View Full Version : Scary Panic Attack Last Night

10-05-06, 08:40
I had a horrendous panic attack last night. At about 12.45am I was in bed and my heart rate went nuts and then I started to hyperventilate. What really scared me was the loss of feeling in my left arm and my left foot. I seem to remember reading that 80% of people who have an episode of hyperventilating can have this sensation in their left side? I also experienced tingling around my mouth. It was very frightening at the time.

I am trying hard to remain positive and aware of my situation. I realise that this is all anxiety and I have not had a stroke. It feels like a stroke, but although my arms are tired and a little rigid [anxiety does this to me] I have good dexterity and power. My co-ordination seems OK too. Arm still tingles though.

I feel like I’m falling apart at the moment. My throats got ‘the lump’ and my speech is hesitant and awkward, partly because my tongue and lips feel swollen. What with everything else I’ve got a eye infection too! [Sigh...]

Just wanted to share all this and, like others, get some reassurance. I started today quite low, and ambled to work. This is horrible, but… got to have faith and try to work through it.

Thanks for listening.


~~~ It is a poor heart, and a poorer age, that cannot accept the conditions of life with some heroic readiness. RLS. ~~~

marie ross
10-05-06, 08:49
Hi Graham,

Sorry that you are feeling so bad at the moment, but i'm sure you'll be feeling much better soon. I always seem to wake up having a panic attack and feeling like i can't breath and that my heart will just stop beating, its a real horrible feeling and the next day i feel groggy and out of it. All your symtoms sound like good old anxiety and i would'nt let it get to you (easier said than done!!!!) Take care of yourself today.

Marie XXX

10-05-06, 09:21
Hi Graham

Sorry you had a bad night with the panic attack. It is good though that you recognise these symptoms you are experiencing are anxiety and are able to rationalise.

Well done for being able to get up and go into work and carry on life as normal.

Hope you feel better as the day wears on.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

10-05-06, 09:37
Hi Graham,

Sorry to here about that attack.. they are the worst. :(

I often get pains down my left arm, tight chest and a pain down the left side of my neck. much like a heat attack or stroke. all horible.

I think sometimes its worse at night coz you can here your blood pumping etc so you concentrate on it. grrrr

Just got to think positive like you are doing.. i wish i had your attitude... hope you have a good day anyway.

10-05-06, 12:21
i too had a bad panic last night. one minute i was fine and the next i spat up a bit of blood and it changes everything, heart rate, shakey and everything. even today i am not convinced its not a clot

i tpp try to remain positive but i know how one bad second changes everything

you are not alone


10-05-06, 12:30
Oh God this is weird. Today I'VE been having the pain in my chest and the left side of my throat and arm and I thought my number must be up. I'm glad you understand Alex, although I'm not glad you're going through the same cr*p.

Graham, my latest episode of panic began in the same way. 2 and a half months ago I was asleep and the next thing my right side went numb. I spent about the next 3 hours pacing around my living room flexing and pinching my right arm and leg trying to make sure that they hadn't lost sensation. I must have looked like a right nutter! lol.

Shiv x