View Full Version : Mouth Ulcers

Gemma T
20-08-11, 12:59
Hi Everyone

Hope were all having a nice weekend.:flowers:

I just wanted to ask a quick question.

Now I know stress can cause mouth ulcers but can stress prolong the healing period of them?

Ive had a teeny tiny canker sore under my tongue for about 2 weeks now and it just aint going (not getting any worse either). Its under my tongue towards the very back and in such a random and hidden place most will never find it. I on the other hand have become quiet the master of pulling my tongue out very far.

Im thinking my anxiety is either prolonging the healing process and that its in a place where healing aint easy.

Im trying to be as rational as possible lol :unsure:


Gemma x x x :hugs:

20-08-11, 22:48
hey! i didnt know u could get dem from anxiety? learn something new everyday!, i gave up smoking recently and ive got one cause the circulations starts to come back to my cheeks .\

der awful, i cant eat anything. and have been sucking on a tube on bonjela for days now :shrug:

Gemma T
21-08-11, 01:37
Yeh its a combination of both most likely. I know stress can affect the immune system and thus cause ulcers. I'm just unclear as to whether the stress and poor immune system makes them last longer. I mean it would make a lot of sense.

I'm worryin I have oral cancer so any ulcers and potentially a reason 4 me to assume the worse. I'm trying to reason but no one can tell me I'm right :(

21-08-11, 03:51
I have a few lumps in my mouth that won't shift. But you are right that anxiety lowers the immune system thus things can take longer to heal.

You went to the dentist a few days ago so if you did have oral cancer im pretty sure your dentists would have noticed you can relax lol.

That's the problem with anxiety all common sense and rational thoughts go flying out the window. I'm exactly thr same.

21-08-11, 04:30
Yeah, I get these when I'm under stress. I also get these annoying little spots on my eyelids really close to the eyeball which make me feel like I've got a piece of grit in my eye. Nothing seriously wrong in any of this, just all part of anxiety. Annoying though that just when you are feeling bad anyway, nature throws another set of long lasting ailments in there to go with it!!!!

Tyke :)

Gemma T
21-08-11, 12:26
Thanks for the reasurance.

The body certainly likes to make things difficult I guess.

x x x

21-08-11, 22:46

I've just read your posts about ulcers, I'm just wondering if you ever get red spots on the roof of your mouth? I've had a few come up the last few days and now I'm worrying it's oral cancer or something?

I doubt anxiety can cause them?? X

21-08-11, 22:54
Yeah my doctor said that stress can cause mouth ulcers. It has something to do with our immune system that's why these mouth ulcers come out. Also, when we are stressed, our immune system is compromised, thus the slower healing.

I've had a series of successive mouth ulcers last April to May! They were really annoying. Most of them came out because I kept biting my lips and stress.

Hope you're feeling well!

21-08-11, 23:06
These aren't like normal ulcers you get on your tongue they are small red spots on the roof of my mouth. They don't hurt though. Do you get these? X

Gemma T
22-08-11, 14:13
Hi Kitty Kat

Are you sure they are spots and not red dots in the skin because I have them. Ive had them a while and I went to the dentist last wed because of a bump on the roof of my mouth. I didnt mention these spots but neither did he. And he had a good root around them. He would have noticed.

Im thinking they are normal anatomy or caused by irratation (much like a rash). I remember my GP telling me you can get actual spots in your mouth.

Maybe you have scratched the roof

Love Gem x x x

23-08-11, 14:11
These aren't like normal ulcers you get on your tongue they are small red spots on the roof of my mouth. They don't hurt though. Do you get these? X

How long have they been there? Sound like Fordyce spots to me.

Gemma T
23-08-11, 17:48
Forgot about them. Yeh could be that. Trust me oral cancer does not appear as here there and everywhere. It would be one massive and scary looking thing x x x

23-08-11, 18:30
i have suffered from ulcers since i was 15, i suppose the stress then was exams, then later on marriage,childbirth, paying bills........it goes on. The latest ones i have because my Mum died last month, i though i was doing ok as i am on Cit. But no, the ulcer had to appear under the tip of my tongue, that was a killer, now i have one next to a wisdom tooth and my jaw aches like crazy, can't eat very well, can manage chocolate ok though:D. i've done all the gels, lozenges, painkillers (they work), even antibiotics years ago although they weren't supposed to work, what does work though is Corsodyl, but i'm not very good at remembering to use it. Try everything and you will come up with a solution.


Gemma T
23-08-11, 18:39
i have suffered from ulcers since i was 15, i suppose the stress then was exams, then later on marriage,childbirth, paying bills........it goes on. The latest ones i have because my Mum died last month, i though i was doing ok as i am on Cit. But no, the ulcer had to appear under the tip of my tongue, that was a killer, now i have one next to a wisdom tooth and my jaw aches like crazy, can't eat very well, can manage chocolate ok though:D. i've done all the gels, lozenges, painkillers (they work), even antibiotics years ago although they weren't supposed to work, what does work though is Corsodyl, but i'm not very good at remembering to use it. Try everything and you will come up with a solution.


I was thinking to get some corsodyl. Its very good stuff. Its so tiny most people cant see it prob about a millimeter. Its right under my tongue at the back and im sure it rest and pushes on the rest of my mouth as there is no room there hence harder to heal. I think its been rubbing and thats why its taking forever. My ulcers have never hurt to the extend that i didnt know i had them until my dentist told me. Ive never had a big painful one like most get (touch wood lol). The worst i had was when i took a chunk out my cheek when eating. The pain was terrible but only lasted a day.

Im sorry to hear about your mum. PM if you ever feel down and want to talk about it



x x x