infection, yet I still have permanent discomfort
  115. does anyone else get worse on their period?
  116. Ovaries....possible woes.
  117. Breast Lumps
  118. Bleeding quite a bit after smear test - petrified!
  119. pregnancy Worry
  120. Pregnancy + health anxiety =????!
  121. Late Period freaking out!.
  122. On the pill, have brown discharge
  123. Linessa Birth Control and Blood Clots
  124. Late period? Opinion?
  125. Bleeding in-between periods...please help :( :(
  126. Does the contraceptive implant cause ROCD symptoms?
  127. 2nd period in two weeks? Help :-(
  128. late period, should i go to the doctors?.
  129. Crampy
  130. Dent in breast
  131. does anyone know if adults can have the cervical cancer vaccine
  132. Pain & irregular bleeding- poss peri menopausal
  133. painful periods, what can i do about it?.
  134. Late period
  135. just cant shake the fear of v.c ot c.c
  136. Irregular periods - nearly 40... women only
  137. Menorrhagia (Heavy Periods)
  138. Copper iud
  139. Periods and antidepressants
  140. Breast Dimple
  141. Leaky bladder?
  142. Pregnant and so down
  143. Pushing sensation
  144. Breast pain while breast feeding
  145. Can you still have a period whilst pregnant?
  146. undiagnosed side pain for two years what could this be?
  147. PCOS worries?
  148. Very heavy period help
  149. PMS symptoms ...?
  150. Ladies: How do your breasts feel?
  151. Breast Clinic Referral - Worried about lump
  152. Light Spotting before period
  153. really frightened
  154. Agonising right abdo
  155. Anxiety worse after period.
  156. Itchy?
  157. Inflammatory breast cancer? (Pics attached) help!
  158. Post menopausal bleeding
  159. Mammogram Recall
  160. Bladder spasm? Please help!
  161. Mammograms in the UK?
  162. Polyp on Cervix - anyone?
  163. Please help: Tiny drop of blood on tissue after sex
  164. Blood from nipple
  165. Feel so uncomfortable down there. :'( please help.
  166. still worried breast lump
  167. Booked my smear 9 months late!!
  168. Update on my health issues.
  169. increased discharge
  170. Breast Needle Biopsy
  171. What happeneds to you during ovulation?
  172. Those who are on the Mini pill
  173. Menopause Fever????
  174. Smear test
  175. Blood test results scared
  176. Ladies: What do your cramps feel like
  177. perimenopause - symptoms
  178. Spotting in between periods-please help!
  179. just received letter for smear test ��
  180. Lower abdominal pain
  181. Agonising period pain
  182. Rectocele
  183. Pain around ovulation
  184. IBS or Ovarian cancer? Please help!
  185. Is this normal when going off the pill?
  186. Heavy Periods and Anaemia
  187. Abdominal bloating & pressure (PCOS? Cysts? Something else...?)
  188. Periods
  189. Started spotting between periods, now big blood clots while on period
  190. Pink Spotting Towards End of Period
  191. spotting Between Periods ( Im very New )
  192. Pain on first day of period? Endometriosis?
  193. Smear tomoz petrified :(
  194. Smear
  195. loosing my mind breast cancer!!
  196. if ive had 4 smears all normal and only slept with my hub what r chances of clear one
  197. TERRIFIED of lump finding
  198. Spotting for three months - scared whats going on
  199. Bleeding!
  200. Mid cycle bleed?
  201. Help!
  202. small lumps under armpit ��
  203. Periods
  204. Dent in breast
  205. Vaginismus
  206. No periods in 2 years, new spotting, I'm 19?
  207. Abnormal period, very scared
  208. Bleeding 15 days after period
  209. breathlessness
  210. are 'accidents' more common with women?
  211. Brown Bleeding After Period
  212. Anxiety makes sex less enjoyable. Ladies??
  213. Gross Period Question :O
  214. Is my period normal question
  215. Mid-cycle spotting
  216. Smear test
  217. Panic Over Brown Discharge
  218. Really heavy bleeding and clots during period
  219. Hysterectomy for Perimenopause
  220. Chest pains
  221. So worried.......... still having browny yellow discharge
  222. are breasts different shape and size wen arms are lifted
  223. Can't sleep panicking about a mole!
  224. Smear
  225. Small breasts. One more tender behind nipple
  226. Mid Cycle Spotting - Does this sound normal?
  227. Vulva question's need advice
  228. Swollen lump in groin!!! ??
  229. persisting pelvic pains :(
  230. breast pain
  231. Ovary!!
  232. Pimple on vagina
  233. Coming off Prozac, early period
  234. UTI Symptoms - Pelvic Foor?
  235. Colopscopy Referral Fear
  236. Inflamed cervix
  237. worried again.
  238. Cervical Cancer Fear
  239. Dizzy before Period
  240. Possible overactive thyroid?
  241. back pain in shoulder thro to breast.breast cancer fear
  242. Hormones.
  243. Perimenopause
  244. Does this sound like thrush or worse?
  245. Piles? Mortified
  246. missed period and perimenopause
  247. Women Only - Recurrent Yeast Infections
  248. perimenopause.
  249. Can PMS cause (dangerous) nightmares?
  250. Is these normal PMS symptoms?