View Full Version : propanolol and alcohol?

20-08-11, 12:52
I've read that takin propanolol can be ok with alcohol but I've also read I can't. The leaflet says its not recommended. Which means to me that its basically upto me.

Has anyone ever takin them tablets and drank on them? I'm on them for a long time and I'm not cuttin alcohol out for that long. I have drank while on them and all that appens is that I go sleepy and maybe a bit more drunk than what I would usually be with that same amount of alcohol.

Thanks in advance

20-08-11, 15:31
i was drinking on propanolol a few months ago and don't recommend it, it made my anxiety go through the roof and gave me terrible suicidal thoughts. If you really feel the need to drink then perhaps don't take the beta blockers? also its a common fact that getting drunk and drinking too much makes your anxiety much worse, i know lots of people on here who dont drink at all for this reason x

20-08-11, 18:56
I've drank on them. My doctor actually told me they're fine to drink on, just to take it easy.
I just got hammered quicker.

Try having one and see how you feel?

Emily xxx

20-08-11, 20:50
My cousin takes them for her heart and she drinks on them. And I took them years ago when I had an over active thyroid and i drank on them xx

Cathy xx