View Full Version : Anybody know much about Troponin blood test?

20-08-11, 06:22
I went to out of hours earlier as again my chest pain was bad,i feel really ill anyway,he took blood to check for Troponin in my blood and also to check for inflammation around my heart...hes just called to say they are normal...i dont want to google so what does this really mean? does anyone know? i know Troponin is released if youve had a heart attack but does it only get released if a heart attack had happened or if your hearts not working right?

macc noodle
20-08-11, 08:24
Sandy - why are you persisting with this obsession over your heart - you have had many checks and the deeper the go with this keep going to A&E the more you are feeding it.

I am not even going to reply to your question honey but merely repeat earlier advice on earlier posts and that is that you need to get the right help to stop you from this behaviour so that you can get on with your family and your life.

Your chest pain is anxiety induced - you have been tested and tested. And have you been and asked yet about the family pre-disposition to heart problems given your father's history?

20-08-11, 09:02
No ive not been as i havent been able to get a drs appt as soon as 8 am comes the phone is engaged until i get through then all appts are gone...i really think somethings wrong,and i cant help it.

20-08-11, 09:10
I understand your fears completely as I have anxiety about my heart. I have had all the tests and now I have to accept that all is well. This is a huge step but one you must take. I have a mantra that I repeat over and over again to drown out the negative thoughts, even though I didn't believe it at first I said it anyway and it started to work. Please try to accept that these symptoms are all caused by anxiety and that your heart is fine.

20-08-11, 09:14
I think you need to ask yourself what will stop you worrying about your heart.

20-08-11, 09:38
I honestly dont know what would help me stop worrying...for the pain/palps to go would help me,also to speak to a cardiologist...im really low and in a mess over it as the pains really are more or less constant..down the centre between my breasts or over and on the top of my left breast,and up the left side of my neck..also palps that leave me sore..they worry me so much,its stopping me doing things as they get worse when im out and about.

20-08-11, 15:40
The pains anxiety pain and you will be holding your self tense I have a obsession with my heart but I do t go to the hospital I've had all the checks seen a cardiologist intact 3 and I still have a obsession I'm having cbt you beef to calm down and get some cbt maybe even anti anxiety drugs to help you relax. A tour so worked up the pain will never go. Do you have a women's center nr you thy offer counselling and cbt for free you don't need a referral from the gp just ring them your self

20-08-11, 15:59
No i dont have anything like that here,im in so much pain i cant stop crying,im scared and dont know what to do...my upper body is like its burning.

20-08-11, 17:09
Sandy Tropinin is released when heart muscle is damaged and also for a number of other reasons. The test shows wether your heart is damaged or under stress by angina attacks.
A normal test is very good news as it shows your heart is fine.
You must get a grip of this heart anxiety or you may become a cardiac cripple through anxiety. Go to your doctors and ask him to go through your family history medically and how it pertains to you. But really what does all this worrying achieve, absolutely nothing but misery. Look positively and get on with life.
What you are feeling with the pain and burning is adrenaline crossing through your body, making you very tense. The chest pain is costochondritis which can be very unpleasant but basically it is an inflammation of the chest wall but not at all dangerous. Press on your chest with your hand and I bet you can reproduce the pain.

20-08-11, 17:13
Thank you Ronski,as i type ive pains and burning in my upper chest and im very worried...ive been scared to google tropinin so thank you for explaining it to me...yes my anxiety is overtaking me life and i need to get it under control again.

20-08-11, 17:14
the burning pain is the muscles cos there inflamed have you taken pain killers theres nothing you can do untill you see the gpask him for amatriplyne its used for muslce pains to help them relax that will help ease the pain

google cbt in your area do you not have sure starts in scotland? as most of them have some sessions with councellors to

20-08-11, 23:02
And did you mention reflux at all?

21-08-11, 09:52
Hi ive not seen my gp,im going ot try tomorrow again,and discuss it all with him,i got zantac and im taking it but its not making any difference...ive lost my appetite so that isnt helping.

21-08-11, 12:16
Im really worried today,pains and tightness are still happening...dont know what else to write except om scared.

21-08-11, 13:15
just relax lie on your bed and listen to some relaxation music have a warm bath theres nothing else you can do and being scared and stressed will only make it feel worse and you feel tense

21-08-11, 13:41
s11fxy, I was looking at your post about "CRY",they dont come anywhere near where i stay...i could do to talk to someone like that,

21-08-11, 14:07
If your Trop T was up .they would be knocking on your door Sandy . I'm a heart patient and have had many of these tests .......dont worry yourself xxxxxxxxx

21-08-11, 14:19
ive had 3 done in the past 3 weeks,all normal but still getting every day pains and awful tightness...i so worried,ive had about 8 ecgs in that time too,all ok..xxxs

21-08-11, 15:03
youve got to belive that there is nothing wrong with your heart its a constant battle for me everyday but the more you stress the worse and more real the symptoms you are having. our mind is really powerful and it can make you body do crazy things please just try and relax

ive had loads of ecgs 4 echos 24hr montioring and a hand held carry round montior and they were all clear yet i have a constant battle with my self all the time to belive im fine im having cbt and its helping but small steps and thats what you need the surpport

cry is a amazing charity but they cant help you as your tests are clear they work with people and families who have real probelms you need to look into mind or or local surpport groups. get a emergencety appionment with your gp. i never go to the hospital with anixety anymore i used to sit in the car park in my car ads i felt safe but i have a friend who went so much they doctors rang social services as they thought she couldnt look after her children properly and she needed extra surpport as she was constantly at the hospital. please just try to relax

21-08-11, 15:33
Do you have pains or is the just the worry you have? ive just been out for 20mins and my chest is sore and tight.

anx mum
21-08-11, 16:46
hun i really feel your pain. As u know like yourself i had chest pain for 2months really bad like u the pain was burning and sharp doc put it down to an acid reflex was put on a tablet and the burning stopped. What are hospital doin u cant go on like this

21-08-11, 17:33
i had pain and burnling in all my ribs muscles and up my back brestbone and across my collar bone and i take amatriplyne as my doctor said it could be fibro but the pain went straight away as they are a realxer and now i hardly ever get it unless i hold my self tense

21-08-11, 18:07
ive pains/tightess then like a heat comes over the top of my chest,wierd to explain,its goes over my breasts and my upper chest area..last night it was like my skin was sunburnt.

21-08-11, 18:52
thats the imflamtion thats a sign of fibro which is why the gp treated mine like that but its caused by tension x

25-08-11, 07:13
Sandy Tropinin is released when heart muscle is damaged and also for a number of other reasons. The test shows wether your heart is damaged or under stress by angina attacks.
A normal test is very good news as it shows your heart is fine.
You must get a grip of this heart anxiety or you may become a cardiac cripple through anxiety. Go to your doctors and ask him to go through your family history medically and how it pertains to you. But really what does all this worrying achieve, absolutely nothing but misery. Look positively and get on with life.
What you are feeling with the pain and burning is adrenaline crossing through your body, making you very tense. The chest pain is costochondritis which can be very unpleasant but basically it is an inflammation of the chest wall but not at all dangerous. Press on your chest with your hand and I bet you can reproduce the pain.

Ron,so if i had angina would it show in the blood test or does the angina need to be active before it shows...sorry for keep asking you questions..i just dont want to google.

25-08-11, 17:28
I nkow everyone is sick of me but im sore still and getting awful tightness down the centre of my chest and up to my neck...when im walking about the pains are worse and i feel full up...my hearts doing funny jumps so im in a state,no appetite at all and left shoulder feels hot and tight..wish it would all go away.

25-08-11, 17:34
Sandy stable angina probably would not show up on a blood test, unstable angina would show up in that the Troponin level would be slightly raised but nowhere near that of an infarction. You must accept that the Troponin test is never taken by the doctors in isolation, they would have done other blood tests, ecgs, listened to your heart and chest, monitored your neck veins and taken a history. They obviously do not believe that you have any on going heart issues or else they would have prescribed GTN. Look Sandy if I was you and you obviously are not letting this go then book a private consultation with a cardiologist to get him or her to go through the results, ask if a echo cardiogram is reasonable.
An echo cardiogram is a non invasive procedure which shows the structural integrity of your heart, it shows atrial and ventricular measurements, flow rates, valve condition etc.
It probably will be money well spent if it makes you feel better re your heart health.

25-08-11, 17:40
Im sure theyve only did one blood test,their only was a brown bottle sent to the labs..they have dones ecgs and had a listen...never looked at my neck and they know my history..i want a private cardiologist but dont know where to look in my area.

25-08-11, 18:24
Sandy i feel for you- i really do. But i prmoise you this is nothing more than tension- please try to relax and watch your body slowly return to normal

25-08-11, 18:31
Sandy they are bound to have a cardiologist at the nearest large teaching hospital near to you. They will have looked at your external jugular when talking to you, it's a test done by observation much like respiratory rate.
Looking at your post again especially with the full feeling, are you swallowing air which is very common with anxiety. Getting pain walking around is not really angina, rushing for a bus or battling against a strong cold wind maybe. Have you done your respiratory rate as you may be hyperventilating with the anxiety. Get your partner to do it when you are unaware when resting and let me know what it is.

26-08-11, 06:39
I was at A&E last night as the pains were unbearable they went around my upper left side too...they did 2 ecgs which were fine and i had a good talk to the consultant,he didnt think this was heart related but if things change then ive to go back...ive had a awful night with pains and feeling of cannot get enough air plus im exhausted..small sharp pains over my left breast..i simply dont know what to do.

macc noodle
26-08-11, 08:02
Sandy - please listen to me - if it were heart related, it would have shown in the tests and the consultant would have kept you in overnight for observation if he had any doubts whatsoever.

You urgently need help to overcome this problem and you need to get back to the GP - see another one at the practice - and tell them how this is impacting on your life and the utter pain you are suffering.

Good luck

26-08-11, 08:32
Are younon anything to help you relax? You need to go back and get something to help with muscle pain and imflatation go and see a different doctor x

26-08-11, 08:41
Ive seen 2 drs at my surgery and the both say its in the hands of my cpn,i see her on tues...im on sertraline and olanzapine for my anxiety..the dr last night said it takes a while to see if its heart related as one ecg/blood is not enough it needs to follow a pattern of tests that show things wrong..so an ecg is not enough its a collection of test results all mine have been fine so far but im still in pain and getting the tightness.Lat night in bed the pain was horrendous i just cried to sleep.

26-08-11, 10:40
Sandy this is anxiety. Stop worrying about the pains and they will ease. Its muscle tension not your heart. Youve had tests now time to focus on getting help for ur anxiety. Ive never had one single test done and im still here

26-08-11, 12:08
Sandy please stop worrying you are in a viscious circle, try having a look at this website http://www.round-earth.com/ShoulderPainIntro.html. Also when I got lots of chest pain and worried endlessy, I went (at the docs suggestion) to get properly fitted for a couple of new bras, oh the difference, just a suggestion, and also got a hypnosis CD, IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH, and that really helped as well.I do so hope that you can overcome this fear, I know how it can totally takeover your life, so listen to all your friends on here, and the docs, tension & worry can cause the worst of symptoms, be strong you are a wonderful healthy person just keep telling yourself that. Big Hugs

26-08-11, 18:11
Sandy my mother had severe heart problems and her story was nothing like yours. She had intermittent pains which were only associated with eating or aerobic exercise. She never got pain at rest and she had very unstable angina before she died. You have had more than one ECG over a period of weeks so there is no point going down that route again. What you should have done with that consultant last night is to have planned further tests to show definitely if there were heart issues or not. He could have written to your GP advising that with the doubt in his mind then a treadmill test and a echo cardiogram should be arranged via a chest pain clinic.
The other thing Sandy there are many many causes of chest pain which mimic angina pain. Gall bladder issues, GERD are two I can think of at the moment. One which I feel is appropriate is a condition called Chronic Hyperventilation Syndrome which can give you the very symptoms you describe. Have a look at the website Chronic Hyperventilation Syndrome a diagnosis begging for recognition.
I do feel for you as it's awful with unanswered health questions.