View Full Version : Im Not Feeling Well

19-08-11, 19:44
sorry about the topic title but as a few of you who know me i panic like mad as im doing now.

i have a kideney infection ive felt like this for about a week now as i mentioned in chat that i have a discomfort in my back so now i have found out what it is im in a mass panic worriing isent the word with palpatations coming on everytime i think of it all the Venus the little darling helped me out alot i must thank her.

but my main worrie now is no doctors untill monday so am i going to be alive by then :weep:

is there somthing i can get from boots or chemist for it would love the info please guys

19-08-11, 20:30
Quite the dramatic title of this post?! :lac:

Kidney infections are painful..but usually with the proper attention/medication they will go away....

Drink lots of cranberry juice & water....perhaps if it's getting too painful see an urgent care doctor..if you can't hold off till Monday.

I'm sure the doctors will take an xray exam to make sure you don't have any kidney stones. (My brother is going through a similar situation right now..either way it's curable)

19-08-11, 20:34
So didnt the doc who diognosed you give you anything for it?

19-08-11, 20:35
ive not been to the doctors yet ive only found out what i have today but ive felt this way for a week now

19-08-11, 20:37
Who diognosed you with a kidney infection then?

19-08-11, 20:52
Was it Dr Google by any chance!

If you have a real humdinger of a kidney infection then believe me you will not be posting on here you will be shivering and shaking and rolling round the bed with a high temp.

19-08-11, 20:54
^Yeah, my brother was seriously nauseous...and vomited a couple times..he couldn't even sit down because it was so painful....ended up having a 6mm kidney stone!!

19-08-11, 21:32
The title. Wow.

19-08-11, 21:48
^ I agree.....I think a mod should change the title....

19-08-11, 21:51
Try not to use the word dying in titles, as well it's gonna freak someone out due to their anxiety or might offended someone who has had something serious wrong like cancer.
It's only friendly advice as you can't please every one but better air on the edge of caution :)
Try not to worry the ER is open on weekend's are so are those doctors, not sure what you call them over there. wait the out of hours GP : )
Nothing is going to happen, if you do get a temperature then go see the out of hours GP for some antibiotics. 38 degrees Celsius or over would be considered a fever.

19-08-11, 21:57
You dontnk oe you have a kidney infection unless the doctor told you. I highly doubt you'll die. My oh had kidney stones and was in serious pain he wouldn't be able to write on here he was in so much pain

Can you not get a emergencey appointment? Just keep drinking and taking pain killers

Vanilla Sky
19-08-11, 22:45
I think the title is a bit dramatic . Drink plenty water untill you see doctor

19-08-11, 23:40
i apolagise for the title but the panic i was in when i did the post was unbeliveable i had mass palpitations anxiety i thought i was going to faint

20-08-11, 00:20
Hi terror
If you have discomfort over your kidney area you can treat this by drinking copious amounts of water and take parecetamol for pain and fever. You must drink enough water so that when you pee there is no yellow colour in the toilet bowl, just clear.
I had this problem once with recurrent kidney infections that antibiotics would not treat and this was how I got rid of them for good.

20-08-11, 00:38
Hi chick firstly. If u are uk please ringbur out of hours gp. Two reasons one u are panicky and they will help.
Secondly they will diagnoise u properly and five u medication if need be!
I really don't think u are dying chick. The title doesn't offend me but next time just put help sweetie and people will bony r panicking xxx

20-08-11, 00:47
You can change the title by editing the post.

So who diagnosed you anyway?

20-08-11, 00:50
If you are in agony tomorrow is there a drop in Drs clinic you could go to ? A lot of areas have them now and you dont have to be registered at the practice to go there .If not call the out of hours Dr and drink plenty of water as you have been advised .Take care and hope you feel better soon .:hugs:Luv Sue x

20-08-11, 01:27
What are your actual symptoms?
Hope you're feeling better :)

20-08-11, 02:59
It is quite common to have pain in the back in the area of the kidneys. Ive had that many times. Sometimes it comes from the way you slept, it could come from exertion if you lift something, there are many causes for back pain. Only your doctor can make the diagnosis after a test or two, usually a urine test will indicate any infection right away.

If you havent seen your doctor about it chances are you're just guessing. Antibiotics, and lots of cranberry juice (unsweetened) usually takes care of kidney infections.

Check with your doctor if youre feeling such discomfort...

20-08-11, 08:03
Terror, as you said in chat yesterday, you were 'diagnosed' by someone by text ! get to your GP on monday, its probably nothing to worry about

p.s. have changed the thread title for you :)

20-08-11, 11:07
thankyou mike

20-08-11, 13:17

thank you for what you said very kind...:hugs:

you really took my text out of context though, i said it was a possibility and that you would have other symptoms as well and to go to your drs if it persisted.......I also told you that it was more than likely muscular pain as you did all that work in the week.

Please take note of the whole texts and not just focus on the worst of what i said because as i told you you would have more symptoms than just the pain.

Again if it persists go to yr drs to rule it out, but as i said before to you it is more than likely muscular rather than anything like that.


macc noodle
20-08-11, 18:19

Hope you feeling a bit better now?

You know we all try and support in here as best we can but sometimes if you suffer from HA and it gets out of control, you are unable to listen to the rational suggestions being given to you and automatically assume that the worst is happening to you.

It would appear that you were "diagnosed" by "text" by a friend i assume - and you then decided that this is what you have ?? This is a very dangerous path to tread and if you are in such pain, the best course of action is to seek proper medical advice - I suffer dreadful HA but also abhor GPs and hospitals but would never hesitate to get a check if I was in severe pain.

Please do not rely on us in here to put your mind at rest with medical ailments - we can only sympathise and reassure you with known panic and anxiety symptoms (as many of us have suffered) but for a considered real medical problem you owe it to yourself to get checked out by a professional.

Not nagging by the way, cos I have been there and most definitely worn the t-shirt!!

Take care

Macc Noodle