View Full Version : Success with my OCD and anxiety

19-08-11, 18:32
Well, where do I start? I know I am new to the forum but I thought I would share my success story.

I was afflicted with OCD (the compulsive act kind) when I was little and it soon progressed to Pure-O in '95' after having five lots of surgery in that year. At first I thought it was just depression and my mother agreed but the thoughts (violent theme) soon started to pick on those closest to me.

For years I had struggled with it and I even began to turn to drink for a few years before I saw what I was doing to myself and quit. I smoked for a number of years and gave that up, too about a year and a half ago. My OCD really got bad during this period, so I began to research the problem and found out that the most likely thing was that OCD was causing me so much grief.

Anyway, my anxiety began to "spill" out into other areas of my life and I began to become afraid of stupid, petty things that I should not be afraid of. Out of pure luck, I discovered that I was allergic to gluten and wheat (that's a story in itself) and my anxiety began to get better as well as my mood. This was back in May of this year.

I knew that gluten allergy sufferers should really take vitamin supplements so I did but a couple of wks ago I realised that the dose of B-vits I were taking was just the RDA for the day. I looked on Ebay for doses of 50mg-100mg and purchased a bottle.

Well, this week my confidence has gone through the roof, as has my energy. My anxiety has dramatically fallen to just around 5% at an estimation. I have no idea why this happened but I developed a phobia or anxiety about people touching me around the head, so getting hair cuts were a nightmare! Today I got a haircut and felt really good apart from a little apprehension at the start which soon passed. My state of mind went from being absolutely terrified of the thought of having one to actually WANTING one. It's weird!

I have tried other "cures" in the past which never lasted (actually, they made me a little manic for a while) but I feel legitimately at peace for the first time in a long time!

I just hope this improvement keeps itself up and that a deficiency in B-vitamins caused by being allergic to gluten was responsible for my OCD, anxiety and moodiness.

My stomach was surgically operated on back in '95' and I found out that stomach surgery "activates" gluten allergies and Celiac disease. I've been fighting this for 15 years but I hope this time that I have finally defeated "the beast." Sorry for being so dramatic! lol.