View Full Version : Does good news make you panic??

10-05-06, 13:17
I'm wondering if anyone else reacts the same way that I do to even good news and pleasant surprises?

I've just been offered a job that it perfect for me and which I didn't expect to get. So why is it that my mood changed instantly from euphoria to panic and anxiety? At the moment my stomach is churning, acid is burning and I have aches and pains in my arms and my neck is achingly stiff and I feel like I can't breathe....... (althugh admittedly I have been feeling like this for a couple of days due to pre-interview anxiety).

Anyone else experienced similar or am I just a confirmed neurotic!!!

10-05-06, 13:57
hi i was in the same situation,, but i went for it so yes i think we confuse normal excitment with anxeity feelings they are very simular best of luck hope you enjoy xx

jools xx

10-05-06, 14:25
Hi Dorabella

Anxiety and excitement produce the same physical sensations and it is how you interpret these and your thought patterns which determine whether you see this as panic or something to look forward to.

Congratulations on being offered the job.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

10-05-06, 15:16
Greetings from Scotland

I usually smile when I see something I've had before - it comforts me to know I'm not alone!

I found any Change in my life, good or bad large or small could set me off on a panic because it is out of our safety zone and into the unknown. It is almost like agrophobia where people physically do not want to leave their safe environment - in this case you will have to leave your routine and change it for another one.

The best way of defeating panic, even when it has already hit you is to just "feel the fear and do it anyway"

And try to feel good about yourself - you have been given this job because you are a capable and well thought of person - remember Panic does not define who or what you are.


10-05-06, 18:05
Yeah I get the same, it's confusing sometimes. Excitement causes very similar symptoms to anxiety although excitement usually affects my stomach more so than anything else. Anxiety affects me all over, including my head.

10-05-06, 19:35
Hi Dorabella

I can understand your feelings when you get good news, after all good and bad news are two sides of the same coin. Its just seems to me that you have been used to the not so good news so panic. Also theres the thought of the unknown, the new job environment etc. try to just refelect in the euphoric glow of getting what you want.


10-05-06, 21:49
yes, adrenilin released is the same whether it is in fear or elation.i definitely feel the same feelings and it can make even happinesss feel as though it too is being ruined in some way

aparently it is very normal

hope this helps


10-05-06, 22:39
Hi - well done for getting the job!!!

It is so so comforting to know I'm not alone with this.... I think it's possibly the most annoying thing about living with anxiety.. you fear the worst and then panic if the best happens lol!!!!;)

Still, it doesn't usually last long now I understand it....

Hope you feel better and can enjoy the achievement now!!!

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

11-05-06, 10:17
Thanks for all the support - you've all expressed exactly how I feel.

MCONLON's remark about leaving the safety zone is spot on - I've been in my present job for 14 years but have been trying to leave for the last 5 years. It's a problem of wanting and needing change but being afraid when it happens.

The panel agreed unanimously - a rare thing - so I should be quite chuffed (especially so as I didn't feel it was the best interview I'd ever done).

The older I get with this panic and anxiety syndrome the sillier I get. Hopefully when the shock of something good happening to me has subsided I can get on with looking forward to it.

Anyway, thanks again everyone who replied. It's good to know I'm not alone and to know there is always support here from fellow neurotics!!