View Full Version : Help please ladies!

Silly Blonde
10-05-06, 11:51
I'm on day 3 of my period and I am having the most horrible period pains - normally I only get them on days 1 and 2 and so I am scared. I am linking it to the fact that my smear test was really really painful a couple of weeks ago.

I've taken some co-codamol and am sitting here attached to my TENS machine, but still got really bad cramps.

I always thought that anxiety/worrying could make PMS worse, but can it make periods worse/heavier/more painful for longer????

Any reassurance gratefully received!!


10-05-06, 12:18
i definitely feel my periods are worse with the anxiety and ii feel the pain with them is worse

i think we may just be more sensitive to pain and i know that a sore smear is not linked to problems with down there. if you hadent eaten before your smear or were more anxious than normal they can all relate to a more painful smear

i hope this helps


10-05-06, 12:25
Hi SB,

I found my periods were worse with my anxiety too. I got terrible period pain in my stomach and back and dreaded every month.

After trying all sorts and reading on the net on tips to help, i've found the things that help are to eat healthily and when i'm getting near to not have so much sugary foods, and I especially cut down on chocolate at that time. Also I find exercise and trying to relax more helps too.

Take Care,

10-05-06, 15:40
hi there,
i have always had really bad stomach cramps, but when i started having panic attacks, the period pain seemed worse somehow, probably because i was aware of every tiny change in my body and it made me feel more anxious.
i couldn't bear it, so in the end i went on the pill - painkillers wouldn't get rid of the pain, so my gp recommended the pill. i don't even notice my period any more (although i now have other fears related to actually being on the pill, other side effects etc etc)

10-05-06, 23:28
Hi, if you can tolerate ibuprofen then that not only controls the pain but reduces the flow - my doc recommended it a few yaers ago and i certainly know when i don't take it. Stress does funny things to our bodies and can affect periods - bring them on early/late etc. Hope that helps


'This too will pass'