View Full Version : My head. My throat.

20-08-11, 10:51
Does this sound like tension?
I have extremely tight head most days all day, down my neck and into my back, sometimes it hurts but most of the time it is just tense.
But lately I've been having vertigo, pressure in my forehead/nose area, feeling like I'm falling/sinking a lot through the day and like I'll faint all day.
Now I feel like I have something in my throat, like a bit of food, it woke me up and has done a lot the past weeks because I dream I'm choking and wake up and have to have water cos i can feel it there.
Maybe it's choking me in my sleep? :(

Can I also add that the sinking feeling is in my whole body and not just my head and I can't go with it it makes me feel so ill and panic.
& also with my throat I do bring up A LOT of acid, as well as having the food feeling, it feels sort of hot and burnt.

And I'm getting chest pains but it feels muscular. I still feel like a deadweight ready to hit the floor. hot flashes, can't rest because it makes the sinking feeling more apparant, my chest feels like it's being squuezed or sat in and theres a full heavy feeling below my ribs in my belly. Headache and tingles. just all over weird senstions, off balanve, vertigo :(

21-08-11, 10:40
Anybody had anything like this?
Or any of the symptoms?
Sorry to mither there were just a lot of views but no comments.
Thanks xx

23-08-11, 13:59
I get really tense muscles in the back of my neck and shoulders. Arms too sometimes its not nice. I know what you mean hen you say you feel like deadweight!

Do you get the tingling in your head? I've been having that recently too