View Full Version : cant stop peeing!! anyone else had this

20-08-11, 17:21
started cit 2 weeks ago for anxiety was initially on 10mg then upped to 20mg felt spaced out so now on 15mg! Had nausea tired ness and heart palps first few days but now getting used to it. However over last few days have had urinary frequency sometimes going every 20 mins or so then alright for half a day then does it again. Its really irritating me. I am prone to cystits but have tested urine and its fine. I know its listed as a side effect but was wondering if anyone else had experienced this and how long it lasted.
Im determined to see through this treatment ashow I felt before was awful with my anxiety I suffered headaches migraines throat tightening,couldnt swallow food etc etc
Maybe female hormones have something to do with this!! Also has anyone else felt cold as a side effect ? Ive had some episodes of feeling cold thru my body-and the natural hypochondriac I am makes me think it could be something else.

Im glad I found this web site as its fine the doctor putting me on this but what i need is reassurance Im on the right track

Thanks in advance:shrug:

20-08-11, 19:46
I have experienced such thing while taking citalopram, exactly as you describe it, i just can't stop going to the 00:D Don't worry, it should go away soon...

20-08-11, 19:50
Hi hyg, I started on Cit (10mg) on 2nd August as I was suffering from anxiety/panic attacks. I had the dose increased to 20mg on Tuesday of this week. I have noticed an increase in urination and also being cold as you describe. I've been wearing a big cardigan in the house and taking a hot water bottle to bed with me :blush:

Today was a particularly day when I went outside today as I had really bad panic attacks. Think it could be a side effect of the increased dose as I've read that things can get worse before they get better. I hope the Cit starts to work for me rather than against me soon.

20-08-11, 22:53
Thanks for replies and taking time to answer.Its reassuring that others have had the same-even though its annoying for all of us ! I think Im still agitated by the side effects-its early days yet as only 2 weeks in so Ill try to ignore it-as like most things the more we think about then the more it occurs !

Hyg xx:yesyes:

20-08-11, 23:08
Ive got this SE as well lol, it's a bit of a pain but at least it's not bothersome :)