View Full Version : i've had to resort to diazepam

19-08-11, 17:16
my anxiety has been at an all time high for the last 11 weeks which has resulted in a severe ibs flareup which is making my anxiety worse.

I've been getting cbt for 4 weeks now but i'm not realli improving so the other day i called my gp and asked for a prescription for diazepam. I really did'nt want to resort to that but i need to relax. I'm supposed to take 2mg a day but today i've taken 2, will that be ok?

Does anyone else take these for anxiety?

19-08-11, 17:32
I'm in usa and I take low dose Clonazepam, (Klonopin) A benzo. also. I didn't want to either. And now 2 years later, I am still on it. The ssri made me feel bad.
In counseling myself too.

19-08-11, 17:36
Hi Rainbow. I've been suffering from anxiety (in its worst form) for around the same length of time as you, and when it first flared up those weeks ago, the doctor gave me diazepam to calm my panic attacks. I think I was advised to not take more than 4mg (though some people take a much larger dose), 3 times a day (via 2mg tablets) for no longer than 2 or 3 weeks at a time. They actually worked reasonably well for me, in the sense that it gave me a couple of hours to feel a little less panicked and stressed, and things have flared up a little in the last few days, so I'm contemplating taking a dose again if things get bad.

Remember that by taking the step and asking your doctor for help, you've actually done something very brave, so don't feel like you've let yourself down by taking them. They work well in the short term. Let us know how you get on with them. I think I started to feel the effects around 15 minutes after I'd taken them.

19-08-11, 17:49
2mg is a very low dose so 4mg should work just fine and calm you down. Try and stick with just the 2mg though, and give it half an hour or so to properly kick in. It will take the edge off things.

19-08-11, 18:04
thanks for your replies,

My citalopram was increased to 60mg from 40mg about 7 weeks ago, i've not noticed any difference.

I'm not really sure how much the diazepam is helping, think it might be taking the edge off. I've been feeling more tired today than usual, i'm also worried about them upsetting my stomach as i've been so worried about my bowels. Does anyone know if that's a side effect?

I really need to be able to relax, i hope this works.

20-08-11, 03:07
Your diazapam dose is very low and nothing to worry about.. Several years ago my doctor put me on 10mg of diazapam 4 times a day...now that was a strong does and I felt like a zombie. I did that for 2 years almost and it took another 2 years to wean off of them. So just be careful of your usage as they are habit forming.

20-08-11, 13:05
has anyone had problems with constipation while taking diazepam?

21-08-11, 10:51
Yes, I do think that can be a side effect of both diazepam and oxazepam.