View Full Version : obsession with bowels, feel like i'm on the verge of a breakdown, what can i do?

20-08-11, 14:55
i'm sorry, i've posted about this so much lately.

My anxiety is consuming me, my ibs has been so bad now for weeks and i don't know how much more i can take.

First it was sporadic diahoreah, then loose stools, normal stools, always in the morning, going more frequently up to 4 times. Now for the last 2 days i'm veering more to constipation. This is'nt really a new thing cos this is how my ibs has always been but just not for so long. I've also been taking diazepam for the last 3 days so i'm wondering if that could be slowing my bowel down a little.

I'm so tired of putting on a happy face every day for my family when all i want to do is cry. I don't want to do anything, go out, interact with people all i want to do is stay in bed 24/7 but obviously i can't.

I really feel that something is going to snap soon and i'm so scared.

20-08-11, 17:30
Diazapam can affect your bowels .So try to not take it ..Buscopan will help with the symptoms of your IBS .Certain foods will make it worse too so read the IBS PAGE AND AVOID certain things until it settles down .T/c Sue x

20-08-11, 19:40
Have you discussed this with your Dr??? If you haven't or if you have a bit ago and was told IBS then maybe you could go back and explain how badly it is affecting you and why you are worried and you could always ask for tests to rule out anything nasty, GPs won't send you for invasive tests just for your peace of mind but there are alot of tests your GP can do like bloods, stool samples, occult blood tests etc that if they were all fine would be reassuring for you.