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View Full Version : So flippin scared again.....and i was doing so well!

20-08-11, 18:19
Me again, well after deciding to not have any more alcohol for a while cause for once i wanted to feel okay on Saturday and not feel so ill i would just want to stay in bed all morning. Anyway I was just fine until i was walking down the shops this morning and I got a sudden pain at the top of my thigh which kept coming and going and has left my leg aching and tingling. I have had this before where it started in my foot and made its way up my leg, it started 2 and a half years ago, and i would say it flares up every couple of months. But i have never had the sudden pain at the very top of my thigh before. I was starting to get over my fear of ovarian or some other gynacological cancer, but now this with all my other symptoms I dont think i can ignore it anymore. I know the leg thing might be sciatica, but that could be caused by a tumour pressing on my spine. Anyway for the last week or so I have been getting abdominal pain, like period pain, but i have not got my period. I dont have much of an apetite. I get occasional bloating and trapped wind, and also heartburn and acid reflux. I am so damn tired, but this could be because i am on 40mg fluoxetine. But all the symptoms are now pointing to this particular cancer, and I am so scared. I also get pressure on my bladder like i need to pee more than necessary, I am going to go the docs on Monday, and i think they will refer me for an ultrasound or something this time, and the waiting for the test and then results will be pure torture and I will struggle to get through it. I had CIN III after a smear a couple of years ago, which is the last stage before cancer of the cervix and I had to have the cells removed and a biopsy was done to test for cancer, and the nearly 2 week wait for results turned me into a complete wreck, and i am so scared to go through that again. Obviously I had a positive result last time and have had clear smears ever since, but i may not always be so lucky :weep::weep::weep:

20-08-11, 20:09
Totally understand how you feel. I too had all the symptoms and convinced myself I had cervical cancer. I needed toilet urgently, had lower pelvic pain but no periods, had shooting pains down low in my pelvis and I convinced myself I had it. Was googling symptoms left right and centre. Just now I think I have leukaemia! It just goes from one thing to another!!! But trust me, as soon as you stop thinking about it and break the cycle the symptoms will disappear!! When I had the cervical cancer episode it lasted about a week....I woke up one day and realised I hadnt thought about it and I had NO symptoms! Its so hard to believe because I am still very bad with this but it really is all in your head....you are creating the symptoms! I try to tell myself this everyday and I know it doesnt feel like it its all so real!! xxx

21-08-11, 08:11
Thanx Kaidensmum, I totally understand that, cause so far in the last couple of months I have thought that I have had a blood clot, lung cancer, skin cancer, ovarian cancer and a stomach ulcer, oh and not forgetting bladder cancer! I think its my abdomen that's worrying me at the moment cause that seems to ache all the time now even when I'm not anxious. The leg thing worries me too, so I think that is actually sciatica, but as I have had it for over 2 years if it had been caused by a tumour I would know by now. Anxiety sucks xxx

21-08-11, 08:30
Hi MVP, I am so sorry that you are feeling so stressed and I am sure the doctor will help tomorrow. It is horrible feeling like this all the time and it does seem to go from one symptom to another and wears you out. Do let us know how you get on.